diff --git a/src/hooks.ts b/src/hooks.ts
index 27025ca..9326c1d 100644
--- a/src/hooks.ts
+++ b/src/hooks.ts
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ export const useAllPrismicDocumentsByTag = <
  * A hook that queries documents from the Prismic repository with specific tags.
+ * A document must be tagged with at least one of the queried tags to be included.
  * @remarks
  * An additional `@prismicio/client` instance can be provided at `params.client`.
@@ -329,18 +330,65 @@ export const useAllPrismicDocumentsByTag = <
  * @returns The composable payload {@link ClientHookReturnType}
  * @see Underlying `@prismicio/client` method {@link proto.getByTags}
-export const usePrismicDocumentsByTags = <
+export const usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags = <
 	TDocument extends prismicT.PrismicDocument,
 	...args: [
-		tag: ClientMethodParameters<"getByTags">[0],
-		params?: ClientMethodParameters<"getByTags">[1] & HookOnlyParameters,
+		tag: ClientMethodParameters<"getBySomeTags">[0],
+		params?: ClientMethodParameters<"getBySomeTags">[1] & HookOnlyParameters,
 ): ClientHookReturnType<prismicT.Query<TDocument>> =>
-	useStatefulPrismicClientMethod(proto.getByTags, args);
+	useStatefulPrismicClientMethod(proto.getBySomeTags, args);
- * A hook that queries all documents from the Prismic repository with specific tags.
+ * A hook that queries all documents from the Prismic repository with specific
+ * tags. A document must be tagged with at least one of the queried tags to be included.
+ *
+ * @remarks
+ * An additional `@prismicio/client` instance can be provided at `params.client`.
+ * @typeParam TDocument - Type of Prismic documents returned
+ * @param tags - A list of tags that must be included on a document
+ * @param params - Parameters to filter and sort results
+ *
+ * @returns The composable payload {@link ClientHookReturnType}
+ * @see Underlying `@prismicio/client` method {@link proto.getAllByTags}
+ */
+export const useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags = <
+	TDocument extends prismicT.PrismicDocument,
+	...args: [
+		tag: ClientMethodParameters<"getAllBySomeTags">[0],
+		params?: ClientMethodParameters<"getAllBySomeTags">[1] & HookOnlyParameters,
+	]
+): ClientHookReturnType<TDocument[]> =>
+	useStatefulPrismicClientMethod(proto.getAllBySomeTags, args);
+ * A hook that queries documents from the Prismic repository with specific tags.
+ * A document must be tagged with all of the queried tags to be included.
+ *
+ * @remarks
+ * An additional `@prismicio/client` instance can be provided at `params.client`.
+ * @typeParam TDocument - Type of Prismic documents returned
+ * @param tags - A list of tags that must be included on a document
+ * @param params - Parameters to filter, sort, and paginate results
+ *
+ * @returns The composable payload {@link ClientHookReturnType}
+ * @see Underlying `@prismicio/client` method {@link proto.getByTags}
+ */
+export const usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag = <
+	TDocument extends prismicT.PrismicDocument,
+	...args: [
+		tag: ClientMethodParameters<"getByEveryTag">[0],
+		params?: ClientMethodParameters<"getByEveryTag">[1] & HookOnlyParameters,
+	]
+): ClientHookReturnType<prismicT.Query<TDocument>> =>
+	useStatefulPrismicClientMethod(proto.getByEveryTag, args);
+ * A hook that queries all documents from the Prismic repository with specific
+ * tags. A document must be tagged with all of the queried tags to be included.
  * @remarks
  * An additional `@prismicio/client` instance can be provided at `params.client`.
