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Web Testing With Selenium

Damian Jansen edited this page Jul 18, 2013 · 6 revisions
  1. Introduction
  2. Glossaries
  3. Prepare
  4. Structure
  5. Creating Tests
  6. ...


Selenium is a suite of tools which automates testing of web applications. Refer for further documentation.


  • Test Case/Method/Function: An encapsulated test that
    • Indicates an intent
    • Executes some step(s)
    • Verifies a result
  • Test Suite: A collection of test cases. This may be on the
    • File level (related features)
    • Package level (related concepts)
    • Category level (related priority)
  • Test Root: The directory that contains all the tests, and test category definitions.
    • By default, it is at the subdirectory functional-tests/src/test/java/org/zanata/.

Prepare the test system

Get up and running here


  • A browser. We support
    • Firefox (flaky as of late)
    • Chrome
    • htmlUnit (to some extent)
  • The plugins you like. I suggest
    • firebug or DOM inspector.

Functional Test Structure

A quick overview of the important stuff.

File naming convention

This is how tests/suites/categories should be named. These files exist in the functional-tests module, so feel free to view them as an example.

  • Test File
    • src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/featurename/, eg src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/account/
  • Test Suite (Feature)
    • src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/featurename/, eg src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/account/
    • Directly references the Test File names in this package
  • Test Suite (Top-Level)
    • src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/
    • A list of all other Test Suites, for a full test run or Category filter
  • Test Category
    • src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/, eg src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/
    • Filters by a Test Category name (Interface)
  • Test Category Interface
    • src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/, eg src/test/java/org/zanata/feature/
    • Basically a one liner, but used by the Categories system
  • Test Page
    • src/main/java/org/zanata/page/feature/ e.g. src/main/java/org/zanata/page/account/
    • A page that holds the components and functions that are used for testing and interacting with the page, for example WebElement SaveButton or public RegisterPage enterUserName(String username)

Creating Tests

JUnit Selenium Tests

A Basic Test

Here's an example of a simple test file.

package org.zanata.feature.myfeature;

import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.zanata.util.ResetDatabaseRule;
import org.zanata.workflow.BasicWorkFlow;

import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;

 * @author Me <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
@Category(DetailedTest.class) // Everything in this file will run under the DetailedTest category
public class MyFullTest
   // Include the class rule ResetDatabaseRule, to start with a clean environment
   public static ResetDatabaseRule resetDatabaseRule = new ResetDatabaseRule();

   private HomePage homePage;

   public void before()
      // Start with a new Home Page in every test
      homePage = new BasicWorkFlow().goToHome();

   @Category(BasicAcceptanceTest.class) // This @Test will run under both DT and BAT categories
   public void aGoodTestName()
      MyPage myPage = homePage.goToMyPage(); // Go to a specific place
      myPage.enterTextInField("My text").pressSave(); // Perform some discrete actions
      // Assert some condition
      assertThat("My feature works", myPage.someElementText, Matchers.equalTo("Isn't broken"));

Simple, elegant, easy to read. A Test interacts with a Page ( to perform some actions and verify a result.

Test Suites

Make sure to add your test to the appropriate suites, or it won't be run!

  • Feature Level Suite (right next to the test file)
package org.zanata.feature.myfeature;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;

public class MyFeatureTestSuite
  • Top Level Suite - the file
      MyFeatureTestSuite.class // Add to the list
public class AggregateTestSuite {

Ignoring (Skip) Tests

Sometimes you want to ignore a test in test runs, but you don't want to:

  • throw it away
  • have it sit forever in a block comment
import org.junit.Ignore;
    * Ignored Test
    * This test is ignored because the dynamic Captcha is not yet possible to predict
   @Ignore("There's a problem with finishing this test")
   public void brokenTest()
      MyPage myPage = homePage.goToMyPage();
      myPage.enterTextInCaptchaField().pressSave(); // Cannot enter a valid Captcha value
      // Assert some condition
      assertThat("My feature works", myPage.someElementText, Matchers.equalTo("Successful"));

Broken Tests/Features

It's often good to have a test that fails, in order to indicate how a feature should work, but not interrupt test runs. Having a test pass unexpectedly means something was fixed and should be recorded as such, and the test reverted to an expected pass.

    * Bug test
    * The feature is supposed to show "Everything's ok", but doesn't.
   @Test(expected = AssertionError.class)
   public void bug000001_brokenFeature()
      String notification = "Everything's ok";
      MyPage myPage = homePage.goToMyPage();
      // Fails this assertion, because the feature is broken
      assertThat("My feature works", myPage.someElementText(), Matchers.equalTo(errorMsg));

Data Based Testing (Theories)

If a test has many possible inputs, say a field has some form of validation, don't use a for loop! Use the (albeit experimental) Theories package.

import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint;
import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories;
import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class invalidInputTest {
   @DataPoint public static String INVALID_INPUT_FOR_REASON = "Bad input";
   @DataPoint public static String INVALID_INPUT_FOR_ANOTHER_REASON = "More bad input";

   public void invalidInputRejection(String input)
      String errorMsg = "not a well-formed input";
      MyPage myPage = new BasicWorkFlow().goToMyPage();
      myPage = registerPage.enterTextInField(input).pressSomething();
      assertThat("Invalid input error is shown", registerPage.getErrors(), Matchers.hasItem(errorMsg));

This will run the same test, using all of the DataPoints in the class. For readability, I suggest having data based tests in their own class, to prevent "pollution" of other test classes (due to the nature of the static DataPoints).


Tests should must be

  • Self contained, do NOT rely on the results of other tests
  • Free of all condition block, no fors, whiles, ifs, buts or maybes.
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