Configurator is a small library designed to query features available on the system, in order to generate configuration for dune builds. Such generated configuration is usually in the form of command line flags, generated headers, stubs, but there are no limitations on this.
Configurator allows you to query for the following features:
- Variables defined in
ocamlc -config
, - pkg-config flags for packages,
- Test features by compiling C code,
- Extract compile time information such as
Configurator is designed to be cross compilation friendly and avoids _running_ any compiled code to extract any of the information above.
Configurator started as an independent library, but now lives in dune. You do not need to install anything to use configurator.
We'll describe configurator with a simple example. Everything else can be easily learned by studying configurator's API.
To use configurator, we write an executable that will query the system using configurator's API and output a set of targets reflecting the results. For example:
module C = Configurator.V1
let clock_gettime_code = {|
#include <time.h>
int main()
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
return 0;
let () =
C.main ~name:"foo" (fun c ->
let has_clock_gettime = C.c_test c clock_gettime_code ~link_flags:["-lrt"] in
C.C_define.gen_header_file c ~fname:"config.h"
[ "HAS_CLOCK_GETTIME", Switch has_clock_gettime ]);
Usually, the module above would be named
. The next step is to
invoke it as an executable and tell dune about the targets that it produces:
(name discover)
(libraries dune.configurator))
(targets config.h)
(action (run ./discover.exe)))
Another common pattern is to produce a flags file with configurator and then use
this flag file using :include
(name mylib)
(foreign_stubs (language c) (names foo))
(c_library_flags (:include (flags.sexp))))
For this, generate the list of flags for your library — for example
using Configurator.V1.Pkg_config
— and then write them to a file,
in the above example flags.sexp
, with
Configurator.V1.write_flags "flags.sexp" flags
The old configurator is the independent configurator opam package. It is deprecated and users are encouraged to migrate to dune's own configurator. The advantage of the transition include:
- No extra dependencies,
- No need to manually pass
flag, - New configurator is cross compilation compatible.
The following steps must be taken to transition from the old configurator:
- Mentions of the
opam package should be removed. - The library name
should be changeddune.configurator
. - The
flag in rules that run configurator scripts should be removed. This information is now passed automatically by dune. - The new configurator API is versioned explicitly. The version that is
compatible with old configurator is under the
module. Hence, to transition one's code it's enough to add this module alias:
module Configurator = Configurator.V1
Dune can embed build information such as versions in executables
via the special dune-build-info
library. This library exposes
some information about how the executable was built such as the
version of the project containing the executable or the list of
statically linked libraries with their versions. Printing the version
at which the current executable was built is as simple as:
Printf.printf "version: %s\n"
(match Build_info.V1.version () with
| None -> "n/a"
| Some v -> Build_info.V1.Version.to_string v)
For libraries and executables from development repositories that don't
have version information written directly in the dune-project
file, the version is obtained by querying the version control
system. For instance, the following git command is used in git
git describe --always --dirty
which produces a human readable version string of the form
Note that in the case where the version string is obtained from the
the version control system, the version string will only be written in
the binary once it is installed or promoted to the source tree. In
particular, if you evaluate this expression as part of the build of
your package, it will return None
. This is to ensure that
committing does not hurt your development experience. Indeed, if dune
stored the version directly inside the freshly built binaries, then
every time you commit your code the version would change and dune would
need to rebuild all the binaries and everything that depend on them,
such as tests. Instead Dune leaves a placeholder inside the binary and
fills it during installation or promotion.
This library is experimental and no backwards compatibility is implied. Use at your own risk.
provides a monadic interface to express program
dependencies directly inside the source code. Programs using this feature
should be declared using dynamic-run
construction instead of usual run