- Added the Geoscience Australia layer "Population -> Buildings".
- Added the CSIRO Australian Wave Atlas group of layers to the "Renewables -> Wave" category.
- Merged in the latest NationalMap 2016-03-15 and TerriaJS jsonTreeview-2016-03-22 releases.
- Added the new experimental layer "Renewable Energy -> Solar -> Solar Satellite DNI - 2014" based on Bureau of Meteorology data.
- Added the new layer "Boundaries -> Cadastre and Land Tenure -> Cadastral Parcels" from Geoscience Australia.
- Changed the "Boundaries -> Cadastre and Land Tenure -> Northern Australia" layers into a single "Boundaries -> Cadastre and Land Tenure -> Land Tenure" layer hosted by Geoscience Australia that covers all of Australia.
- Added a check to make sure all catalog items have ids specified on build.
- Fixed missing links to GA ELVIS system in "Topography -> Elevation -> {LiDAR 5m DEM,LiDAR 25m DEM, SRTM 1 sec DEM image}".
- Added feature info templates for:
- Elec. Inf
- Generation
- Live Power Generation layers
- Small Scale Installations layers
- Transmission
- Transmission Lines
- Generation
- Renewable Energy
- Bioenergy
- Waste Management Fascilities
- Bioenergy
- Infrastructure
- Oil Pipelines
- Gas Pipelines
- Elec. Inf
- Small improvements to the DNV GL Wind layers.
- Migrated the layer "Boundaries -> Cadastre and Land Tenure -> Northern Australia -> All Land Tenure types" from a WMS to an ArcGIS MapServer service and added an autogenerated legend.
- Added the new "Renewable Energy -> Wind" layers with data produced by DNV GL!
- Migrated layers in "Boundaries -> Protected Areas" from using the soon to be decomissioned services from Geoscience Australia to new services from the Department of Environment.
- Updated "Boundaries -> Defence restricted areas" layers to use new
server for WMS and legends. - Updated the look and feel of the legends for "Electriity Inf. -> Generation -> Current Power Generation" layers.
- Added links to GA's ELVIS elevation data download service to "Topography -> Elevation -> {LiDAR 5m DEM,LiDAR 25m DEM, SRTM 1 sec DEM image}"
- Updated the "Electriity Inf. -> Generation -> Small Scale Installations" data to February 2016.
- Added the new layer "Infrastructure -> Major Ports" from Geoscience Australia.
- Updated the "Electricity Inf. -> Transmission -> Transmission Lines/Substations" and "Electricity Inf. -> Generation -> All Power Stations" layers to use the new updated Geoscience Australia services.
- Updated the "Infrastructure -> Gas/Oil Pipelines" layers to use the new updated Geoscience Australia services, and added WFS download URLs.
- Removed the "Benchmarks" and "Horizontal Control Points" from the "Topography -> Elevation" category as these have been decommissioned by the data custodian.
- Added "Contribute Data" link to the sidebar.
- Updated the "Renewable Energy -> Solar -> Solar Station Historical Observations" (also available under the "Weather" category) data and Info description to the latest from
version - Added the new "Topography -> Elevation -> LiDAR 5m DEM" layer from Geoscience Australia.
- Merged in the latest NationalMap 2015-12-15@835ab11 and TerriaJS jsonTreeview-1.0.51 releases.
- Updated the "Renewables -> Geothermal -> Radiation and Geophysics" layers to the new updated service from Geoscience Australia.
- Added the new "Electricity Inf. -> Transmission -> Distance to Transmission Substations" layer from Geoscience Australia.
- Updated the "Electricity Inf. -> Transmission -> Distance to Transmission Lines" to the new better looking service from Geoscience Australia.
- Added the new "Topography -> Elevation -> LiDAR 25m DEM" from Geoscience Australia.
- Updated the "Topography -> Elevation -> SRTM 1 sec DEM Image" layer to a new version deployed by Geoscience Australia.
- Improved feature info name and layout for layers in the group "Electricity Inf. -> Generation -> Current Power Generation - NEM".
- Added the new layer "Renewable Energy -> Annual climatology of daily exposure - Direct Normal Exposure" from the Bureau of Meteorology.
- Added Zoom To boundaries for the "Electricity Inf. -> Generation" layers in "Current Power Generation - NEM", "Current Solar PV - APVI", and "Small Scale Installations - CER".
