diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index c3173351ec9c5f..ea03e90990f593 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Build system changes
 New library functions
+* New function `Base.kron!` and corresponding overloads for various matrix types for performing Kronecker product in-place. ([#31069]).
 New library features
diff --git a/base/exports.jl b/base/exports.jl
index 316025db9ce6ca..3d11cc04819316 100644
--- a/base/exports.jl
+++ b/base/exports.jl
@@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ export
+    kron!,
 # bitarrays
diff --git a/base/operators.jl b/base/operators.jl
index c304530dfef800..c7998b51756c97 100644
--- a/base/operators.jl
+++ b/base/operators.jl
@@ -542,6 +542,8 @@ for op in (:+, :*, :&, :|, :xor, :min, :max, :kron)
+function kron! end
 const var"'" = adjoint
diff --git a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/docs/src/index.md b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/docs/src/index.md
index b78ed785080e00..c5f0448bfa629b 100644
--- a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/docs/src/index.md
+++ b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/docs/src/index.md
@@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ Base.inv(::AbstractMatrix)
 Base.:^(::AbstractMatrix, ::Number)
 Base.:^(::Number, ::AbstractMatrix)
diff --git a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl
index bb1dcb3c17ea70..e9476645d5e89d 100644
--- a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl
+++ b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Base: \, /, *, ^, +, -, ==
 import Base: USE_BLAS64, abs, acos, acosh, acot, acoth, acsc, acsch, adjoint, asec, asech,
     asin, asinh, atan, atanh, axes, big, broadcast, ceil, conj, convert, copy, copyto!, cos,
     cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, eltype, exp, fill!, floor, getindex, hcat,
-    getproperty, imag, inv, isapprox, isone, iszero, IndexStyle, kron, length, log, map, ndims,
+    getproperty, imag, inv, isapprox, isone, iszero, IndexStyle, kron, kron!, length, log, map, ndims,
     oneunit, parent, power_by_squaring, print_matrix, promote_rule, real, round, sec, sech,
     setindex!, show, similar, sin, sincos, sinh, size, sqrt,
     strides, stride, tan, tanh, transpose, trunc, typed_hcat, vec
diff --git a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/bitarray.jl b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/bitarray.jl
index 3e38b073a992b0..d1857c3c386599 100644
--- a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/bitarray.jl
+++ b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/bitarray.jl
@@ -92,22 +92,29 @@ qr(A::BitMatrix) = qr(float(A))
 ## kron
-function kron(a::BitVector, b::BitVector)
+@inline function kron!(R::BitVector, a::BitVector, b::BitVector)
     m = length(a)
     n = length(b)
-    R = falses(n * m)
+    @boundscheck length(R) == n*m || throw(DimensionMismatch())
     Rc = R.chunks
     bc = b.chunks
     for j = 1:m
         a[j] && Base.copy_chunks!(Rc, (j-1)*n+1, bc, 1, n)
-    R
+    return R
-function kron(a::BitMatrix, b::BitMatrix)
+function kron(a::BitVector, b::BitVector)
+    m = length(a)
+    n = length(b)
+    R = falses(n * m)
+    return @inbounds kron!(R, a, b)
+function kron!(R::BitMatrix, a::BitMatrix, b::BitMatrix)
     mA,nA = size(a)
     mB,nB = size(b)
-    R = falses(mA*mB, nA*nB)
+    @boundscheck size(R) == (mA*mB, nA*nB) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
     for i = 1:mA
         ri = (1:mB) .+ ((i-1)*mB)
@@ -118,7 +125,14 @@ function kron(a::BitMatrix, b::BitMatrix)
-    R
+    return R
+function kron(a::BitMatrix, b::BitMatrix)
+    mA,nA = size(a)
+    mB,nB = size(b)
+    R = falses(mA*mB, nA*nB)
+    return @inbounds kron!(R, a, b)
 ## Structure query functions
diff --git a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/dense.jl b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/dense.jl
index d33cd809f53393..8a57a1eaf52cf7 100644
--- a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/dense.jl
+++ b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/dense.jl
@@ -336,6 +336,29 @@ function tr(A::Matrix{T}) where T
+    kron!(C, A, B)
+`kron!` is the in-place version of [`kron`](@ref). Computes `kron(A, B)` and stores the result in `C`
+overwriting the existing value of `C`.
