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Strong types for System F, at last

Reference files: PolyTyped and SubstProperties

Finally, we put everything together to develop a strongly-typed AST for System F!

As in Poly, we use de Bruijn indices for both term and type variables. However, this time, in PolyTyped we use weakly-typed indices for binding at the type level (as defined in Subst) and strongly-typed indices for binding at the term level (as defined in SubstTyped).

To distinguish these parallel definitions, we qualify the imports in what follows below.

import qualified Subst as U         -- for type-level substitutions (which are weakly-typed, aka. Untyped)
import qualified SubstTyped as T    -- for term-level substitutions (which are strongly-typed, aka. Typed)

So, for this version, we start with the expression datatype that we saw in Part II, but we make two changes.

data Exp :: [Ty] -> Ty -> Type where

  IntE   :: Int  -> Exp g IntTy   -- literal integer values

  VarE   :: T.Idx g t -> Exp g t  -- Idx type from SubstTyped

  LamE   :: Π (t1 :: Ty)          -- type of binder
         -> Exp (t1:g) t2         -- body of abstraction
         -> Exp g (t1 :-> t2)

  AppE   :: Exp g (t1 :-> t2)     -- function
         -> Exp g t1              -- argument
         -> Exp g t2

First, we index this datatype using the System F types that we saw in Part III.

data Ty = IntTy | Ty :-> Ty | VarTy U.Idx | PolyTy Ty

and second, we extend Exp with the data constructors for type abstraction TyLam and type application TyApp as in Part III (see below).

This part is where we are really "dependently-typed" programming, and you might expect a little Hasochism to come into play reflecting the differences between Haskell and real dependently-typed languages like Agda or Idris. It does, but maybe not in the way that you might expect.

The good news is that the singletons library means that we don't have to worry about code duplication (i.e. we don't need to write our operations multiple times). The singletons library generates the additional definitions for us. There is still some friction, though, because we do have multiple versions of the "same" definition, so there are a few places where the code looks a bit strange.

The more serious issue is that Haskell is not a proof assistant. There will be a few places where type checking requires a proof obligation about a functional program that we cannot satisfy. There isn't really a good solution to this problem, but we will discuss the trade-offs of various alternatives.

Singleton types and promoted definitions

This example makes heavy use of the singletons library. If you go back to the Subst and Poly modules, you'll see that some definitions are surrounded by Template Haskell brackets. These definitions are processed by the singletons library to generate additional definitions that we can use for dependently-typed programming.

For example, the singletons library automatically derives the "singleton" analogue of the Ty datatype, called STy. This means that in addition to the Ty datatype defined in Poly (and shown above) the library also generates the following datatype declaration for us (i.e. we don't have to write it).

data STy :: Ty -> Type where
    SIntTy  :: STy IntTy
    (:%->)  :: STy a  -> STy b -> STy (a :-> b)
    SVarTy  :: U.SIdx i -> STy (VarTy i)
    SPolyTy :: STy a  -> STy (PolyTy a)

The STy type is isomorphic to Ty; it includes all the same data constructors, now starting with S (or mangled to include a %) that each take analogous arguments. However, each data constructor determines the form of the parameter to STy. For example, if we have a value of type

x = SIntTy :%-> SIntTY

then it must have type

x :: STy (IntTy :-> IntTy)

The STy type allows us to "fake" dependent types. For example, the LamE constructor can include a type annotation for the bound variable. This type annotation is present as part of the data structure, but also can be used in the result type of the constructor.

LamE :: STy t1 -> Exp g t2 -> Exp g (t1 :-> t2)

For convenience, the singletons library defines a type family, called Sing, that gathers together all singleton types (like STy above) using the same name. That means, we can also write the type of LamE using Sing and let GHC figure out that we mean the singleton type for Ty.

LamE :: Sing t1 -> Exp g t2 -> Exp g (t1 :-> t2)

Furthermore, if we want to pretend that we are doing dependently-typed programming, we can also define the following type abbreviation.

type Π = Sing

This abbreviation lets us write the type of LamE using a "Π" quantifier.

LamE :: Π (t1 :: Ty) -> Exp g t2 -> Exp g (t1 :-> t2)

Furthermore, the singletons library generates type-level analogues for the other functions in the file, as well as the SubstDB type class and its members, using type families. These analogues let us use the (overloaded) functions in types; we will need them in the types of TyLam and TyApp, the new data constructors that we will add to Exp.

