To e.g. quantize a floating point model downloaded form the model zoo to an int8 model suitable for Systolic, run
python3 --model_path $MODEL/model.onnx --dataset_path $MODEL --output_model_path $MODEL/model_quantized.onnx --static=True --data_preprocess=caffe2 --mode=int8
where the preprocess mode depends on the precise model you're trying to quantize. As an example, googlenet uses caffe2 style preprocessing, while resnet50 uses mxnet style preprocessing. Best way to determine this is if the preprocessing steps aren't given is to try running the floating point model through the imagenet runner and playing with the preprocessing options until the results make sense.
Note that you must have the onnxruntime
python package installed (this can be installed from pypi).
This will first run the floating point model on onnxruntime to determine suitable quantization parameters, then update
the ONNX graph to use quantized equivalents. The --static
parameters forces all quantized input scales to be fixed ahead of time,
rather than dynamically computing them during inference (see below for details on static vs. dynamic).
For more detail on Systolic specific transformations see
See the quantizer readme in the systolic_docs folder for more information on the dataset format needed.
Below might be out of date as our calibration script has diverged. Read at your own risk.
Quantization in ORT refers to 8 bit linear quantization of an onnx model. There are 2 tools which aid converting an onnx model to an onnx quantized model.
* Quantization Tool
* Calibration Tool
During quantization the floating point real values are mapped to an 8 bit quantization space and it is of the form : VAL_fp32 = Scale * (VAL_quantized - Zero_point)
Scale is a positive real number used to map the floating point numbers to a quantization space. It is calculated as follows : For unsigned 8 bit
scale = (data_rage_max - data_range_min) / (quantization_range_max - quantization_range_min)
For signed 8 bit
scale = Abs(data_rage_max, data_range_min) * 2 / (quantization_range_max - quantization_range_min)
Zero point represents zero in quantization space. It is important that floating point zero value be exactly representable in quantization space. This is because in lot of CNNs, zero padding is used and if after quantization it is not possible to represent 0 uniquely then it will lead to accuracy errors.
There are 2 ways of quantizing a model
- Only use quantization : This method assumes the model owner is going to use Integer Ops for quantization or has pre calculated the quantization params as they are required inputs for using QLinear Ops
ONNX Model ---> ---> ONNX Quantized Model
- Use both calibration and quantization : This method is preferred when using QLinear Ops for quantization.
ONNX Mode --> --> --> ONNX Quantized model
Today ORT does not guarantee support for E2E model quantization, meaning since not all ONNX ops have support for 8 bit data types therefore only the supported ops in the model are quantized. For rest of the ops inputs are reconverted to FP32.
The following ops were chosen as phase 1 ops because in most of the CNN models these ops consume most amount of compute and power and therefore there is benefit in quantizing these ops to get perf benefits.
- Convolution
- Matmul
- Data type agnostic ops like transpose, identity etc. ( Note: special quantization is not done for these ops.)
Quantization is fairly new in ONNX and ONNXRuntime. Quantization ops were introduced in ONNX opset version 10. Therefore it is important that the model which is being quantized be opset 10 or higher. In case the model opset version is < 10 then it is recommended that the model should be reconverted to ONNX from its original framework using the latest opset.
Quantization tool displays a warning when the model opset version is < 10 and still goes ahead and quantizes the model and at the end changes the opset version to 10. It is the responsibility of the model owner to run model checker and make sure the model is valid. If the model is not valid then use the above recommended way i.e. reconvert the model from original framework.
Please note quantization and graph optimizations may not always work together.
If a model is optimized using level 99 (i.e. all possible optimizations are run on that model) then it is possible that after these optimizations are applied the model is converted in a way that quantization cannot be applied on this model anymore and therefore after running quantization script there will be no change in the model.
Same goes the other way round. After quantizing a model some graph optimizations which otherwise might have been applicable on this model may not be applicable anymore.
