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sy4mil edited this page May 7, 2012 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the Aqua-Resizer wiki!

If you have issues, questions and feedbacks, please use the Issues page of this git. :)


<?php aq_resize( $url, $width, $height, $crop, $single ) ?>



(str)(required) - The image URL you want to resize/crop. Note: Must be uploaded through WordPress. Default: none


(integer)(required) - The width you want the image to be resized into. Default: none


(integer)(optional) - The height you want the image to be resized into. If this is not supplied, WordPress will calculate the optimum height with dependency on the $crop settings. Default: null


(boolean)(optional) - Choose whether to crop the image (TRUE), or only rescale the image to the required size (FALSE). Default: false


(boolean)(optional) - This will return an array containing url, width, and height if set to true. Otherwise, the function will just return a string containing the url of the cropped image. Default: false


The function will return a string containing the URL of the cropped image by default, or return an array containing the cropped image url and it's new calculated width & height. The function will only run once for each image & set dimensions. Once the image is already cropped, it will only return the URL therefore you won't have to worry about the function hogging your server on each page load.


I have included several usage samples on this page. More will be included soon

Future plans

  • Ability to choose "quality" of the resized images (jpeg only)
  • Define custom cache path (currently uses default WP upload directory)
  • Custom suffix
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