@@ -351,12 +399,12 @@ export const usePrismicDocumentsByTags = <
  * @returns The composable payload {@link ClientHookReturnType}
  * @see Underlying `@prismicio/client` method {@link proto.getAllByTags}
-export const useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags = <
+export const useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag = <
 	TDocument extends prismicT.PrismicDocument,
 	...args: [
-		tag: ClientMethodParameters<"getAllByTags">[0],
-		params?: ClientMethodParameters<"getAllByTags">[1] & HookOnlyParameters,
+		tag: ClientMethodParameters<"getAllByEveryTag">[0],
+		params?: ClientMethodParameters<"getAllByEveryTag">[1] & HookOnlyParameters,
 ): ClientHookReturnType<TDocument[]> =>
-	useStatefulPrismicClientMethod(proto.getAllByTags, args);
+	useStatefulPrismicClientMethod(proto.getAllByEveryTag, args);
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index f4d3aa8..c7017c0 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -32,18 +32,20 @@ export type { PrismicToolbarProps } from "./PrismicToolbar";
 export {
+	useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag,
+	useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags,
-	useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags,
+	usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag,
+	usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags,
-	usePrismicDocumentsByTags,
diff --git a/test/useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags.test.tsx b/test/useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag.test.tsx
similarity index 93%
rename from test/useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags.test.tsx
rename to test/useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag.test.tsx
index 1a00c98..7455928 100644
--- a/test/useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags.test.tsx
+++ b/test/useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag.test.tsx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import { createRepositoryResponse } from "./__testutils__/createRepositoryRespon
 import { getMasterRef } from "./__testutils__/getMasterRef";
 import { md5 } from "./__testutils__/md5";
-import { PrismicProvider, useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags } from "../src";
+import { PrismicProvider, useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag } from "../src";
 const server = mswNode.setupServer();
 test.before(() => server.listen({ onUnhandledRequest: "error" }));
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ test.serial("returns documents with matching IDs", async (t) => {
 	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
-		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags(tags),
+		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag(tags),
 		{ wrapper },
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ test.serial("supports params", async (t) => {
 	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
-		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags(tags, params),
+		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag(tags, params),
 		{ wrapper },
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ test.serial("supports explicit client", async (t) => {
 	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(() =>
-		useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags(tags, { client }),
+		useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag(tags, { client }),
 	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "loaded");
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ test.serial("returns failed state on error", async (t) => {
 	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
-		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsByTags(["tag", "tag2"]),
+		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsByEveryTag(["tag", "tag2"]),
 		{ wrapper },
diff --git a/test/useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags.test.tsx b/test/useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2258af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+/* eslint-disable react/display-name  */
+/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
+import test from "ava";
+import * as React from "react";
+import * as msw from "msw";
+import * as mswNode from "msw/node";
+import * as prismic from "@prismicio/client";
+import { renderHook, cleanup } from "@testing-library/react-hooks";
+import { createClient } from "./__testutils__/createClient";
+import { createMockQueryHandler } from "./__testutils__/createMockQueryHandler";
+import { createMockRepositoryHandler } from "./__testutils__/createMockRepositoryHandler";
+import { createQueryResponsePages } from "./__testutils__/createQueryResponsePages";
+import { createRepositoryResponse } from "./__testutils__/createRepositoryResponse";
+import { getMasterRef } from "./__testutils__/getMasterRef";
+import { md5 } from "./__testutils__/md5";
+import { PrismicProvider, useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags } from "../src";
+const server = mswNode.setupServer();
+test.before(() => server.listen({ onUnhandledRequest: "error" }));
+test.after(() => server.close());
+// We must clean up after each test. We also must run each test serially to
+// ensure the clean up process only occurs between tests.
