- Security practitioner scared into infrastructure
- Auth0 online identity
- mission: to enable operators to sleep
- Nashville, TN:
- Medical industry
- Large enterprise, hospital chains
- Mostly .NET
- Like waterfall
- Selfish future:
- Want to work at places that do things correctly (tm)
- Share success at Auth0, while sharing past failures
- Story:
- Potential customer wanted to assert a level of capacity
- 3500 requests per sec
- Existing max of measured at 500 request per sec
- Appliance offering handling 2-3x this volume at select clients
- Only two weeks to apply science
- Potential customer wanted to assert a level of capacity
- Steps:
- Recon:
- Auth0 tried to roll out a metrics pipeline previously
- Metrics implementation occurred once in the past (librato)
- Was ripped out because it was not well understood, thought to be cause of latency
- Make the case
- By-in is no joke. If top leaders don't care, it won't happen
- Original source here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/devops-hierarchy-needs-simon-witheridge
- Can't start until we understand the retention requirements
- Falacy
- We don't run a SaaS
- Especially prevalent with on-prem software
- Do not need to store it yourself, make it available
- what happens AFTER you ship the feature
- We've made good decisions up to this point...
- most developers have not seen a successful project - Dave Farley
- Make decisions based on knowledge, not intuition or luck
- 17% of projects are FATAL to companies
- Aligning incentives:
- IT: Decrease MTTR
- IT: Find Bottlenecks
- IT: Understanding seasonality for capacity planning
- [Business] Track new feature usage
- [Business] Track response time / page loading /engagement
- [Business] Drive cost per unit (transaction, request, etc)
- Have developers be on call.
- They'll very quickly align incentives
- Be opportunistic
- Success is often 90% planning, 10% timing, + luck
- Team knew they wanted metrics
- conflicting priorities had initial implementation over 3 months
- Large potential customer approached, asked if we were able to handle specific capacity
- Attack!
- Pick a tool-set
- Common push-backs: Difficult to learn/ understand
- Too many moving parts, concerns
- Planning for unknown, sizing, etc
- Doesn't even address app-level changes to codebase
- In-house managed
- Too many columns (gatherers, listeners, aggregators, presenters)
- Use SaaS... get something.
- Auth0 toolset:
- Datadog / homegrown
- Logging: Kinesis -> Kibana
- Exception handling Sentry
- Iterate.
- First cycle will be hard.
- Phase 1 (bootstrap)
- Make environment
- measure
- testing
- Phase 2 (iteration)
- initial testing, measure
- run to exhaustion
- Phase 3 (readiness)
- Ability to add resources etc
- More can go wrong
- Keep in sync with devs
- Change is difficult,
- pay attention to all feedback.
- "Logging is good enough"
- Need telemetry to narrow down events or systems
- assumes logging even occurs
- No support to interpret data
- failure to forget this will lead to lack of trust
- Finding control points was a pain
- Devs felt abandoned, despite early wins
- Troubleshooting methodology is unknown
- Troubleshoot at OSI model level.
- Help people.
- Build out overview of the system
- Even if it's ugly, horrible or rudimentary.
- Do yourself a favor and work on data flows
- Find the choke points: ELB, Nginx, App code, App-aaS, mongo, db, etc)
- Take a Baseline measurement
- Start with common benchmark
- Agree on a common test ###
- don't spend time bike-shedding here on ideal baseline
- Throw a stick in the mud and start measuring
- Changes can come via PDCA cycles
- Isolate each component, and test individually
- Fix and repair
- Mongodb is mongodb
- Moved to wiredtiger
- Got 3x improvement. (500 to 1500 out of 3500)
- Accept that infrastructure will be the first question. Deal with it. ###
- Keep-alives not working properly.
- rewrite took 2 days.
- Now at 11k RPS in a single component
- Found slow running method in authentication code.
- Unbalanced CPU usage
- Initially tried refactor
- Complete rewrite removed legacy code
- Several discovered memory leaks
- Around 10k RPS.
- "Logging is good enough"
- Measure early
- Instrument early
- align incentives (use words that matter to your boss)
- Jump in, feet first, and iterate.
- Measure, twiddle, measure again.
- Always listen
- Special thanks:
- Perf tiger team
- Keep in sync with devs
- Recon: