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Pouya Kary edited this page Jun 22, 2016 · 17 revisions






Removes all the dots and resets the whole environment

reset( ): void



Cleans the notebook screen

cls( ): void


Prints what ever you want on the notebook screen

say( input: any ): void

Core API


New Dot

This function creates a dot and places it at a random coordinate.

newdot( ): Dot

// generates a dot at some random coordinates
var dot = newdot( )

New Dots

This function generates a specified number of dots by iterating over the newdot( ) function.

newdots( howManyDots: number ): Array<Dots>

// create an array of 5 new dots just added to the screen
let dots = newdots( 5 )

New Dot At

Creates a dot at the coordinates (x, y)

newdotat( x: number, y: number ): Dot

// you can create a dot like....
var dot = newdotat( 50, 100 )

Get Dot

This function gets a dot based on it's number id.

getdot( id: number ): Dot

// gets the dot object for dot with id 5
let dot = getdot( 5 )

Get Dots

Gets an array of dots based on the array of ids

getdots( ...ids: Array<number> ): Array<Dot>

var a: Array<Dot> = getdots( 2, 5, 7 )



Connects an array of dots in order

connect( ...dotOrId: Array<Dot|number> )

// this connects 1 to 2 and 2 to 3
let dot3 = getdot( 3 )
connect( 1, 2, dot3 )
screen shot 2016-06-22 at 6 53 27 pm


Disconnects two dots from each other.

disconnect( dot1: number | Dot, dot2: number | Dot ): boolean

// you can use both dot id or dot object to disconnect each dot from
// each other assuming 1 and 2 are connected to each other.
var dot1 = getdot( 1 )
disconnect( dot1, 2 )
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