However, there are two main differences between normal expression-level functions and those promoted to type-families by singletons:

  1. Type families must start with a capital letter. So in types, the promoted function subst must be referred to as the type family Subst.
  2. Type families cannot be partially applied. So if we would like to talk about some partial application such as subst s, we need to either give it a new promoted name, or use the defunctionalization symbols generated by singletons, and write SubstSym1 s instead.

Functional programming in types

As we saw in Poly, System F includes two new expression forms: type abstraction (which introduces a new polymorphic type) and type application (which instantiates a term with a polymorphic type). To represent these expression forms, we add the following new data constructors to the expression type.


TyLam  :: Exp (IncList g) t     -- bind a type variable
         -> Exp g (PolyTy t)

When we create a new type abstraction with TyLam, we bind a new type variable in its argument (the body of the type abstraction). As a result, all of the type variables that appear in the context of this term need to be incremented. We express this behavior that by promoting the following function to be available at the type level (with the name IncList).

$(singletons [d|
    -- increment all terms in a list 
    incList :: SubstDB a => [a] -> [a]
    incList = map (subst incSub)

For example, we can represent the polymorphic identity function "/\a. \x -> x", of type "forall a. a -> a", with this term. Note that the term is closed so the context g is the empty list '[].

polyId :: Exp '[] (PolyTy (VarTy U.Z :-> VarTy U.Z))
polyId = TyLam (LamE (SVarTy U.SZ) (VarE T.Z))

In the definition of this term we first introduce the type variable "a" with TyLam. Then the type of the argument to the term abstraction LamE, is "a", which we write as SVarTy U.SZ the singleton analogue of VarTy U.Z. (Recall that type variable indices, such as U.Z, comes from the weakly-typed substitution library Subst.) Finally, the body of the term abstraction is a term variable, with index T.Z (using the definition from the strongly-typed substitution library SubstTyped).


The data constructor for type application uses the promoted substitution operations from the library Subst.

TyApp  :: Exp g (PolyTy t1)     -- type function
         -> Π (t2 :: Ty)        -- type argument
         -> Exp g (U.Subst (U.SingleSub t2) t1)

In a type instantiation, the first argument of TyApp must have a polymorphic type. The second argument, a runtime version of a Ty, is the type that we need to use for instantiation. We then instantiate the body t1 with the type t2 by applying the substitution function with the single substitution for type variable U.Z.

For example, we can instantiate the polymorphic function polyId above at type IntTy.

-- intId :: Exp '[] (IntTy :-> IntTy)    -- can be inferred 
intId = TyApp polyId SIntTy

GHC can figure out that the System F expression has type IntTy :-> IntTy, even if we do not include this type annotation, by simplification. The type of TyApp above means that the type expression must be

U.Subst (U.SingleSub IntTy) (VarTy U.Z :-> VarTy U.Z)

which reduces (at type-checking time) to

IntTy :-> IntTy

Term and Type substitutions

In addition to Exp, we also must define term substitution (subst) and type substitution (substTy) for this AST.

As in Part II, the definition of term substitution in terms uses the definitions from the strongly-typed substitution framework SubstTyped. This means that the substitution function from the SubstDB type class has an expressive type, describing how the environment changes during term substitution.

subst :: T.Sub Exp g g' -> Exp g t -> Exp g' t

As before, the definition uses the same code as in the weakly typed version, shown in Poly. We can reuse the same instance declaration wholesale!

However, the auxiliary functions that this instance declaration depends on differ between the weakly- and strongly- typed versions. In particular, in the case of substitution into TyLam, we are pushing a term substitution into the body of a type abstraction. That means that any free type variables that appear in the expressions in the range of that substitution must be incremented so that they are not captured by this new type binder. The auxiliary function that computes this incremented substitution uses the substTy function to apply a type substitution to an expression.

