A burn implementation of examplar WGAN model to generate MNIST digits inspired by the PyTorch implementation. Please note that better performance maybe gained by adopting a convolution layer in some other models.
# Cuda backend
cargo run --example wgan-mnist --release --features cuda
# Wgpu backend
cargo run --example wgan-mnist --release --features wgpu
# Tch GPU backend
export TORCH_CUDA_VERSION=cu124 # Set the cuda version
cargo run --example wgan-mnist --release --features tch-gpu
# Tch CPU backend
cargo run --example wgan-mnist --release --features tch-cpu
# NdArray backend (CPU)
cargo run --example wgan-mnist --release --features ndarray # f32 - single thread
cargo run --example wgan-mnist --release --features ndarray-blas-openblas # f32 - blas with openblas
cargo run --example wgan-mnist --release --features ndarray-blas-netlib # f32 - blas with netlib
To generate a sample of images, you can use wgan-generate
. The same feature flags are used to select a backend.
cargo run --example wgan-generate --release --features cuda