+Issue #1
+This is a link https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/.
+This is a link "https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/".
+With this link (https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview/), it still works.
+## Abbreviation
+Abbreviations source are found in a separate markdown file specified in frontmatter.
+The HTML specification
+is maintained by the W3C.
+*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
+*[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium
+The HTML specification
+is maintained by the W3C.
+## Unorde红色 List
+Unorde红色 List
+- item 1
+ * item A
+ * item B
+ more text
+ + item a
+ + item b
+ + item c
+ * item C
+- item 2
+- item 3
+Unorde红色 List
+- item 1
+ * item A
+ * item B
+ more text
+ + item a
+ + item b
+ + item c
+ * item C
+- item 2
+- item 3
+## Orde红色 List
+Orde红色 List
+1. item 1
+ 1. item A
+ 2. item B
+ more text
+ 1. item a
+ 2. item b
+ 3. item c
+ 3. item C
+2. item 2
+3. item 3
+Orde红色 List
+1. item 1
+ 1. item A
+ 2. item B
+ more text
+ 1. item a
+ 2. item b
+ 3. item c
+ 3. item C
+2. item 2
+3. item 3
+## Mixed Lists
+`Really Mixed Lists` should break with `sane_lists` on.
+Mixed Lists
+- item 1
+ * [X] item A
+ * [ ] item B
+ more text
+ 1. item a
+ 2. itemb
+ 3. item c
+ * [X] item C
+- item 2
+- item 3
+Really Mixed Lists
+- item 1
+ * [X] item A
+ - item B
+ more text
+ 1. item a
+ + itemb
+ + [ ] item c
+ 3. item C
+2. item 2
+- [X] item 3
+Mixed Lists
+- item 1
+ * [X] item A
+ * [ ] item B
+ more text
+ 1. item a
+ 2. itemb
+ 3. item c
+ * [X] item C
+- item 2
+- item 3
+Really Mixed Lists
+- item 1
+ * [X] item A
+ - item B
+ more text
+ 1. item a
+ + itemb
+ + [ ] item c
+ 3. item C
+2. item 2
+- [X] item 3
+## Blocks
+ This is a block.
+ This is more of a block.
+ This is a block.
+ This is more of a block.
+## Block Quotes
+> This is a block quote
+>> How does it look?
+> This is a block quote.
+>> How does it look?
+> I think it looks good.
+## Fenced Block
+Assuming guessing is not enabled.
+// Fenced **without** highlighting
+function doIt() {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= slen ; i^^) {
+ setTimeout("document.z.textdisplay.value = newMake()", i*300);
+ setTimeout("window.status = newMake()", i*300);
+ }
+// Fenced **with** highlighting
+function doIt() {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= slen ; i^^) {
+ setTimeout("document.z.textdisplay.value = newMake()", i*300);
+ setTimeout("window.status = newMake()", i*300);
+ }
+// Fenced **without** highlighting
+function doIt() {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= slen ; i^^) {
+ setTimeout("document.z.textdisplay.value = newMake()", i*300);
+ setTimeout("window.status = newMake()", i*300);
+ }
+// Fenced **with** highlighting
+function doIt() {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= slen ; i^^) {
+ setTimeout("document.z.textdisplay.value = newMake()", i*300);
+ setTimeout("window.status = newMake()", i*300);
+ }
+## Tables
+| _颜色_ | 水果 | 蔬菜 |
+| ------------- |:---------------:| -----------------:|
+| 红色 | *苹果* | [辣椒](#Tables) |
+| ~~橙色~~ | 橘子 | **胡萝卜** |
+| 绿色 | ~~***梨子***~~ | 菠菜 |
+| _颜色_ | 水果 | 蔬菜 |
+| ------------- |:---------------:| ------------:|
+| 红色 | *苹果* | [辣椒](#Tables) |
+| ~~橙色~~ | 橘子 | **胡萝卜** |
+| 绿色 | ~~***梨子***~~ | 菠菜 |
+Class or Enum | Year | Month | Day | Hours | Minutes | Seconds* | Zone Offset | Zone ID | toString Output | Where Discussed
