This file contains information about the project and serves as a guide for those interested in contributing.
To test your changes, set up a local WordPress installation, clone this repository, and create a symlink to the plugin directory:
ln -s /your-local-path-to-repo/prosopo-procaptcha ./wp-content/plugins/prosopo-procaptcha
This will add the plugin to the list of installed plugins. Before activating it, make sure to build the assets:
cd assets; corepack use yarn@latest; yarn build:all
The project follows the WordPress Coding Standards.
Configure your IDE to use the PHP_CodeSniffer and use the
config, or run the following command to automatically fix style issues:
cd php-tools/code-quality; composer install; composer phpcbf
The project uses Prettier as a formatter. Configure your IDE to use the assets/.prettierrc
, or
run the following command to automatically fix style issues:
cd assets; corepack use yarn@latest; yarn prettier:fix
The project uses PHPStan for static analysis. Configure your IDE with the
config or run the analysis using the following command:
cd code-quality-tools; composer install; composer phpstan
The project uses EELint for static analysis. Configure your IDE with the
config or run the analysis using the following command:
cd assets; corepack use yarn@latest; yarn lint:fix
Please open your Pull Requests against the main
The plugin assets setup uses Vite and supports its Hot Module Replacement feature. To use HMR:
- Start Vite dev server:
cd assets; yarn dev:[settings/integrations]
- Update your local
to add the dev mode constant:define("PROSOPO_PROCAPTCHA_DEV_MODE", true);
The dev mode constant tells the plugin to use the Vite dev server (http://localhost:5173
) as the assets source,
instead of the default /dist
Additionally, the plugin will automatically enqueue the Vite reloader script (http://localhost:5173/@vite/client
) on
pages with any assets in use, so the Vite HMR will function as usually.
To debug any scripts that come from the plugin (like widget, admin settings page, etc) add _wp_procaptcha_debug_mode
item with any value to the localStorage
. It'll enable the debug mode.
bash tools/
- runs all the code-quality checks, for both PHP and JS
cd assets
yarn build:[all/settings/integrations]
- runs Vite buildingyarn dev:[settings/integrations]
- starts Vite dev serveryarn lint:[check/fix]
- runs ESLint static code analysesyarn prettier:[check/fix]
- runs Prettier formatter
cd tools
bash codesniffer
- checks for WordPress Coding Standards violationsbash phpstan
- runs PHPStan static code analysesbash pest
- runs Pest tests
If you're a package maintainer, read the file to get additional information about the project.