+!!! tip
+    Bounds checking can be disabled by [`@inbounds`](@ref), but you need to take care of the shape
+    of `C`, `A`, `B` yourself.
+@inline function kron!(C::AbstractMatrix, A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix)
+    require_one_based_indexing(A, B)
+    @boundscheck (size(C) == (size(A,1)*size(B,1), size(A,2)*size(B,2))) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
+    m = 0
+    @inbounds for j = 1:size(A,2), l = 1:size(B,2), i = 1:size(A,1)
+        Aij = A[i,j]
+        for k = 1:size(B,1)
+            C[m += 1] = Aij*B[k,l]
+        end
+    end
+    return C
     kron(A, B)
@@ -383,18 +406,23 @@ julia> reshape(kron(v,w), (length(w), length(v)))
 function kron(a::AbstractMatrix{T}, b::AbstractMatrix{S}) where {T,S}
-    require_one_based_indexing(a, b)
     R = Matrix{promote_op(*,T,S)}(undef, size(a,1)*size(b,1), size(a,2)*size(b,2))
-    m = 0
-    @inbounds for j = 1:size(a,2), l = 1:size(b,2), i = 1:size(a,1)
-        aij = a[i,j]
-        for k = 1:size(b,1)
-            R[m += 1] = aij*b[k,l]
-        end
-    end
-    R
+    return @inbounds kron!(R, a, b)
+kron!(c::AbstractVecOrMat, a::AbstractVecOrMat, b::Number) = mul!(c, a, b)
+Base.@propagate_inbounds function kron!(c::AbstractVector, a::AbstractVector, b::AbstractVector)
+    C = reshape(c, length(a)*length(b), 1)
+    A = reshape(a ,length(a), 1)
+    B = reshape(b, length(b), 1)
+    kron!(C, A, B)
+    return c
+Base.@propagate_inbounds kron!(C::AbstractMatrix, a::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector) = kron!(C, a, reshape(b, length(b), 1))
+Base.@propagate_inbounds kron!(C::AbstractMatrix, a::AbstractVector, b::AbstractMatrix) = kron!(C, reshape(a, length(a), 1), b)
 kron(a::Number, b::Union{Number, AbstractVecOrMat}) = a * b
 kron(a::AbstractVecOrMat, b::Number) = a * b
 kron(a::AbstractVector, b::AbstractVector) = vec(kron(reshape(a ,length(a), 1), reshape(b, length(b), 1)))
diff --git a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/diagonal.jl b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/diagonal.jl
index f3b4ac17eec782..27e8ba4c80f3d3 100644
--- a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/diagonal.jl
+++ b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/diagonal.jl
@@ -493,52 +493,80 @@ rdiv!(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, transD::Transpose{<:Any,<:Diagonal{T}}) where {T} =
 (\)(A::Union{QR,QRCompactWY,QRPivoted}, B::Diagonal) =
     invoke(\, Tuple{Union{QR,QRCompactWY,QRPivoted}, AbstractVecOrMat}, A, B)
-function kron(A::Diagonal{T1}, B::Diagonal{T2}) where {T1<:Number, T2<:Number}
+@inline function kron!(C::AbstractMatrix{T}, A::Diagonal, B::Diagonal) where T
+    fill!(C, zero(T))
     valA = A.diag; nA = length(valA)
     valB = B.diag; nB = length(valB)
-    valC = Vector{typeof(zero(T1)*zero(T2))}(undef,nA*nB)
+    nC = checksquare(C)
+    @boundscheck nC == nA*nB ||
+        throw(DimensionMismatch("expect C to be a $(nA*nB)x$(nA*nB) matrix, got size $(nC)x$(nC)"))
     @inbounds for i = 1:nA, j = 1:nB
-        valC[(i-1)*nB+j] = valA[i] * valB[j]
+        idx = (i-1)*nB+j
+        C[idx, idx] = valA[i] * valB[j]