+----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| -------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+`Instant` | | | | | |  | | | `2013-08-20T15:16:26.355Z` | [Instant Class](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/instant.html)
+`LocalDate` |  |  |  | | | | | | `2013-08-20` | [Date Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/date.html)
+`LocalDateTime` |  |  |  |  |  |  | | | `2013-08-20T08:16:26.937` | [Date and Time Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/datetime.html)
+`ZonedDateTime` |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | `2013-08-21T00:16:26.941+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]` | [Time Zone and Offset Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/timezones.html)
+`LocalTime` | | | |  |  |  | | | `08:16:26.943` | [Date and Time Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/datetime.html)
+`MonthDay` | |  |  | | | | | | `--08-20` | [Date Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/date.html)
+`Year` |  | | | | | | | | `2013` | [Date Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/date.html)
+`YearMonth` |  |  | | | | | | | `2013-08` | [Date Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/date.html)
+`Month` | |  | | | | | | | `AUGUST` | [DayOfWeek and Month Enums](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/enum.html)
+`OffsetDateTime` |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | `2013-08-20T08:16:26.954-07:00` | [Time Zone and Offset Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/timezones.html)
+`OffsetTime` | | | |  |  |  |  | | `08:16:26.957-07:00` | [Time Zone and Offset Classes](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/timezones.html)
+`Duration` | | | \** | \** | \** |  | | | `PT20H` (20 hours) | [Period and Duration](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/period.html)
+`Period` |  |  |  | | | | \*** | \*** | `P10D` (10 days) | [Period and Duration](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/datetime/iso/period.html)
+## Smart Strong
+Text with double__underscore__words.
+__Strong__ still works.
+Text with double__underscore__words.
+__Strong__ still works.
+## Smarty
+"double quotes"
+'single quotes'
+"double quotes"
+'single quotes'
+## Neseted Fences
+ ```
+ This will still be parsed
+ as a normal indented code block.
+ ```
+This will still be parsed
+as a fenced code block.
+- This is a list that contains multiple code blocks.
+ - Here is an indented block
+ ```
+ This will still be parsed
+ as a normal indented code block.
+ ```
+ - Here is a fenced code block:
+ ```
+ This will still be parsed
+ as a fenced code block.
+ ```
+ > ```
+ > Blockquotes?
+ > Not a problem!
+ > ```
+ ```
+ This will still be parsed
+ as a normal indented code block.
+ ```
+This will still be parsed
+as a fenced code block.
+- This is a list that contains multiple code blocks.
+ - Here is an indented block
+ ```
+ This will still be parsed
+ as a normal indented code block.
+ ```
+ - Here is a fenced code block:
+ ```
+ This will still be parsed
+ as a fenced code block.
+ ```
+ > ```
+ > Blockquotes?
+ > Not a problem!
+ > ```
+# Others
+## Github Emoji {#section-7}
+This is a test for emoji :smile:. The emojis are images linked to github assets :octocat:.
+This is a test for emoji :smile:. The emojis are images linked to github assets :octocat:.
