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A goatee is the perfect complement for handlebar mustaches. :-{>~
GoateeScript provides an unique language that is implemented in, modelled after and compiled to “ordinary” javascript. Sounds complicated ? It isn't ! Look at the following example:
(function() { var test = 1 + 2 * 3 ; return test })();
do -> test = 1 + 2 * 3
test = 1 + 2 * 3
All three examples are equivalent and return the number 7.
As goatee.js provides attributes to map data into markup, I decided the best way to go would be a language that is compact, readable and (the most important feature) has a scope consisting of a chain of contexts. Still confused ? Believe me, the haze will be lifted, once the framework has reached a state where it is useable. For the time beeing there is a command-line interpreter to prove my concept.
The rule of thumb is: a goateescript is a single javascript expression without any declarations or a collection of expressions suiteable to fit into a single line. The last expression's value is always returned to the invoking context.
- The language is a subset of javascript, without any differences in syntax but with less grammar. You could take a goatee-script and run it as javascript … but usally you will get a completly different result
- Variable assigments are always local to the given script
- Scripts have one or multiple contexts for each execution
- Scripts are either directly interpreted at runtime, compiled to interpretable bytecode (usefull for runtimes implemented in other languages than javascript), or pre-compiled to javascript, which is the fastest and production way to go
- Function declarations are forbidden
- Hence not implemented
- Of course you can use functions, provided by the script's context
- You could provide methods to declare them, which would be somewhat arkward, but possible
- Regular-Expression declarations are forbidden
- Hence not implemented
- Of course you can use regular expressions, provided by the script's context
- You could provide methods to declare them, which would be somewhat arkward, but possible
- Most javascript statements are forbidden
- With the exception of “if”/“else” statements all the others (“for”, “return” “switch”, “yield” and so on) are not implemented. This might change in future but for the time beeing all of them are not neccessary in the context of the goatee-framework.
- Of course you can use use all of them in functions, provided by the context
- You could provide methods to declare them, which would be somewhat arkward, but possible
$ npm install -g goatee-script.js
$ goatee-script -h
Usage: goatee-script [statements]... [options]
statements string passed from the command line to evaluate
-r STATEMENT, --run STATEMENT string passed from the command line to
-h, --help display this help message
-i, --interactive run an interactive `goatee-script` read-
execute-print-loop (repl)
-m MODE, --mode MODE [c]ompile, [e]valuate, [p]rint, [r]ender
or [s]tringify statements, default: [eval]
-c, --compress compress the abstract syntax tree (ast)
--nodejs OPTION pass one option directly to the 'node'
binary, repeat for muliple options
-v, --version display the version number and exit
If called without options, `goatee-script` will run interactive.
Read the annotated sources.
node.js (≥ 6.x)
$ npm install goatee-script.js --save-prod
$ git clone https://github.com/sjorek/goatee-script.js $ cd goatee-script.js $ npm install
$ npm run build && npm run test && npm run doc
(not tested yet)
… Zachary Carter and all contributors of jison parser generator
… Jeremy Ashkenas and all contributors of Coffee-Script as a source of inspiration