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OIDC and PowerAuth Integration


The OIDC and PowerAuth integration enables secure user authentication and the preparation of necessary attributes to initiate a PowerAuth activation. This integration provides tools for managing OpenID Connect (OIDC) flows, including preparing for OIDC activation, processing web callbacks, and handling PKCE codes and authorization URLs.

OIDC is commonly used for scenarios like secure user login, authorization to access resources, or linking third-party accounts.

Note: Before using the OIDC and PowerAuth integration, you need to have a PowerAuthSDK object available.

The integration communicates with the OpenID Connect Standard and enhances the process with secure PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) and state validation to ensure the integrity of the OIDC flow.

Creating an Instance

The preferred way of instantiating Operations Service is via WultraMobileToken class. See: Example Usage

Customized initialization

If you need to create a more customized instance, you can do so as follows.

import WultraMobileTokenSDK
import WultraPowerAuthNetworking

let networkingConfig = WPNConfig(
    baseUrl: URL(string: "")!,
    sslValidation: .default
let networkingService = WPNNetworkingService(
    powerAuth: powerAuth,
    config: networkingConfig,
    serviceName: "OIDCService",
    acceptLanguage: "en"

let oidcService = WMTOIDC(networking: networkingService)

Retrieving Configuration

The getConfig method retrieves the OIDC provider configuration based on a predefined providerId, returning a WMTOIDCConfig object with essential details about the provider, client, and PKCE settings.


The WMTOIDCConfig structure contains essential OIDC configuration values for authentication.

Property Type Description
providerId String The unique identifier for the OIDC provider.
clientId String The OAuth 2.0 client ID used to form the URL for the authorization request.
scopes String A space-delimited list of OAuth 2.0 scopes for the authorization request.
authorizeUri String The OAuth 2.0 authorization URI where the user is redirected for authentication.
redirectUri String The OAuth 2.0 redirect URI where the server sends responses after authentication.
pkceEnabled Bool Indicates whether PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) should be used in the authentication flow.
oidcService.getConfig(providerId: "example_provider") { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let config):
        // OIDC configuration
    case .failure(let error):
        // show error

Preparing OIDC Authorization Data

The prepareAuthorizationData method generates the necessary data for initiating the OIDC authorization process from WMTOIDCConfig. WMTOIDCConfig can be obtained by calling getConfig(providerId) or instantiated directly.


Encapsulates the data required to initiate the OIDC authorization flow and also other properties for PowerAuth Activation flow.

Property Type Description
authorizeUrl URL URL to redirect the user for OIDC authentication.
providerId String Identifier for the OIDC provider configuration.
nonce String Random value to prevent replay attacks.
state String Random value to maintain state between request/callback.
codeVerifier String? PKCE code verifier, if applicable.


let result = oidcService.prepareAuthorizationData(config: oidcConfig)
switch result {
case .success(let oidcAuthRequest):
    // Use oidcAuthRequest.authorizeUri to open the browser (ASWebAuthenticationSession)
case .failure(let error):

Open authorize URL in a web browser

To start the OIDC flow, you must open the authorization URL in a web browser. The recommended approach on iOS is to use ASWebAuthenticationSession for a seamless and secure user experience. ASWebAuthenticationSession also needs callbackURLScheme as a parameter. You can use the scheme of the WMTOIDCConfig redirectUri or deeplink scheme - CFBundleURLSchemes defined in your Info.plist

Since the Wultra Mobile Token SDK does not include any UI logic, it is up to you to implement this functionality. Below is an example of how you can handle the flow:


func openWebBrowser(oidcAuthRequest: WMTOIDCAuthorizationRequest, completion: @escaping (Result<URL, Error>) -> Void) {
    // Create an instance of ASWebAuthenticationSession
    let webAuthSession = ASWebAuthenticationSession(
        url: oidcAuthRequest.authorizationUrl,
        callbackURLScheme: yourAppCallbackScheme,
    ) { callbackURL, error in
        if let callbackURL = callbackURL {
            // Successful authorization
        } else if let error = error {
            // Handle error (e.g., user canceled the authorization)

    webAuthSession.presentationContextProvider = self
    webAuthSession.prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession = true // Avoid shared cookies if needed

Processing a Web Callback and initializing PowerAuth activation flow

After the user completes the OIDC flow in the web browser, the returned URL can be processed to extract the necessary attributes. The WMTOIDCUtils.processWebCallback utility function extracts and validates the data needed to initiate PowerAuth activation. Additionally, the WMTOIDCAuthorizationRequest object, which was used to initiate the OIDC flow, is required to provide essential properties (nonce, providerId, and codeVerifier) for the activation process.


Represents the attributes required to initiate a PowerAuth activation after completing an OIDC flow.

Property Type Description
providerId String Identifier for the OIDC provider configuration.
code String Authorization code received from the OIDC flow.
nonce String Random value for ensuring integrity of the flow.
codeVerifier String? PKCE code verifier, if applicable.

Initiating PowerAuth Activation with OIDC

The final step in the OIDC and PowerAuth integration is to use the createOIDCActivation method. This extension function on PowerAuthSDK initiates the activation process by calling the PowerAuth Standard RESTful API.

do {
    // Process the callback to extract activation attributes
    let activationAttributes = try WMTOIDCUtils.processWebCallback(
        from: callbackUrl, 
        with: oidcAuthorizationRequest // Pass the same data as used for the OIDC flow

    // Initiate PowerAuth activation using the extracted attributes
    let activationTask = try powerAuthSDK.createOIDCActivation(
        attributes: activationAttributes,
        deviceName: "Petr's iPhone 7"
    ) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let activationResult):
            // Activation succeeded
            // now proceed with activation flow - pin, activation commit etc.
        case .failure(let error):
            print("Activation failed: \(error)")
} catch {
    print("Error initializing PowerAuth activation: \(error)")



Provides methods for generating PKCE codes.

  • createPKCE: Generates a code verifier and code challenge based on the length input (data length is in range from 32 to 96 octet sequence which is 43 - 128 Base64 URL safe characters).
guard let pkceResult = try? WMTOIDCUtils.createPKCE(32) else {
    // Error during generating PKCE codes

Random String Generation

Provides method to generate cryptographically secure random strings in Base64 URL-safe format, commonly used for nonces, states, and PKCE code verifiers.

  • getRandomBase64UrlSafe: Generates a code verifier and code challenge based on the length input.
val nonce = WMTOIDCUtils.getRandomBase64UrlSafe(32)


Provides methods for handling URIs.

  • createAuthorizationUri: Constructs an authorization URI.
let urlResult = WMTOIDCUtils.createAuthorizationUrl(config: config, nonce: nonce, state: state, pkceCodes: pkceCodes)
switch urlResult {
case .success(let authorizationUrl):
    // Authorization URL to be opened in the browser
case .failure(let error):
    // creation of the URL failed
  • processWebCallback: Processes a web callback and compares it with input authorization request data to extract activation attributes.
do {
    let activationAttributes = try WMTOIDCUtils.processWebCallback(from: deeplinkUrl, with: oidcAuth)
    // Activation can continue with extension function 
        attributes: activationAttributes,
        activationName: "Petr's iPhone 7") { activationResult in
            switch activationResult {
            case .success(let activation):
            case .failure(let error):
} catch {
    // Activation attributes cannot be created

if (activationAttributes != null) {
    println("Activation attributes ready: $activationAttributes")
} else {
    println("Failed to process deeplink URI.")