-    return Diagonal(valC)
+    return C
-function kron(A::Diagonal{T}, B::AbstractMatrix{S}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number}
+function kron(A::Diagonal{T1}, B::Diagonal{T2}) where {T1<:Number, T2<:Number}
+    valA = A.diag; nA = length(valA)
+    valB = B.diag; nB = length(valB)
+    valC = Vector{typeof(zero(T1)*zero(T2))}(undef,nA*nB)
+    C = Diagonal(valC)
+    return @inbounds kron!(C, A, B)
+@inline function kron!(C::AbstractMatrix, A::Diagonal, B::AbstractMatrix)
-    (mA, nA) = size(A); (mB, nB) = size(B)
-    R = zeros(Base.promote_op(*, T, S), mA * mB, nA * nB)
+    (mA, nA) = size(A); (mB, nB) = size(B); (mC, nC) = size(C);
+    @boundscheck (mC, nC) == (mA * mB, nA * nB) ||
+        throw(DimensionMismatch("expect C to be a $(mA * mB)x$(nA * nB) matrix, got size $(mC)x$(nC)"))
     m = 1
-    for j = 1:nA
+    @inbounds for j = 1:nA
         A_jj = A[j,j]
         for k = 1:nB
             for l = 1:mB
-                R[m] = A_jj * B[l,k]
+                C[m] = A_jj * B[l,k]
                 m += 1
             m += (nA - 1) * mB
         m += mB
-    return R
+    return C
-function kron(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, B::Diagonal{S}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number}
+@inline function kron!(C::AbstractMatrix, A::AbstractMatrix, B::Diagonal)
-    (mA, nA) = size(A); (mB, nB) = size(B)
-    R = zeros(promote_op(*, T, S), mA * mB, nA * nB)
+    (mA, nA) = size(A); (mB, nB) = size(B); (mC, nC) = size(C);
+    @boundscheck (mC, nC) == (mA * mB, nA * nB) ||
+        throw(DimensionMismatch("expect C to be a $(mA * mB)x$(nA * nB) matrix, got size $(mC)x$(nC)"))
     m = 1
-    for j = 1:nA
+    @inbounds for j = 1:nA
         for l = 1:mB
             Bll = B[l,l]
             for k = 1:mA
-                R[m] = A[k,j] * Bll
+                C[m] = A[k,j] * Bll
                 m += nB
             m += 1
         m -= nB
-    return R
+    return C
+function kron(A::Diagonal{T}, B::AbstractMatrix{S}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number}
+    (mA, nA) = size(A); (mB, nB) = size(B)
+    R = zeros(Base.promote_op(*, T, S), mA * mB, nA * nB)
+    return @inbounds kron!(R, A, B)
+function kron(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, B::Diagonal{S}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number}
+    (mA, nA) = size(A); (mB, nB) = size(B)
+    R = zeros(promote_op(*, T, S), mA * mB, nA * nB)
+    return @inbounds kron!(R, A, B)
 conj(D::Diagonal) = Diagonal(conj(D.diag))
diff --git a/stdlib/SparseArrays/src/SparseArrays.jl b/stdlib/SparseArrays/src/SparseArrays.jl
index f4867be25a0429..0616763205696e 100644
--- a/stdlib/SparseArrays/src/SparseArrays.jl
+++ b/stdlib/SparseArrays/src/SparseArrays.jl
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Base: acos, acosd, acot, acotd, acsch, asech, asin, asind, asinh,
     tand, tanh, trunc, abs, abs2,
     broadcast, ceil, complex, conj, convert, copy, copyto!, adjoint,
     exp, expm1, findall, findmax, findmin, float, getindex,
-    vcat, hcat, hvcat, cat, imag, argmax, kron, length, log, log1p, max, min,
