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Usage & Benchmarking

Cj Fraser edited this page Apr 18, 2022 · 23 revisions

This library was originally designed to work only on:

  • 128x64 OLED displays driven by the SSD1306 chipset
  • I2C interface
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Debian Linux

As the library has evolved, a number of people have helped to make it work on a variety of different devices. Please refer to the below list to see the documented working cases, and add your own.


I2C devices should be tested with an I2C baudrate of 400KHz by altering /boot/config.txt to include:


0.96" I2C OLED

Date Working Tested by Tested on Linux / Python version FPS Command
2016-12-10 YES @rm-hull OrangePi Zero, 4-core 1.2GHz 256Mb Armbian Jessie / Python 2 55.09 -d ssd1306 -i i2c --i2c-port=0
2016-12-10 YES @rm-hull Rasberry Pi, model B 1-core 700MHz 512Mb Raspbian Jessie / Python 2 26.35 -d ssd1306 -i i2c
2016-12-07 YES @thijstriemstra Raspberry Pi 3B Raspbian Jessie / Python 3.4.2 57.62 -d ssd1306 -i i2c
06.08.2017 YES @BiTinerary NanoPi Neo Air Armbian Jessie / Python 2.7 21.58 -d ssd1306 -i i2c --i2c-port=0
2017-06-11 YES @MicUurloon Raspberry Pi Zero W Raspbian Jessie Lite / Python 2.7.9 19.20 -d ssd1306 -i i2c

0.91" I2C OLED

Date Working Tested by Tested on Linux / Python version FPS Command
2016-12-07 YES @thijstriemstra Raspberry Pi 3B Raspbian Jessie / Python 3.4.2 102.77 -d ssd1306 -i i2c


0.96" SPI OLED - SSD1306

Date Working Tested by Tested on Linux / Python version FPS Command
2016-12-07 YES @thijstriemstra Raspberry Pi 3B Raspbian Jessie / Python 3.4.2 68.23 -d ssd1306 -i spi

0.96" SPI OLED - SH1106

  • Dimensions: 128 X 64
Date Working Tested by Tested on Linux / Python version FPS Command
2017-01-09 YES @bjerrep Raspberry Pi 3B Arch Linux / Python 3.4.2 66 -d sh1106 -i spi
2017-01-09 YES @bjerrep Raspberry Pi 3B Arch Linux / Python 2.7.13 93 -d sh1106 -i spi

1.5" SPI OLED - SSD1327

Date Working Tested by Tested on Linux / Python version FPS Command
2021-01-01 YES @ntnlabs Raspberry Pi 4B 2GB Raspbian 10 (buster) / Python 3.7.3 1630
python3 --height 128 --width /
128 --interface spi --display ssd1327

1.5" SPI OLED - SSD1351

Date Working Tested by Tested on Linux / Python version FPS Command
2022-04-18 YES @yuniq-neko Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB Raspbian 11 Bullseye / Python 3.9.2 1960? -d ssd1351 -i spi --width 128 --height 128
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