It is advised that the model owner be aware of this and run perf evaluations to understand which technique gives the best performance for their model.
quantize() takes a model in ModelProto format and returns the quantized model in ModelProto format.
Default is set to QuantizationMode.IntegerOps with dynamic input quantization.
QuantizationMode.IntegerOps with static input quantization: Quantize using integer ops. Inputs/activations are quantized using static scale and zero point values which are specified through "quantization_params" option.
quantized_model = quantize(model, quantization_mode=QuantizationMode.IntegerOps, static=True, quantization_params={ 'input_1': [np.uint8(113), np.float32(0.05)] })
QuantizationMode.IntegerOps with dynamic input quantization: Quantize using integer ops. Inputs/activations are quantized using dynamic scale and zero point values which are computed while running the model. This is the default quantization mode.
quantized_model = quantize(model, quantization_mode=QuantizationMode.IntegerOps, static=False)
QuantizationMode.QLinearOps with static input quantization: Quantize using QLinear ops. Inputs/activations are quantized using static scale and zero point values which are specified through "quantization_params" option.
quantized_model = quantize(model, quantization_mode=QuantizationMode.QLinearOps, static=True, quantization_params={ 'input_1': [np.uint8(113), np.float32(0.05)] 'output_1': [np.uint8(113), np.float32(0.05)] })
QuantizationMode.QLinearOps with dynamic input quantization: Quantize using QLinear ops. Inputs/activations are quantized using dynamic scale and zero point values which are computed while running the model. Output scale and zero point values have to be specified using "quantization_params" option.
quantized_model = quantize(model, quantization_mode=QuantizationMode.QLinearOps, static=False, quantization_params={ 'output_1': [np.uint8(113), np.float32(0.05)] })
See below for a description of all the options to quantize():
- model: ModelProto to quantize
- per_channel: default: False If True, weights of Conv nodes are quantized per output channel. If False, they are quantized per tensor. Refer QLinearConv for more information.
- nbits: default: 8 Number of bits to represent quantized data. Currently only nbits=8 is supported.
- quantization_mode: default: QuantizationMode.IntegerOps QuantizationMode.IntegerOps: Quantize using integer ops. Only ConvInteger and MatMulInteger ops are supported now. QuantizationMode.QLinearOps: Quantize using QLinear ops. Only QLinearConv and QLinearMatMul ops are supported now.
- static: default:False If True, the inputs/activations are quantized using static scale and zero point values specified through quantization_params. If False, the inputs/activations are quantized using dynamic scale and zero point values computed while running the model.
- asymmetric_input_types: default: False If True, weights are quantized into signed integers and inputs/activations into unsigned integers. If False, weights and inputs/activations are quantized into unsigned integers.
- force_fusions: default: False If True, nodes added for dynamic quantization are fused. If False, no fusion is applied for nodes which are added for dynamic quantization. This optimization is available from opset 11.
- quantization_params: default: None Dictionary to specify the zero point and scale values for inputs to and outputs from conv and matmul nodes. Should be specified when static is set to True. The quantization_params should be specified in the following format: { "input_name": [zero_point, scale] }. zero_point should be of type np.uint8 and scale should be of type np.float32. example: { 'resnet_model/Relu_1:0': [np.uint8(0), np.float32(0.019539741799235344)], 'resnet_model/Relu_2:0': [np.uint8(0), np.float32(0.011359662748873234)] }
- nodes_to quantize: default: None List of nodes names to quantize. When this list is not None only the nodes in this list are quantized. example: [ 'Cov__224', 'Conv__252' ]
import onnx
from quantize import quantize, QuantizationMode
# Load the onnx model
model = onnx.load('path/to/the/model.onnx')
# Quantize
quantized_model = quantize(model, quantization_mode=QuantizationMode.IntegerOps)
# Save the quantized model, 'path/to/the/quantized_model.onnx')
Calibration can be used to improve quantization, adding reduced-precision computation for neural networks while retaining high accuracy without retraining.
