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File metadata and controls

103 lines (61 loc) · 3.7 KB

For Devs

This file contains information about the project and serves as a guide for those interested in contributing.

1. Manual plugin installation

To test your changes, set up a local WordPress installation, clone this repository, and create a symlink to the plugin directory:

ln -s /your-local-path-to-repo/prosopo-procaptcha ./wp-content/plugins/prosopo-procaptcha.

This will add the plugin to the list of installed plugins. Before activating it, make sure to build the assets:

cd assets; corepack use yarn@latest; yarn build:all

2. Code Style

2.1) PHP

The project follows the WordPress Coding Standards.

Configure your IDE to use the PHP_CodeSniffer and use the php-tools/code-quality/wp-ruleset.xml config, or run the following command to automatically fix style issues:

cd php-tools/code-quality; composer install; composer phpcbf

2.2) JavaScript

The project uses Prettier as a formatter. Configure your IDE to use the assets/.prettierrc, or run the following command to automatically fix style issues:

cd assets; corepack use yarn@latest; yarn prettier:fix

3. Static Code Analysis

3.1) PHP

The project uses PHPStan for static analysis. Configure your IDE with the php-tools/code-quality/phpstan.neon config or run the analysis using the following command:

cd code-quality-tools; composer install; composer phpstan

3.2) JavaScript

The project uses EELint for static analysis. Configure your IDE with the assets/eslint.config.mjs config or run the analysis using the following command:

cd assets; corepack use yarn@latest; yarn lint:fix

4. Pull Requests

Please open your Pull Requests against the main branch.

5. Advanced

5.1) Assets developing with the Vite HMR

The plugin assets setup uses Vite and supports its Hot Module Replacement feature. To use HMR:

  1. Start Vite dev server: cd assets; yarn dev:[settings/integrations]
  2. Update your local wp-config.php to add the dev mode constant: define("PROSOPO_PROCAPTCHA_DEV_MODE", true);

The dev mode constant tells the plugin to use the Vite dev server (http://localhost:5173) as the assets source, instead of the default /dist folder.

Additionally, the plugin will automatically enqueue the Vite reloader script (http://localhost:5173/@vite/client) on pages with any assets in use, so the Vite HMR will function as usually.

5.2) Scripts debugging

To debug any scripts that come from the plugin (like widget, admin settings page, etc) add _wp_procaptcha_debug_mode item with any value to the localStorage. It'll enable the debug mode.

5.3) Full commands list


  1. bash tools/ - runs all the code-quality checks, for both PHP and JS


cd assets and:

  1. yarn build:[all/settings/integrations] - runs Vite building
  2. yarn dev:[settings/integrations] - starts Vite dev server
  3. yarn lint:[check/fix] - runs ESLint static code analyses
  4. yarn prettier:[check/fix] - runs Prettier formatter


cd tools and:

  1. bash codesniffer - checks for WordPress Coding Standards violations
  2. bash phpstan - runs PHPStan static code analyses
  3. bash pest - runs Pest tests

5.4) For maintainers

If you're a package maintainer, read the file to get additional information about the project.