- try-catch blocks around async operations to handle potential promise rejections.
- process-level event listener for unhandled promise rejections to catch any that might still occur.
- Check whether a transaction was successfully retrieved before attempting to process it.
- Only process transactions higher than MINVALUE. Transaction not found for tx: message will only be logged for those
- Adding comments for better code clarity.
0.0.2 - 2023-05-16
- Approval function in the erc20.js file for the approval of the token
- Update sellToken.js file to include the approval function and double allowance if less then sell amount
0.0.1 - 2023-05-16
- Initial Commit for bot
- updates to TODO
- fix(content) updated env.example file contents
- Bumped version to 0.0.1
- update Approval function double allowance if less than 0