This is the architecture vision for the <project name> project.
The purpose of the architecture vision is to provide a summary of the architectural change that will be undertaken and to explain how this target architecture meets the needs of users, delivering the stated benefits.
Version | Issued | Comments |
0.1 | dd-MM-yyyy | … |
Role | RACI |
… | … |
Review frequency | Next review due |
? | ? |
<Summarise the document in 1 or 2 paragraphs.>
<Briefly describe the problem to be addressed, as currently understood.>
<Briefly describe the objectives of the project and the benefits to be delivered. Signpost the underpinning business case.>
<Provide a stakeholder map that lists the stakeholders identified, their relationships to the project, and their concerns. Signpost the full stakeholder map.>
<Signpost architecure documents that were produced during discovery to describe the architecture context. If relevant provide any supporting commentary. The architecture context typically includes one or more of the following:
* the business context;
* an organisational model
* architecture principles;
* architecture constraints;
* architecture drivers;
* architecture and solution building blocks.>
<Briefly summarise any existing solution, including any relevant commentary or analysis of the existing architecture, especially any acknowledged pros and cons. Where an existing system exists include a link to the baseline architecture description.>
<Summarise the analysis that has been undertaken during discovery and explain how this has advanced the team's understanding of the problem. Signpost the specific analysis. This will likely include items such as a "gaps, solutions, and dependencies matrix", a "business value assessment diagram", "business scenarios", "user personas", "user journeys", "wardley maps", and "impact maps".>
<Summarise the current understanding of the target architecture to be created. Signpost the first draft of the systems target architecture description. In order to begin an alpha we would typically expect to see at least a context view, functional view, and an information view.>
<Summarise the level of warranty required and signpost the first draft of the system quality specification for the system. The system quality specification documents the current best understanding of the warranty expected from system stakeholders. See the divisional system quality reference model for more information.>
<Catalogue the benefits that the project aims to deliver and provide a description of how the target architecture will realise the stated benefits.>
<Provide any relevant appendices.>
<Provide any relevant references.>