+    vcat, hcat, hvcat, cat, imag, argmax, kron, kron!, length, log, log1p, max, min,
     maximum, minimum, one, promote_eltype, real, reshape, rot180,
     rotl90, rotr90, round, setindex!, similar, size, transpose,
     vec, permute!, map, map!, Array, diff, circshift!, circshift
diff --git a/stdlib/SparseArrays/src/linalg.jl b/stdlib/SparseArrays/src/linalg.jl
index c9d25c58750bd5..c54a6c760c0fd4 100644
--- a/stdlib/SparseArrays/src/linalg.jl
+++ b/stdlib/SparseArrays/src/linalg.jl
@@ -1295,16 +1295,21 @@ function opnormestinv(A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T}, t::Integer = min(2,maximum(
 ## kron
-# sparse matrix ⊗ sparse matrix
-function kron(A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T1,S1}, B::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T2,S2}) where {T1,S1,T2,S2}
+@inline function kron!(C::SparseMatrixCSC, A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, B::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC)
     nnzC = nnz(A)*nnz(B)
     mA, nA = size(A); mB, nB = size(B)
     mC, nC = mA*mB, nA*nB
-    colptrC = Vector{promote_type(S1,S2)}(undef, nC+1)
-    rowvalC = Vector{promote_type(S1,S2)}(undef, nnzC)
-    nzvalC  = Vector{typeof(one(T1)*one(T2))}(undef, nnzC)
-    colptrC[1] = 1
+    rowvalC = rowvals(C)
+    nzvalC = nonzeros(C)
+    colptrC = getcolptr(C)
+    @boundscheck begin
+        length(colptrC) == nC+1 || throw(DimensionMismatch("expect C to be preallocated with $(nC+1) colptrs "))
+        length(rowvalC) == nnzC || throw(DimensionMismatch("expect C to be preallocated with $(nnzC) rowvals"))
+        length(nzvalC) == nnzC || throw(DimensionMismatch("expect C to be preallocated with $(nnzC) nzvals"))
+    end
     col = 1
     @inbounds for j = 1:nA
         startA = getcolptr(A)[j]
@@ -1328,7 +1333,43 @@ function kron(A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T1,S1}, B::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T2,S
-    return SparseMatrixCSC(mC, nC, colptrC, rowvalC, nzvalC)
+    return C
+@inline function kron!(z::SparseVector, x::SparseVector, y::SparseVector)
+    nnzx = nnz(x); nnzy = nnz(y); nnzz = nnz(z);
+    nzind = nonzeroinds(z)
+    nzval = nonzeros(z)
+    @boundscheck begin
+        nnzval = length(nzval); nnzind = length(nzind)
+        nnzz = nnzx*nnzy
+        nnzval == nnzz || throw(DimensionMismatch("expect z to be preallocated with $nnzz nonzeros"))
+        nnzind == nnzz || throw(DimensionMismatch("expect z to be preallocated with $nnzz nonzeros"))
+    end
+    @inbounds for i = 1:nnzx, j = 1:nnzy
+        this_ind = (i-1)*nnzy+j
+        nzind[this_ind] = (nonzeroinds(x)[i]-1)*length(y) + nonzeroinds(y)[j]
+        nzval[this_ind] = nonzeros(x)[i] * nonzeros(y)[j]
+    end
+    return z
+# sparse matrix ⊗ sparse matrix
+function kron(A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T1,S1}, B::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T2,S2}) where {T1,S1,T2,S2}
+    nnzC = nnz(A)*nnz(B)
+    mA, nA = size(A); mB, nB = size(B)
+    mC, nC = mA*mB, nA*nB
+    Tv = typeof(one(T1)*one(T2))
+    Ti = promote_type(S1,S2)
+    colptrC = Vector{Ti}(undef, nC+1)
