diff --git a/bin/template.ts b/bin/template.ts
index 89e3e0e8..47d2a638 100644
--- a/bin/template.ts
+++ b/bin/template.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { Callback } from "../types";
-type RedisKey = string | Buffer;
-type RedisValue = string | Buffer | number;
+export type RedisKey = string | Buffer;
+export type RedisValue = string | Buffer | number;
 // Inspired by https://github.com/mmkal/handy-redis/blob/main/src/generated/interface.ts.
 // Should be fixed with https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/1213
diff --git a/lib/cluster/ClusterOptions.ts b/lib/cluster/ClusterOptions.ts
index cceebb27..a829e6e9 100644
--- a/lib/cluster/ClusterOptions.ts
+++ b/lib/cluster/ClusterOptions.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { NodeRole } from "./util";
 export type DNSResolveSrvFunction = (
   hostname: string,
   callback: (
-    err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | undefined,
+    err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null | undefined,
     records?: SrvRecord[]
   ) => void
 ) => void;
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export type DNSResolveSrvFunction = (
 export type DNSLookupFunction = (
   hostname: string,
   callback: (
-    err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | undefined,
+    err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null | undefined,
     address: string,
     family?: number
   ) => void
diff --git a/lib/index.ts b/lib/index.ts
index 766c9b1f..6fc5eeed 100644
--- a/lib/index.ts
+++ b/lib/index.ts
@@ -54,8 +54,18 @@ export {
 export { StandaloneConnectionOptions } from "./connectors/StandaloneConnector";
 export { RedisOptions, CommonRedisOptions } from "./redis/RedisOptions";
 export { ClusterNode } from "./cluster";
-export { ClusterOptions } from "./cluster/ClusterOptions";
+export {
+  ClusterOptions,
+  DNSLookupFunction,
+  DNSResolveSrvFunction,
+  NatMap,
+} from "./cluster/ClusterOptions";
 export { NodeRole } from "./cluster/util";
+export type {
+  RedisKey,
+  RedisValue,
+  ChainableCommander,
+} from "./utils/RedisCommander";
 // No TS typings
 export const ReplyError = require("redis-errors").ReplyError;
diff --git a/lib/redis/RedisOptions.ts b/lib/redis/RedisOptions.ts
index 8585b45e..e580d191 100644
--- a/lib/redis/RedisOptions.ts
+++ b/lib/redis/RedisOptions.ts
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ export type ReconnectOnError = (err: Error) => boolean | 1 | 2;
 export interface CommonRedisOptions extends CommanderOptions {
   Connector?: ConnectorConstructor;
   retryStrategy?: (times: number) => number | void | null;
+  /**
+   * If a command does not return a reply within a set number of milliseconds,
+   * a "Command timed out" error will be thrown.
+   */
   commandTimeout?: number;
    * Enable/disable keep-alive functionality.
@@ -15,28 +20,46 @@ export interface CommonRedisOptions extends CommanderOptions {
    * @default 0
   keepAlive?: number;
    * Enable/disable the use of Nagle's algorithm.
    * @link https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#socketsetnodelaynodelay
    * @default true
   noDelay?: boolean;
    * Set the name of the connection to make it easier to identity the connection
    * in client list.
    * @link https://redis.io/commands/client-setname
   connectionName?: string;
+  /**
+   * If set, client will send AUTH command with the value of this option as the first argument when connected.
+   * This is supported since Redis 6.
+   */
   username?: string;
+  /**
+   * If set, client will send AUTH command with the value of this option when connected.
+   */
   password?: string;
+   * Database index to use.
+   *
    * @default 0
   db?: number;
+   * When the client reconnects, channels subscribed in the previous connection will be
+   * resubscribed automatically if `autoResubscribe` is `true`.
    * @default true
   autoResubscribe?: boolean;
    * Whether or not to resend unfulfilled commands on reconnect.
    * Unfulfilled commands are most likely to be blocking commands such as `brpop` or `blpop`.
@@ -65,6 +88,7 @@ export interface CommonRedisOptions extends CommanderOptions {
    * @default null
   reconnectOnError?: ReconnectOnError | null;
    * @default false
@@ -75,18 +99,33 @@ export interface CommonRedisOptions extends CommanderOptions {
    * @default false
   stringNumbers?: boolean;
+   * How long the client will wait before killing a socket due to inactivity during initial connection.
    * @default 10000
   connectTimeout?: number;
+   * This option is used internally when you call `redis.monitor()` to tell Redis
+   * to enter the monitor mode when the connection is established.
+   *
    * @default false
   monitor?: boolean;
+   * The commands that don't get a reply due to the connection to the server is lost are
+   * put into a queue and will be resent on reconnect (if allowed by the `retryStrategy` option).
+   * This option is used to configure how many reconnection attempts should be allowed before
+   * the queue is flushed with a `MaxRetriesPerRequestError` error.
+   * Set this options to `null` instead of a number to let commands wait forever
+   * until the connection is alive again.
+   *
    * @default 20
   maxRetriesPerRequest?: number | null;
    * @default 10000
@@ -101,18 +140,38 @@ export interface CommonRedisOptions extends CommanderOptions {
   autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands?: string[];
   offlineQueue?: boolean;
   commandQueue?: boolean;
+   *
+   * By default, if the connection to Redis server has not been established, commands are added to a queue
+   * and are executed once the connection is "ready" (when `enableReadyCheck` is true, "ready" means
+   * the Redis server has loaded the database from disk, otherwise means the connection to the Redis
+   * server has been established). If this option is false, when execute the command when the connection
+   * isn't ready, an error will be returned.
+   *
    * @default true
   enableOfflineQueue?: boolean;
+   * The client will sent an INFO command to check whether the server is still loading data from the disk (
+   * which happens when the server is just launched) when the connection is established, and only wait until
+   * the loading process is finished before emitting the `ready` event.
+   *
    * @default true
   enableReadyCheck?: boolean;
+   * When a Redis instance is initialized, a connection to the server is immediately established. Set this to
+   * true will delay the connection to the server until the first command is sent or `redis.connect()` is called
+   * explicitly.
+   *
    * @default false
   lazyConnect?: boolean;
    * @default undefined
diff --git a/lib/utils/RedisCommander.ts b/lib/utils/RedisCommander.ts
index 0f6cbbad..8ee140c8 100644
--- a/lib/utils/RedisCommander.ts
+++ b/lib/utils/RedisCommander.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { Callback } from "../types";
-type RedisKey = string | Buffer;
-type RedisValue = string | Buffer | number;
+export type RedisKey = string | Buffer;
+export type RedisValue = string | Buffer | number;
 // Inspired by https://github.com/mmkal/handy-redis/blob/main/src/generated/interface.ts.
 // Should be fixed with https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/1213
diff --git a/test/typing/options.test-d.ts b/test/typing/options.test-d.ts
index 80158dd6..cc02a605 100644
--- a/test/typing/options.test-d.ts
+++ b/test/typing/options.test-d.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { expectType } from "tsd";
-import Redis, { Cluster } from "../../built";
+import { expectAssignable, expectType } from "tsd";
+import Redis, { Cluster, NatMap, DNSLookupFunction } from "../../built";
 expectType<Redis>(new Redis());
@@ -39,3 +39,13 @@ expectType<Cluster>(
     enableAutoPipelining: true,
+  "": { host: "", port: 30001 },
+  "": { host: "", port: 30002 },
+  "": { host: "", port: 30003 },
+expectAssignable<DNSLookupFunction>((address, callback) =>
+  callback(null, address)