Jim Helwig, Cheryl Palafox-Stewart, Lauren Anderson, Laura McCord
- An apereo.org website revamping may be approved in the near future. The uPortal (and other projects) presence on the new site will generally be a single landing page. We will be looking for volunteers to help migrate content to a new Github-based project site.
Presentations have been scheduled. We discussed how best to use the three uPortal round table discussions in the schedule.
We noted that we need to start collecting information for the uPortal annual report.
- Materials encouraging engagement
- Improved web presence
- Migrate usable content from wiki to Github
- Improve internationalization of documentation
- Clarify maven release process
- Clarify uPortal Supporting Subscription program
We will also look into having an information table at the conference where people can learn about the uPortal Supporting Subscription program, Friends of Apereo, and Apereo membership. - Establish a uPortal demo site
Lauren will initiate a conversation on list.