// ==UserScript== // @name Neopets : Cliffhanger // @namespace http://gm.wesley.eti.br // @description Plays Chiffhanger as much as possible // @author w35l3y // @email w35l3y@brasnet.org // @copyright 2012+, w35l3y (http://gm.wesley.eti.br) // @license GNU GPL // @homepage http://gm.wesley.eti.br // @version 5.0.3 // @language en // @include http://www.neopets.com/games/cliffhanger/cliffhanger.phtml // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getResourceText // @icon http://gm.wesley.eti.br/icon.php?desc=28760 // @connect angelfire.com // @connect cnwcentral.com // @connect quagthistle.org // @connect neopets.com // @connect github.com // @connect raw.githubusercontent.com // @resource random_events ../../includes/Includes_Neopets_Random_Events/resources/default.csv // @resource randomEventsHtml ../../includes/Includes_Neopets_Random_Events/resources/default.html // @resource meta https://github.com/w35l3y/userscripts/raw/master/scripts/Neopets_Cliffhanger/28760.user.js // @resource i18n ../../includes/Includes_I18n/resources/default.json // @resource updaterWindowHtml ../../includes/Includes_Updater/resources/default.html // @resource updaterWindowCss ../../includes/Includes_Updater/resources/default.css // @require ../../includes/Includes_XPath/63808.user.js // @require ../../includes/Includes_HttpRequest/56489.user.js // @require ../../includes/Includes_Translate/85618.user.js // @require ../../includes/Includes_I18n/87940.user.js // @require ../../includes/Includes_Updater/87942.user.js // @require ../../includes/Includes_Persist_%5BBETA%5D/154322.user.js // @require ../../includes/Includes_Neopets_Random_Events/154363.user.js // @contributor skyknight920 (http://www.angelfire.com/games5/skgames/guides/cliffhangeranswers.html) // @contributor acara227910 (http://www.neopets.com/~acara227910) // @contributor cnwcentral (http://www.cnwcentral.com/neopets/neopets-cliffhanger-answers/) // @contributor Quagthistle (http://quagthistle.org/neopets/Games/CliffhangerTable.html) // @cfu:version version // @history 5.0.0 Added <a href="http://userscripts.org/guides/773">Includes Checker</a> // @history 4.1.0 Changed the order of @require#56489 // @history Added Random Events History // @history Updated @require#87942 // ==/UserScript== /************************************************************************** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **************************************************************************/ (function () { //script scope var options = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("options", JSON.stringify({ at_once : true, random : [5000, 1500], repeat : 10, }))), current = -1, get_answers = function (obj) { if (obj.source.length) { var s = obj.source.shift(); HttpRequest.open({ method : "get", url : s[0], onsuccess : function (xhr) { var answers = xpath(s[1], xhr.response.xml).map(function (v) { return v.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); }); if (answers.length) { GM_setValue("answers", JSON.stringify(answers)); obj.callback(obj); } else { get_answers(obj); } }, }).send(); } else { alert("No answer was found."); } }, next = function (obj) { return (wait = window.setTimeout(function () { HttpRequest.open({ method : obj.form.method || "get", url : obj.form.action, headers : { Referer : obj.referer, }, onsuccess : function (xhr) { RandomEvents.process({ document : xhr.response.xml, }); var x = ".//td[@class = 'content']", module = xpath(x)[0], nmodule = xpath(x, xhr.response.xml)[0]; if (nmodule) { module.parentNode.replaceChild(nmodule, module); } obj.referer = xhr.response.raw.finalUrl; obj.callback(obj); }, }).send(obj.form.elements); }, options.random[0] + Math.floor(options.random[1] * Math.random()))); }, wait; window.addEventListener("keypress", function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 27: console.log("Force Stop!"); window.clearTimeout(wait); break; } }, false); window.addEventListener("unload", function (e) { window.clearTimeout(wait); }, false); RandomEvents.title = "Random Events - Cliffhanger"; RandomEvents.location = "/games/cliffhanger/cliffhanger.phtml"; (function recursive (obj) { var skill = xpath(".//form[contains(@action, 'process_cliffhanger.phtml')]/input[@name = 'game_skill' and @value = '3']")[0]; obj.callback = recursive; if (skill) { if (-1 > options.repeat || ++current < options.repeat) { skill.click(); obj.form = skill.form; next(obj); } } else { var answers = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("answers", "[]")); if (answers.length) { var pattern = new RegExp("^" + xpath(".//tbody/tr/td[@bgcolor= 'skyblue' and @colspan = '2' and contains(b/text(), '_')]")[0].innerHTML.replace(/<br>/g, " ").replace(/\s+|<(?:\/?\w+|\w+(?:\s+\w+="\w+")+)>/g, "").replace(/_/g, "\\w").replace(/(?: |<br(?: *\/?)>)/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") + "$", "gim"), x = pattern.exec(answers.join("\n").toUpperCase()), t = x && x.length || 0; if (1 < t || !options.at_once) { var letters = xpath(".//a[contains(@href, 'process_cliffhanger.phtml?choice=') and b]").sort(function () { return Math.floor(3 * Math.random()) - 1; }), list = {}; letters.forEach(function (v) { var letter = v.textContent.toUpperCase(); list[letter] = [0, v.href]; for (var ai = 0;ai < t;++ai) { if (-1 != x[ai].indexOf(letter)) { ++list[letter][0]; } } }); for (var tt = t;tt;--tt) { for (var v in list) { if (list[v][0] == tt) { obj.form = { method : "get", action : list[v][1], elements : [], }; return next(obj); } } } } if (t == 1) { var solve = xpath(".//form[contains(@action, 'process_cliffhanger.phtml')]/input[@name = 'solve_puzzle']")[0]; solve.value = x[0]; obj.form = solve.form; return next(obj); } } get_answers(obj); } }({ referer : location.href, source : [ ["http://www.angelfire.com/games5/skgames/guides/cliffhangeranswers.html", ".//font/p/text()"], ["http://www.neopets.com/~acara227910", ".//b/font/p/text()"], ["http://www.cnwcentral.com/neopets/neopets-cliffhanger-answers/", "id('content')/article/div/ul/li/text()"], ["http://quagthistle.org/neopets/Games/CliffhangerTable.html", ".//td[2]/text()"] ], })); }());