This file is used to list changes made in each version of the logrotate cookbook.
- Fix deprecation warnings from ChefSpec
- Fixes regression in the sharedscripts logrotate_app parameter (Bug #69)
All configuration options from the logrotate 3.8.8 manual page can be used by the global configuration and the logrotate_app definition.
Berkshelf is no longer a development dependency of the logrotate cookbook.
Rubocop lint failures have been resolved.
parameter now supported in global config.
- firstaction and lastaction attributes documented in the README
- rotate attribute documented in the README
- Use hash-rocket syntax in rspec matcher to maintain 1.9 support.
- Use
rather than Application.fatal! to prevent killing a daemonized chef-client
- Chefspec matcher for logrotate_app definition
- Support the following options: compressoptions, maxage, shred/shredcycles, extension, tabooext
- Add Solaris support
- Fix documentation error
- Support for options "compresscmd", "uncompresscmd", "compressext"
- Allow nodateext as parameter for logrotate_app definition
- Move to chefspec ~> 3.0
- Fix missing end tag in template
- Don't re-initialize constants.
- Fix rubocop finding
- [COOK-3911] Allow to use maxsize parameter.
- [COOK-4000] Allow to use dateyesterday option.
- [COOK-4024] Allow to use su parameter.
- [COOK-4175] Allows use of the dateformat parameter.
- Loosen test-kitchen version constraint
- Add rvm files to gitignore
- COOK-3632 - Raise Exception when adding more than one invalid option
- COOK-3141 - Do not duplicate template entires for multiple paths
- COOK-3034 - Update logrotate_app params to accept arrays and strings
- COOK-2646 - Add ability to choose file mode for logrotate template
- COOK-3341 - Add optional
params when defined globally - COOK-3298 - Use
instead ofrespond_to?(:each)
- COOK-3285 - Change
config file mode to0644
- COOK-3250 - Add
- COOK-3274 - Fix README typo that suggested the opposite action
- [COOK-2872]: Add firstaction/lastaction ability to logrotate
- [COOK-2908]: Argument error in
- [COOK-2401] - Add the ability to manage the global logrotate configuration
- [COOK-2218] - Logrotate size parameter
- [COOK-1027] - Add support for pre-/post-rotate commands
- [COOK-1338] - Update log rotate for more flexibility of rotate options
- [COOK-1598] - "Create" isn't a mandatory option