Calibration uses a small data set representative of the original data set to calculate quantization thresholds. To calculate the quantization thresholds it updates the original onnx model by adding ReduceMin
and ReduceMax
nodes to all the nodes which are candidates for quantization (Today this is applicable for Conv
and MatMul
nodes). It then runs through the calibration datasets to gather these outputs and finally calculates the quantization thresholds. These are then passed as inputs to for quantizing the model.
See below for a description of all the options to calibrate():
- model_path: Path to the original FP32 model
- output_model_path: default: calibrated_quantized_model.onnx Path to the output model
- dataset_path: Path to the calibration dataset. This dataset is meant to contain "representative" examples of the input (presumably, a subset of the dataset the original model was trained on), which are used to collect statistics on the "typical" outputs of selected nodes in the model, as described in the sections below. The dataset can be provided as:
- A filepath for a directory, containing images or
- A protobuf file, encoding a set of images using the
schema, Whether a set of files or a collected bundles of tensors,
assumes that the images in the representative dataset are suitable for immediate consumption by the original fp32 model, i.e., that they have been adequately pre-processed.
- data_preprocess:
preprocess_method1: reshapes an image into NCHW format and scales the pixel values to the[-1, 1] range. This method mirrors the treatment for mobilenet models available in version 0.5 of mlperf
preprocess_method2: resizes and normalizes image to NCHW format, in a technique used by mlperf 0.5 for variants of ResNet.
None: use this when providing tensorproto as input to the calibration script.
For maximum flexibility, it is recommended that the user carries out the necessary preprocessing as a separate stage in the quantization pipeline, and provides the already-preprocessed dataset to
. Alternatively, we welcome contributions of preprocessing techniques (see below).
Add a new preprocessing method to
file. Please refer to the existing pre-processing methods in this file while adding a new one. To expose it as a new preprocessing function to the command line, "register" it by adding it to the name/function mapping maintained as a dictionary in the set_preprocess
function in
Alternatively the script also accepts preprocessed tensors in .pb format. Refer to this article to understand how to hop between numpy arrays and tensorproto.
python --model_path=<'path/to/model.onnx'> --output_model_path=<'path/to/output_model.onnx'> --dataset_path=<'path/to/data/folder'> --data_preprocess=<custom or prebuilt preprocessing method>
This is an E2E example to demonstrate calibration, quantization and accuracy testing for a resnet model. We leverage instructions in MLperf for downloading the imagenet dataset, selecting the calibration data set and use mlperf accuracy benchmark for testing the accuracy of the quantized model.
Download the model : Download the resnet50_v1
Prepare imagenet dataset : Follow instructions provided in mlperf repo
Install latest versions of ONNX and ONNXRuntime
Quantize the model : As described above there are 2 ways to do this.
- Use quantization tool only. This method uses Integer Ops :
import onnx from quantize import quantize, QuantizationMode model = onnx.load('path/to/the/model.onnx') quantized_model = quantize(model, quantization_mode=QuantizationMode.IntegerOps, force_fusions=True), 'path/to/the/quantized_model.onnx')
- Use calibration and quantization. This method uses QLinear Ops :
- Download the calibration image list : From mlperf repo
- Create a calibration_data_set folder and copy the list of image names mentioned in "cal_image_list_option_<1/2>.txt" from the Imagenet dataset to this new folder.
- Run the calibration tool :
python --model_path=/<path>/E2E_example_model/resnet50_v1.onnx.onnx --output_model_path=/<output_path>/calibrated_quantized_model.onnx --dataset_path=/<path>/calibration_data_set --data_preprocess=preprocess_method2
Setup and run mlperf accuracy tests : Now that quantized model is ready run the accuracy tests using the mlperf accuracy benchmarks.
- Set up the mlperf benchmark
- Run accuracy test : For example
./ onnxruntime resnet50 --accuracy --count 5000