- Updated the "Population -> Population Density" layer to use the new Geoscience Australia service for it.
- Corrected the Data Custodian on the "Infrastructure -> Radio Licenses - ACMA" to be the ACMA.
- Added a WFS data URL on the info page for the "Infrastructure -> Radio Licenses - ACMA" layer.
- Added the new Department of Environment layer "Boundaries -> Environmental Areas -> Conservation Management Zones".
- Fix legends from Landgate not loading.
- Added
to all WMS and ArcGIS layers in order to avoid one tile breaking the entire layer. - Added
and specified arectangle
with bounds for Australia for the majority of layers where this makes sense. - Added feature info templates for Topography -> Water -> Water Observations from Space layers to make it easier to understand the data.
- Merged in the latest NationalMap 2015-11-16b and TerriaJS jsonTreeview-1.0.48 releases.
- Added a number of Department of Environment layers in the Boundaries section.
- Added the Land and Property Information NSW Cadastre service to Boundaries -> Cadastre and Land Tenure.
- Made the version number in the AREMI banner link to the tagged version of the Changelog.
- Created a Boundaries -> Cadastre and Land Tenure subcategory and moved layers into it.
- Put in a simple feature info template for the Electricity Inf. -> Transmission -> Distance to Trans Lines layer to show a sentence with the distance.
- Updated the Electricity Inf. -> Generation -> Small Scale Installations data and layer info pages.
- Added the Google URL Shortener for the Share feature.
- Added the ABS 2011 Census layers to the Population category.
- Adjusted the home view for all layers in the Boundary category.
- Added the ACMA Radio Licenses layer to the Infrastructure -> Communications category.
- Added the Geoscience Australia Northern Australia Land Tenure layers to the Boundaries category.
- Renamed and reorded some entries in the catalog.
- Added the Landgate Western Australia Electricity and Cadastre layer.
- Changed to the Data61 logo.
- Added a development system disclaimer when the app detects that it is not hosted on a nationalmap.gov.au host.
- Replaced the old 'Topography -> Infrastructure -> Gas Pipelines' layer two separate new Geoscience Australia layers - Gas Pipelines and Oil Pipelines.
- Added the layer 'Solar Station Historical Observations' to the 'Renewable Energy -> Solar' and the new 'Weather' categories.
- Reordered, refactored, added Renewable layer to the Electricity -> Generation -> Live NEM category.
- Fixed Legends and info pages, set opacity=100 and ignoreUnknownTileErrors=true for Boundaries -> Defence Restricted Areas layers.
- Refactored DANCE2 info pages, fixing some problems masked by HTML-leniency.
- Added the Institute for Sustainable Futures DANCE modelling project.
- Added the Geoscience Australia hosted Department of Environment Protected Areas services.
- Switched the Tasmanian Cadastre layer to their public Esri MapServer as it has better layer metadata.
- Switch default basemap to Positron (Light) in order to have some extra definition, remove OpenStreetMap simple basemaps from basemap controls.
- Merged in the latest NationalMap 2015-09-17 and Terria 1.0.43 releases.
- Default to 3D-smooth mode to increase performance, and to avoid current Cesium native feature parallax issues.
- Turn off autoplaying of timeseries data (requires Terria support).
- Generate the AREMI init file using the EJS template engine.
- Moved License links when they were the only thing in Description sections to their own Licensing sections.
- Tasmania Cadastral: Removed duplicated info page Data Description text, fixed order of info blocks.
- Added Geoscience Australia Substations layer, improved metadata for Transmission Lines layer.
- Improved look and feel, legend, of the CER Small Generation Unit data.
- Tweaked the Waste Management Facilities layer further: switched back to WMS, removed info duplicated info we now harvest from the service metadata, adjusted rectangle to match home camera.
- Replaced the Geoscience Australia - Australian Solar Energy Information System (ASEIS) layers with the new Bureau of Meteorology Solar Climatology services.
- Removed missing legend messages from GA and NICTA geothermal raster layers.
- Update APVI layer look and feel now that apvi-webservice has new columns.
- Updated the Waste Management Facilities layer since the WMS version seemed broken with Terria.
- Merged in the latest changes from NationalMap tag 2015-08-18.
- Improved Tasmanian Cadastral Parcels metadata.
- Added Global Disclaimer that is optionally mandatory to accept before continuing.
- Added the Feedback Survey link to the front page.
Changes older than this were not recorded in the changelog.