To maintain the clusterautoscaler package, you should follow these steps.
Build the new helm template with the following command:
helm repo add autoscaler
helm template cluster-autoscaler autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system \
--set cloudProvider=aws \
--set 'autoDiscovery.clusterName'=changeme \
--set fullnameOverride=cluster-autoscaler \
--set awsRegion=eu-west-1 > built.yaml
Check the differences with base/deploy.yaml
file and change accordingly.
What was changed:
Removed unnecessary helm tags from the manifests and replaced with
app: cluster-autoscaler
when applicable, to maintain compatibility with older cluster-autoscaler package versions. -
cluster-autoscaler command changed to:
command: - ./cluster-autoscaler - --cloud-provider=aws - --namespace=kube-system - --logtostderr=true - --stderrthreshold=info - --v=4 - --scale-up-from-zero - --skip-nodes-with-local-storage=false - --expander=least-waste -,$(CLUSTER_NAME)
Added env var
to the deployment, to simplify patching -
Added requests and limits
Removed PodDisruptionBudget
Add the new EKS version folder like the existing v1.23.x, v1.24.x, v1.25.x, etc. if needed.