In Poly, the weakly-typed version of the function has this type.

substTy :: Sub Ty -> Exp -> Exp

Here, in PolyTyped, the type of the analogous function shows that when we substitute for type variables in a term, we also change its System F typing derivation. In other words, the type of this operation is the following.

substTy :: forall g s ty.
   Π (s :: U.Sub Ty) -> Exp g t -> Exp (Map (U.SubstSym1 s) g) (U.Subst s t)

For example, if the type of an expression, t has a free type variable,

t :: Exp [VarTy U.Z] (VarTy U.Z :-> VarTy U.Z)
t = LamE (SVarTy U.SZ) (VarE (T.S T.Z))

and we use substTy to replace that type variable with IntTy, then result of substTy will be an expression of type Exp [IntTy] (IntTy :-> IntTy). That means that the type of substTy needs apply its argument type substitution s to both the context and the result type. For the latter, we use use U.Subst. However, for the former, we need to map this substitution across the context g, using the singleton library's SubstSym1 trick. In this case, SubstSym1 s is equivalent to Subst s, but can be given as an argument to the higher-order function Map.

A challenge for the GHC type checker

The first four cases of the definition of substTy are the same as in Part II. However, the last two cases, for TyLam and TyApp are particularly challenging to define. Let's just look at the case for TyLam.

In Poly, the equivalent definition reads

substTy s (TyLam e)    = TyLam (substTy (lift s) e)

The type substitution s must be lifted because we are going into the body of a type binding.

In PolyTyped, the strongly-typed version, we would like to just write:

substTy s (TyLam e) = TyLam (substTy (U.sLift s) e)

Here, we use U.sLift which is the singleton analogue of the lift definition, necessary because s has a singleton type.

However, this code does not type check!

And if we try to type check it, we get a particularly cryptic type error message. (Do not try to understand this error message.)

src/PolyTyped.hs:84:15-35: error: …
    • Could not deduce: Map
                          (U.SubstSym1 ('VarTy 'U.Z 'U.:< (s 'U.:<> 'U.Inc ('U.S 'U.Z))))
                          (Map (U.SubstSym1 ('U.Inc ('U.S 'U.Z))) g)
                        ~ Map (U.SubstSym1 ('U.Inc ('U.S 'U.Z))) (Map (U.SubstSym1 s) g)
      from the context: ty ~ 'PolyTy t

The problem in this case, is that we have a proof obligation. We need to know how "lifting" and "incrementing" a context commute. The expression e above has type Exp (IncList g) t, so the recursive call substTy (U.sLift s) e produces a result of type

Exp (Map (U.Subst (U.Lift s)) (IncList g)) (U.Subst (U.Lift s) t)

However, to apply the TyLam constructor to this result, it needs to be of the form Exp (IncList g1) for some g1.

So therefore, we need to know that we can commute these two passes over the list. In otherwords, we need to know that for any s and any g, the following type equality holds.

Map (Subst (Lift s)) (IncList g) ~ IncList (Map (Subst s) g)

(This is what the error message above says, but it has expanded the definitions of Lift and IncList, and uses SubstSym1 for the partial application of Subst.)

This result is a property of how substitution works, and not something that should be obvious to GHC. If we were in a dependently-typed language, we would have to prove this equality as a theorem.

However, in GHC, we do not have a way to express this proof, so what can we do?

Convincing GHC about a property about substitution

There is no perfect solution to this problem.

  1. Check the property at runtime.

It is possible to write a function that checks to make sure that the property above holds for the appropriate list, when we need to use the equality. This replaces a general proof with a test case for every instance that we might need to do this reasoning.
However, not only is this inefficient in terms of time (every time we substitute, we need to check the property) but it is also difficult to add to our code. We don't have a runtime version of the typing context around in the expression --- this data structure is only used at compile-time. Furthermore it would take a significant refactoring to make this context available, in addition to the runtime cost of propagating it through computation.

  1. Add an axiom that tells GHC to assume this property holds.

This approach is dangerous, but can be justified. By dangerous, we mean that if we get this axiom wrong, we can introduce a hole into the GHC type system. In otherwords, we could cause a well-typed Haskell program to crash!

That sounds scary, but that is actually the approach taken in the implementation in PolyTyped. The justification for this axiom is twofold. First, it is derived from properties that follow from a somewhat similar implementation in Coq. Second, we can also use tools like QuickCheck to increase our confidence in the property itself. Although QuickCheck cannot produce a proof, it can test a property like the one above with many, many examples. And properties involving lists are often easy to test.

  1. Extend the GHC type checker

This approach is really an enhanced version of the one above. If we are very confident in the correctness of properties like the one above, we can allow experts to develop a type-checker plug-in that captures this sort of reasoning. This version isn't any more safe than the previous (a GHC plug-in is simply a way to tell the typechecker about a LOT of axioms) but it does establish the boundaries of what may and may not be assumed.