+test.afterEach(() => {
+	cleanup();
+const createWrapper = (client: prismic.Client): React.ComponentType => {
+	return (props) => <PrismicProvider client={client} {...props} />;
+test.serial("returns documents with matching IDs", async (t) => {
+	const client = createClient(t);
+	const wrapper = createWrapper(client);
+	const repositoryResponse = createRepositoryResponse();
+	const queryResponsePages = createQueryResponsePages();
+	const documents = queryResponsePages.flatMap((page) => page.results);
+	const tags = documents[0].tags;
+	const ref = getMasterRef(repositoryResponse);
+	server.use(
+		createMockRepositoryHandler(t, repositoryResponse),
+		createMockQueryHandler(t, queryResponsePages, {
+			ref,
+			q: `[${prismic.predicate.any("document.tags", tags)}]`,
+			pageSize: 100,
+		}),
+	);
+	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
+		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags(tags),
+		{ wrapper },
+	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "loaded");
+	t.deepEqual(result.current[0], documents);
+test.serial("supports params", async (t) => {
+	const client = createClient(t);
+	const wrapper = createWrapper(client);
+	const repositoryResponse = createRepositoryResponse();
+	const queryResponsePages = createQueryResponsePages();
+	const documents = queryResponsePages.flatMap((page) => page.results);
+	const tags = documents[0].tags;
+	const ref = getMasterRef(repositoryResponse);
+	const params = {
+		pageSize: 2,
+	};
+	server.use(
+		createMockRepositoryHandler(t, repositoryResponse),
+		createMockQueryHandler(t, queryResponsePages, {
+			ref,
+			q: `[${prismic.predicate.any("document.tags", tags)}]`,
+			pageSize: params.pageSize.toString(),
+		}),
+	);
+	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
+		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags(tags, params),
+		{ wrapper },
+	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "loaded");
+	t.deepEqual(result.current[0], documents);
+test.serial("supports explicit client", async (t) => {
+	const client = createClient(t);
+	const repositoryResponse = createRepositoryResponse();
+	const queryResponsePages = createQueryResponsePages();
+	const documents = queryResponsePages.flatMap((page) => page.results);
+	const tags = documents[0].tags;
+	const ref = getMasterRef(repositoryResponse);
+	server.use(
+		createMockRepositoryHandler(t, repositoryResponse),
+		createMockQueryHandler(t, queryResponsePages, {
+			ref,
+			q: `[${prismic.predicate.any("document.tags", tags)}]`,
+			pageSize: 100,
+		}),
+	);
+	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(() =>
+		useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags(tags, { client }),
+	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "loaded");
+	t.deepEqual(result.current[0], documents);
+test.serial("returns failed state on error", async (t) => {
+	const client = createClient(t);
+	const wrapper = createWrapper(client);
+	const repositoryResponse = {
+		message: "invalid access token",
+		oauth_initiate: "oauth_initiate",
+		oauth_token: "oauth_token",
+	};
+	server.use(
+		msw.rest.get(prismic.getEndpoint(md5(t.title)), (_req, res, ctx) => {
+			return res(ctx.status(403), ctx.json(repositoryResponse));
+		}),
+	);
+	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
+		() => useAllPrismicDocumentsBySomeTags(["tag", "tag2"]),
+		{ wrapper },
+	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "failed");
+	t.true(result.current[1].error instanceof prismic.ForbiddenError);
+	t.is(result.current[0], undefined);
diff --git a/test/usePrismicDocumentsByTags.test.tsx b/test/usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag.test.tsx
similarity index 92%
rename from test/usePrismicDocumentsByTags.test.tsx
rename to test/usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag.test.tsx
index 32e95e7..7d8e5a7 100644
--- a/test/usePrismicDocumentsByTags.test.tsx
+++ b/test/usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag.test.tsx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import { createRepositoryResponse } from "./__testutils__/createRepositoryRespon
 import { getMasterRef } from "./__testutils__/getMasterRef";
 import { md5 } from "./__testutils__/md5";
-import { PrismicProvider, usePrismicDocumentsByTags } from "../src";
+import { PrismicProvider, usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag } from "../src";
 const server = mswNode.setupServer();
 test.before(() => server.listen({ onUnhandledRequest: "error" }));
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ test.serial("returns documents with matching types", async (t) => {
 	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
-		() => usePrismicDocumentsByTags(tags),
+		() => usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag(tags),
 		{ wrapper },
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ test.serial("supports params", async (t) => {
 	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
-		() => usePrismicDocumentsByTags(tags, params),
+		() => usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag(tags, params),
 		{ wrapper },
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ test.serial("supports explicit client", async (t) => {
 	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(() =>
-		usePrismicDocumentsByTags(tags, { client }),
+		usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag(tags, { client }),
 	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "loaded");
@@ -132,13 +132,11 @@ test.serial("returns failed state on error", async (t) => {
 	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
-		() => usePrismicDocumentsByTags(["tag", "tag2"]),
+		() => usePrismicDocumentsByEveryTag(["tag", "tag2"]),
 		{ wrapper },
-	await waitForValueToChange(
-		() => result.current[1].state === "failed",
-	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "failed");
 	t.true(result.current[1].error instanceof prismic.ForbiddenError);
 	t.is(result.current[0], undefined);
diff --git a/test/usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags.test.tsx b/test/usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9ee45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+/* eslint-disable react/display-name  */
+/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
+import test from "ava";
+import * as React from "react";
+import * as msw from "msw";
+import * as mswNode from "msw/node";
+import * as prismic from "@prismicio/client";
+import { renderHook, cleanup } from "@testing-library/react-hooks";
+import { createClient } from "./__testutils__/createClient";
+import { createMockQueryHandler } from "./__testutils__/createMockQueryHandler";
+import { createMockRepositoryHandler } from "./__testutils__/createMockRepositoryHandler";
+import { createQueryResponsePages } from "./__testutils__/createQueryResponsePages";
+import { createRepositoryResponse } from "./__testutils__/createRepositoryResponse";
+import { getMasterRef } from "./__testutils__/getMasterRef";
+import { md5 } from "./__testutils__/md5";
+import { PrismicProvider, usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags } from "../src";
+const server = mswNode.setupServer();
+test.before(() => server.listen({ onUnhandledRequest: "error" }));
+test.after(() => server.close());
+// We must clean up after each test. We also must run each test serially to
+// ensure the clean up process only occurs between tests.
