There are two ways in using the Nexus box. The first approach is using the box directly in your Vagrantfile
with the box name set to titon/nexus
-- this approach allows for more granular hands on control. The second approach is through the Nexus hub, which is an all-in-one command line tool for managing multiple projects.
To simply use the box, set your Vagrant box to titon/nexus
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "titon/nexus"
To use the all-in-one hub, clone the repository to your local machine, preferably in a location where your projects reside, like ~/Sites/
git clone [email protected]:titon/nexus.git
Move into the nexus directory and install the gems required by the command line tool.
cd nexus/
If you don't have Bundler installed, you can install the gems directly.
gem install 'escort'
gem install 'table_print'
gem install 'win32console' # If you are on Windows
Initialize the Nexus environment.
nexus init
If you are on Windows, you may need to pipe the command through ruby to get it working.
ruby nexus init
Before you boot up and provision Vagrant for the first time, the Nexus environment will need to be configured.
Help menus can also be accessed from the CLI by passing --help
Once Nexus is configured, boot up Vagrant and wait for it to provision.
nexus up
Once complete, direct your browser to
. If everything worked correctly, you should see the following splash screen.
This splash screen will display the current version for each installed technology.
The following ports have been forwarded to allow guest box access.
Tech | Forwarded To | Port |
HTTP | 8008 | 80 |
HTTPS | 4043 | 443 |
MySQL | 30306 | 3306 |
PostgreSQL | 50432 | 5432 |