+### People
+### Nature
+### Objects
+### Places
+### Symbols
+## Insert
+^^*insert 倾斜*^^ *^^insert 倾斜 2^^*
+^^_insert 倾斜_^^ _^^insert 倾斜 2^^_
+^^**insert 加粗**^^ **^^insert 加粗 2^^**
+^^__insert 加粗__^^ __^^insert 加粗 2^^__
+^^***insert 倾斜 加粗***^^ ***^^insert 倾斜 加粗 2^^***
+^^___insert 倾斜 加粗___^^ ___^^insert 倾斜 加粗 2^^___
+**^^*insert 倾斜 加粗*^^** *^^**insert 倾斜 加粗 2**^^*
+__^^_insert 倾斜 加粗_^^__ _^^__insert 倾斜 加粗 2__^^_
+**^^_insert 倾斜 加粗_^^** _^^**insert 倾斜 加粗 2**^^_
+__^^*insert 倾斜 加粗*^^__ *^^__insert 倾斜 加粗 2__^^*
+^^*insert 倾斜*^^ *^^insert 倾斜 2^^*
+^^_insert 倾斜_^^ _^^insert 倾斜 2^^_
+^^**insert 加粗**^^ **^^insert 加粗 2^^**
+^^__insert 加粗__^^ __^^insert 加粗 2^^__
+^^***insert 倾斜 加粗***^^ ***^^insert 倾斜 加粗 2^^***
+^^___insert 倾斜 加粗___^^ ___^^insert 倾斜 加粗 2^^___
+**^^*insert 倾斜 加粗*^^** *^^**insert 倾斜 加粗 2**^^*
+__^^_insert 倾斜 加粗_^^__ _^^__insert 倾斜 加粗 2__^^_
+**^^_insert 倾斜 加粗_^^** _^^**insert 倾斜 加粗 2**^^_
+__^^*insert 倾斜 加粗*^^__ *^^__insert 倾斜 加粗 2__^^*
diff --git a/exampleSite/zh/content/posts/LoveIt-Preview.md b/exampleSite/zh/content/posts/LoveIt-Preview.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 800a0286..00000000
--- a/exampleSite/zh/content/posts/LoveIt-Preview.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-title: "LoveIt 主题特性预览与使用文档"
-date: 2019-08-25T16:22:42+08:00
-lastmod: 2019-08-25T16:22:42+08:00
-draft: false
-description: "这是一个 LoveIt 主题特性预览与使用文档的页面。"
-show_in_homepage: true
-show_description: false
-license: ''
-tags: ['Hugo', '主题']
-categories: ['文档']
-featured_image: ''
-featured_image_preview: ''
-comment: true
-toc: true
-autoCollapseToc: true
-math: true
-这是一个 [LoveIt](https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt) 主题特性预览与使用文档的页面。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/_default/single.html b/layouts/_default/single.html
index 5c99fd04..871d9e07 100644
--- a/layouts/_default/single.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/single.html
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ {{ .Title }}
{{ $REin = `\[return\]` }}
{{ $REout = printf "[%s]" (T "return") }}
{{ $content = replaceRE $REin $REout $content }}
- {{ $REin = `<(h[23456]) (id=".+?")>` }}
+ {{ $REin = `<(h[123456]) (id=".+?")>` }}
{{ $REout = `<$1>` }}
{{ $content = replaceRE $REin $REout $content }}
{{ $REin = `<(sup class="footnote-ref") (id="fnref:.+?")>` }}
diff --git a/layouts/index.html b/layouts/index.html
index 992ef280..60f46183 100644
--- a/layouts/index.html
+++ b/layouts/index.html
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
{{- partial "home/profile.html" . -}}
- {{- $paginator := .Paginate (where (where .Data.Pages "Type" "posts") ".Params.show_in_homepage" "!=" false) }}
- {{ range $paginator.Pages -}}
+ {{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "posts") -}}
+ {{ range where $paginator.Pages "Params.show_in_homepage" "!=" false -}}
{{ .Render "summary" -}}
{{ end -}}
- {{ partial "paginator.html" . }}
+ {{ partial "paginator.html" . -}}
{{- else -}}
{{ partial "home/profile.html" . -}}
diff --git a/layouts/posts/single.html b/layouts/posts/single.html
index 73acfb36..8fbe768e 100644
--- a/layouts/posts/single.html
+++ b/layouts/posts/single.html
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ {{ T "toc" }}
{{ $REin = `\[return\]` }}
{{ $REout = printf "[%s]" (T "return") }}
{{ $content = replaceRE $REin $REout $content }}
- {{ $REin = `<(h[23456]) (id=".+?")>` }}
+ {{ $REin = `<(h[123456]) (id=".+?")>` }}
{{ $REout = `<$1>` }}
{{ $content = replaceRE $REin $REout $content }}
{{ $REin = `<(sup class="footnote-ref") (id="fnref:.+?")>` }}