Releases: surveyjs/survey-library
Releases · surveyjs/survey-library
Maintenance update
- VueJS implementation refactoring
- KnockoutJS component implemented
- Implemented "load old/renamed properties from JSON" functionality
- Implemented "do not show Completed Page" option
- Implemented "add properties into MatrixDropdownColumn" functionality
- Added custom widget examples (Select2, Barrating, iCheck)
- Bug fixes (#244, #250, #251, #252, #256, #265)
Maintenance update
Includes a set of bug fuxes.
VueJS and Custom Widgets
- We've supported VueJS Framework
- Now you can render questions via custom widgets from 3rd-party vendors now, e.g. TagBox
All known bugs were fixed.
The maintain release
All known bugs have been fixed.
New build system and a lot of minor improvements
- Change the build system
- Migrate from webpack v1 to v2 and as result remove gulp usage completely.
- Migrate from typings to @types.
- Small API improvements
- new survey.focusFirstQuestionAutomatic property, true by default. Make it false, if you do not want to focus the first question on the next page.
- new placeHolder property is added into QuestionText, QuestionComment and QuestionMultipleTextItem objects. It will set the input placeholder attribute if it is not empty.
- maxLength property is added into text validator. The validator will raise error if maxLength is more than 0 and the text length exceeds the maxLength value.
- onAfterRenderSurvey, onAfterRenderPage and onAfterRenderQuestion events are added. There are two parameters in the options: survey/page/question objects and htmlElement, the corresponded DOM Element, for more information
All known bugs were fixed.
New "display" mode
- New display mode is added. survey.mode = "display"; Default mode is "edit".
- Support for arrays and nested attributes in visibleIf property and text preprocessing
- All known bugs were fixed.
Angular2 and jQuery versions
Angular2 and jQuery support + bug fixes.
Minor enhancements and bug fixed
New Features:
- inputType property is added into QuestionText. #141
- onServerValidateQuestions survey callback is added. Use it to validate question values on the current page on the server, #137.
- Add/Remove properties run-time: #135
Bug fixes:
- Question numbers were not update correctly on show/hide questions on the same page: #121
- Survey doesn't update correctly navigation buttons and progress if next page(s) become(s) change visibility: #123
- Using a checkbox with react throws a warning about an uncontrolled input becoming controlled: #131. Found and fixed by @jdalegonzalez
- value for Dropdown question with choicesByUrl isn't returned in #138
- required columns for matrixdropdown don't display error message in knockout version: #142
Add/remove properties in run-time:…
Stable version after a lot of changes in v0.10.0
This release contains only bug fixes. There were a lot of changes in the previous release.
All known issues are fixed.