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File metadata and controls

64 lines (61 loc) · 3.71 KB

Metadata for the Southern Rockies Linked Disturbance GEDI Dataset

This dataset includes GEDI points from 2019-2021 that are over forested areas of the Southern Rockies. Data points within a buffer of Census Bureau road polylines have been removed. Data points that had a fire or insect disturbance in the year of GEDI data collection have been removed. Disturbance data is from the disturbance stack derived by CU Boulder's CIRES Earth Lab in 2023.


Author: Tyler L. McIntosh Date generated: 2023-04-25 21:26:27 MDT GitHub repo with code for reproduction


columns :: description

date :: GEDI collection date beam :: GEDI beam shot_numbe :: GEDI shot number degrade_fl :: unknown l4_quality :: unknwon l2_quality :: unknown algorithm_ :: unknown sensitivit :: sensitivity? lat_lowest :: Latitude in EPSG4326 lon_lowest :: Longitude in EPSG4326 elev_lowes :: Elevation tree_cover :: tree cover? pft_class :: Plant functional type class agbd_se :: Aboveground Biomass from GEDI 4A product standard error? agbd :: Aboveground Biomass from GEDI 4A product roadBuffer :: Within road buffer? 1 = yes, NA = no utm_z13n_easting :: UTM Z 13N Northing utm_z13n_northing :: UTM Z 13N Easting gediYear :: Year of GEDI data collection modisNonVeg :: Modis non vegetated % cover in year of GEDI data collection, NA indicates data unavailable modisNonTreeVeg :: Modis non-tree vegetated % cover in year of GEDI data collection, NA indicates data unavailable modisTreeVeg :: Modis tree % cover in year of GEDI data collection, NA indicates data unavailable modisNonVeg2000 :: Modis non vegetated % cover in 2000, NA indicates data unavailable modisNonTreeVeg2000 :: Modis non-tree vegetated % cover in 2000, NA indicates data unavailable modisTreeVeg2000 :: Modis tree % cover in 2000, NA indicates data unavailable peakNDVI :: Peak NDVI in year of GEDI data collection, derived from Landsat aspect :: Topographic aspect derived from USGS SRTM 30m DEM slope :: Topographic slope derived from USGS SRTM 30m DEM elevation :: Topographic elevation from USGS SRTM 30m DEM heatLoadIndex :: McCune & Keon Heat Load Index (HLI) from USGS SRTM 30m DEM chili :: CHILI heat load index mtpi :: MTPI forestMask :: Forest mask, binary: pixels with any type of forested cover at any point in NLCD dataset forestCode :: Forest code: NLCD codes of modal forest cover for pixel forestType :: Forest type: NLCD human-readable forest cover type associated with code hex_id_100000 :: hex id 100000m size hex_id_50000 :: hex id 50000m size hex_id_10000 :: hex id 10000m size hex_id_5000 :: hex id 5000m size US_L4CODE :: EPA level 4 code US_L4NAME :: EPA level 4 name adm_code :: Surface Management Agency code aetNorm :: 30-yr average of AET from TopoFire, Holden et al. defNorm :: 30-yr average of CWD from TopoFire, Holden et al. spei... :: Standardized Precipitaion Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) with climatic water balance aggregated over the year prior to a given date. Averaged for each calendar year and provided for each year X years prior to GEDI data collection. NA indicates out of data timeframe speiCum... :: Cumulative SPEI over the time period specified yrsSince... :: Number of years since an event of the given disturbance type, exclusive of GEDI collection year. NA indicates disturbance was never present in available data collectionYr... :: Presence of given disturbance in year of GEDI collection, binary ...YrsInPriorX :: Number of years of given disturbance in the X years prior to GEDI data collection. NA indicates that X is beyond the time frame of the available data ...combo... :: 'Combo' indicates a combined disturbance of either hotterDrought & insects or hotterDrought & fire occurring in the same year