+test.afterEach(() => {
+	cleanup();
+const createWrapper = (client: prismic.Client): React.ComponentType => {
+	return (props) => <PrismicProvider client={client} {...props} />;
+test.serial("returns documents with matching types", async (t) => {
+	const client = createClient(t);
+	const wrapper = createWrapper(client);
+	const repositoryResponse = createRepositoryResponse();
+	const queryResponsePages = createQueryResponsePages();
+	const documents = queryResponsePages[0].results;
+	const tags = documents[0].tags;
+	const ref = getMasterRef(repositoryResponse);
+	server.use(
+		createMockRepositoryHandler(t, repositoryResponse),
+		createMockQueryHandler(t, queryResponsePages, {
+			ref,
+			q: `[${prismic.predicate.any("document.tags", tags)}]`,
+		}),
+	);
+	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
+		() => usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags(tags),
+		{ wrapper },
+	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "loaded");
+	t.deepEqual(result.current[0], queryResponsePages[0]);
+test.serial("supports params", async (t) => {
+	const client = createClient(t);
+	const wrapper = createWrapper(client);
+	const repositoryResponse = createRepositoryResponse();
+	const queryResponsePages = createQueryResponsePages();
+	const documents = queryResponsePages[0].results;
+	const tags = documents[0].tags;
+	const ref = getMasterRef(repositoryResponse);
+	const params = {
+		pageSize: 2,
+	};
+	server.use(
+		createMockRepositoryHandler(t, repositoryResponse),
+		createMockQueryHandler(t, queryResponsePages, {
+			ref,
+			q: `[${prismic.predicate.any("document.tags", tags)}]`,
+			pageSize: params.pageSize.toString(),
+		}),
+	);
+	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
+		() => usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags(tags, params),
+		{ wrapper },
+	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "loaded");
+	t.deepEqual(result.current[0], queryResponsePages[0]);
+test.serial("supports explicit client", async (t) => {
+	const client = createClient(t);
+	const repositoryResponse = createRepositoryResponse();
+	const queryResponsePages = createQueryResponsePages();
+	const documents = queryResponsePages[0].results;
+	const tags = documents[0].tags;
+	const ref = getMasterRef(repositoryResponse);
+	server.use(
+		createMockRepositoryHandler(t, repositoryResponse),
+		createMockQueryHandler(t, queryResponsePages, {
+			ref,
+			q: `[${prismic.predicate.any("document.tags", tags)}]`,
+		}),
+	);
+	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(() =>
+		usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags(tags, { client }),
+	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "loaded");
+	t.deepEqual(result.current[0], queryResponsePages[0]);
+test.serial("returns failed state on error", async (t) => {
+	const client = createClient(t);
+	const wrapper = createWrapper(client);
+	const repositoryResponse = {
+		message: "invalid access token",
+		oauth_initiate: "oauth_initiate",
+		oauth_token: "oauth_token",
+	};
+	server.use(
+		msw.rest.get(prismic.getEndpoint(md5(t.title)), (_req, res, ctx) => {
+			return res(ctx.status(403), ctx.json(repositoryResponse));
+		}),
+	);
+	const { result, waitForValueToChange } = renderHook(
+		() => usePrismicDocumentsBySomeTags(["tag", "tag2"]),
+		{ wrapper },
+	);
+	await waitForValueToChange(() => result.current[1].state === "failed");
+	t.true(result.current[1].error instanceof prismic.ForbiddenError);
+	t.is(result.current[0], undefined);