0.10.0 (2023-06-26)
- protocol: use ring buffer for ETH deposit and optimize storage (#13868) (acffb61)
- website: add pheasant network to ecosystem (#13995) (3253771)
- website: add sepolia node running guide (#14028) (e5e7b0e)
- website: Update node troubleshooting for Windows users. (#14032) (55145bb)
0.9.0 (2023-06-12)
- website: add updated ecosystem page (#13887) (74fcbae)
- website: update branding, update blog posts, add vercel web analytics (#13871) (46bae97)
- website: update loopring wallet link (#13962) (0bf1b51)
- website: update proving docs (#13915) (be7d275)
- website: update swap guide (#13934) (3ad3882)
- website: update website with alpha-3 docs (#13723) (95303a5)
- protocol: hash deposit IDs (#13853) (d3aea36)
- website: add error explanation to run a node guide (#13953) (6635c7e)
- website: add swap guide to guides (#13946) (8054497)
- website: bridge guide link (#13933) (4dbd2ee)
- website: fix broken links and remove deprecated pages (#13840) (cce7ed7)
- website: fix rpc url for hardhat guide (#13954) (96db7a7)
- website: token config (#13914) (c7d91a2)
- website: update contract addresses (#13918) (125ecff)
- website: update run a node guide to point rpc to archive node (#13942) (a3d73a8)
0.8.0 (2023-05-26)
- protocol: Add a setter where all fee calc params can be set with one go (#13816) (a78a2f8)
- protocol: add overridable getEIP1559Config() to TaikoL2 (#13815) (e15a9c1)
- protocol: Add reward and fee fields to events (#13808) (10be2fb)
- protocol: Add setter to IAddressManager of AddressResolver (#13799) (34de89c)
- protocol: do not allow using owner() as named address in AddressManager (#13771) (12c810f)
- protocol: Scale up damping factor and flatten curve (#13809) (b1dcb59)
- protocol: Fix name mismatch(build) issue (#13803) (e55e39a)
- protocol: rename treasure to treasury (#13780) (ccecd70)
- relayer: Out of gas (#13778) (a42a33b)
0.7.0 (2023-05-11)
- protocol: add TaikoGovernor and improve TaikoToken (#13711) (ad75cd5)
- protocol: Introduce oracle and system prover concept (#13729) (e8ba716)
- protocol: major protocol upgrade for alpha-3 testnet (#13640) (02552f2)
0.6.0 (2023-04-08)
0.5.0 (2023-03-29)
- website: add link to the alpha-2 explainer blog post (#13402) (0d588b1)
- website: add loopring to showcase page (#13409) (5eb4eb0)
- website: add taiko addresses (#13445) (81ba617)
- website: alpha-2 testnet docs (#13372) (e2fcd9b)
- website: refactor prover and node running guides and add warning (#13414) (72d3d4e)
- website: update run a prover troubleshooting (#13407) (39ce0f2)
- website: add infura and update guidance on rpc providers (#13473) (c0329fa)
- website: add run a prover (#13399) (9d68016)
- website: announcement status link (#13398) (c056c71)
- website: fix code block for copying script commands (#13410) (5ad26ed)
- website: fix contributing link (#13405) (b41504e)
- website: fix run a node guide prover logs (#13421) (71d85c2)
- website: update homepage (#13438) (62b4b02)
- website: update run a prover docs (#13401) (6f5bb9d)
- website: Update swap-tokens.mdx (#13487) (c082848)
0.4.1 (2023-03-15)
- website,bridge-ui: broken docs link + remove deprecated note in docs (#13259) (912c155)
- website: fix showcase page layout (#13303) (36560e5)
0.4.0 (2023-03-01)
- website: add alpha-1 shutdown banner (#13159) (ce64a6f)
- website: create a showcase page (#13162) (96b94cd)
- website: fix darkmode bug on docs website (#13101) (a6d9bed)
- website: revert auto-fetch blog posts on home page (#13169) (ce7329a)
0.3.0 (2023-02-15)
- add theme switch on website home page (#13084) (34c5501)
- protocol: add more protocol/tokenomics tests (#12988) (3a7523f)
- website: automatically publish latest blog posts to website (#13027) (9fbf102)
- website: init bridge and signal service documentation (#13117) (eeb3a0e)
- website: minor various improvements to website and docs (#13121) (6cd06f1)
0.2.0 (2023-01-31)
0.1.0 (2023-01-19)
- docs: add github discussions links (#436) (8bf5632)
- docs: add github edit button to talks and faq page (#334) (b9951d6)
- docs: autocommit changes to solidity docs and omit private state vars and functions (#490) (dbf8db9)
- docs: improve docs (#1646) (4ac12a4)
- init taiko docusaurus site (#177) (bf3ca48)
- migrate to nextra (#12947) (ac11959)
- protocol: expose getUncleProofDelay function (#7058) (dd0f011)
- protocol: implement & simulate tokenomics (#376) (191eb11)
- ui: Template / initial repo for UI (#304) (a396511)
- website: add a footer link for whitepaper (#12956) (f329710)
- website: add youtube footer link (#301) (912db51)
- website: create testnet docs (#428) (b355be0)
- website: default to light theme for readability (#448) (f9dd4e0)
- website: init smart contracts docs (#390) (c895430)
- website: rework the website hero + animated taiko image (#414) (70087dd)
- website: update website homepage (#278) (07a2709)
- website: update website homepage (#383) (0b0e3c0)
- website: use oxanium font for homepage headings (#432) (6253f5f)
- protocol: Remove enableDestChain functionality (#12341) (362d083)
- tests: cleanup tests to prepare for tokenomics testing (#11316) (d63fae3)
- website: animation scrolling errors (#453) (97d093b)
- website: broken career links to notion (f55a605)
- website: hero overflow-right taikogeom (#443) (2fa40e0)
- website: navbar icon opacity (#225) (319f659)
- website: remove yarn lock and update package.json to use pnpm (#226) (5915a8a)
- website: rework footer links formatting (#371) (c62bbe5)