+    rowvalC = Vector{Ti}(undef, nnzC)
+    nzvalC  = Vector{Tv}(undef, nnzC)
+    colptrC[1] = 1
+    # skip sparse_check
+    C = SparseMatrixCSC{Tv, Ti}(mC, nC, colptrC, rowvalC, nzvalC)
+    return @inbounds kron!(C, A, B)
 # sparse vector ⊗ sparse vector
@@ -1337,27 +1378,33 @@ function kron(x::SparseVector{T1,S1}, y::SparseVector{T2,S2}) where {T1,S1,T2,S2
     nnzz = nnzx*nnzy # number of nonzeros in new vector
     nzind = Vector{promote_type(S1,S2)}(undef, nnzz) # the indices of nonzeros
     nzval = Vector{typeof(one(T1)*one(T2))}(undef, nnzz) # the values of nonzeros
-    @inbounds for i = 1:nnzx, j = 1:nnzy
-        this_ind = (i-1)*nnzy+j
-        nzind[this_ind] = (nonzeroinds(x)[i]-1)*length(y::SparseVector) + nonzeroinds(y)[j]
-        nzval[this_ind] = nonzeros(x)[i] * nonzeros(y)[j]
-    end
-    return SparseVector(length(x::SparseVector)*length(y::SparseVector), nzind, nzval)
+    z = SparseVector(length(x)*length(y), nzind, nzval)
+    return @inbounds kron!(z, x, y)
 # sparse matrix ⊗ sparse vector & vice versa
+Base.@propagate_inbounds kron!(C::SparseMatrixCSC, A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, x::SparseVector) = kron!(C, A, SparseMatrixCSC(x))
+Base.@propagate_inbounds kron!(C::SparseMatrixCSC, x::SparseVector, A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC) = kron!(C, SparseMatrixCSC(x), A)
 kron(A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, x::SparseVector) = kron(A, SparseMatrixCSC(x))
 kron(x::SparseVector, A::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC) = kron(SparseMatrixCSC(x), A)
 # sparse vec/mat ⊗ vec/mat and vice versa
+Base.@propagate_inbounds kron!(C::SparseMatrixCSC, A::Union{SparseVector,AbstractSparseMatrixCSC}, B::VecOrMat) = kron!(C, A, sparse(B))
+Base.@propagate_inbounds kron!(C::SparseMatrixCSC, A::VecOrMat, B::Union{SparseVector,AbstractSparseMatrixCSC}) = kron!(C, sparse(A), B)
 kron(A::Union{SparseVector,AbstractSparseMatrixCSC}, B::VecOrMat) = kron(A, sparse(B))
 kron(A::VecOrMat, B::Union{SparseVector,AbstractSparseMatrixCSC}) = kron(sparse(A), B)
 # sparse vec/mat ⊗ Diagonal and vice versa
+Base.@propagate_inbounds kron!(C::SparseMatrixCSC, A::Diagonal{T}, B::Union{SparseVector{S}, AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{S}}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number} = kron!(C, sparse(A), B)
+Base.@propagate_inbounds kron!(C::SparseMatrixCSC, A::Union{SparseVector{T}, AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T}}, B::Diagonal{S}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number} = kron!(C, A, sparse(B))
 kron(A::Diagonal{T}, B::Union{SparseVector{S}, AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{S}}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number} = kron(sparse(A), B)
 kron(A::Union{SparseVector{T}, AbstractSparseMatrixCSC{T}}, B::Diagonal{S}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number} = kron(A, sparse(B))
 # sparse outer product
+kron!(C::SparseMatrixCSC, A::SparseVectorUnion, B::AdjOrTransSparseVectorUnion) = broadcast!(*, C, A, B)
 kron(A::SparseVectorUnion, B::AdjOrTransSparseVectorUnion) = A .* B
 ## det, inv, cond