Code for AskUbuntu data.
/pre-trained contains a model by pre-training encoder using the code, following our previous work on semi-supervised question retrieval.
The data and pre-trained word embeddings are available at this repo.
To run the code, you need Numpy and Theano (> I used) installed. Next:
- Clone the rcnn repo
- Use “export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/rcnn/code” to add the rcnn/code directory to Python library
- Run
python --help
to see all running options
Example run of AskUbuntu data:
THEANO_FLAGS='device=gpu,floatX=float32' # use GPU and 32-bit float
python # independent selection version
--embeddings /path/to/vectors # path to load word vectors (required)
--corpus text_tokenized.txt.gz # path to the AskUbuntu corpus (required)
--train train_random.txt # path to training set (required)
--dev dev.txt # path to development set (required)
--test test.txt # path to test set (required)
--load_pretrain pre-trained/rcnn_lr0.001_d400_dr0.1.pkl.gz
# path to pre-trained encoder (required)
--dump_rationale outputs.txt # dump selected rationales
--sparsity 0.01 --coherent 1.0 # regularizations
--joint 1 # update both encoder and generator (0: generator only)
--merge 1 # put question title at the beginning (1) or randomly (2)