diff --git a/assets/data/emoji/apple.yml b/assets/data/emoji/apple.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f9cee9d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/data/emoji/apple.yml @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +emojiCDN: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/emoji-datasource-apple@5.0.1/img/apple/64/' +emojiMaps: + '100': 1f4af.png + grinning: 1f600.png + smiley: 1f603.png + smile: 1f604.png + grin: 1f601.png + laughing: 1f606.png + sweat_smile: 1f605.png + rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 1f923.png + joy: 1f602.png + slightly_smiling_face: 1f642.png + upside_down_face: 1f643.png + wink: 1f609.png + blush: 1f60a.png + innocent: 1f607.png + smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 1f970.png + heart_eyes: 1f60d.png + star-struck: 1f929.png + kissing_heart: 1f618.png + kissing: 1f617.png + relaxed: 263a-fe0f.png + kissing_closed_eyes: 1f61a.png + kissing_smiling_eyes: 1f619.png + yum: 1f60b.png + stuck_out_tongue: 1f61b.png + stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 1f61c.png + zany_face: 1f92a.png + stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 1f61d.png + money_mouth_face: 1f911.png + hugging_face: 1f917.png + face_with_hand_over_mouth: 1f92d.png + shushing_face: 1f92b.png + thinking_face: 1f914.png + zipper_mouth_face: 1f910.png + face_with_raised_eyebrow: 1f928.png + neutral_face: 1f610.png + expressionless: 1f611.png + no_mouth: 1f636.png + smirk: 1f60f.png + unamused: 1f612.png + face_with_rolling_eyes: 1f644.png + grimacing: 1f62c.png + lying_face: 1f925.png + relieved: 1f60c.png + pensive: 1f614.png + sleepy: 1f62a.png + drooling_face: 1f924.png + sleeping: 1f634.png + mask: 1f637.png + face_with_thermometer: 1f912.png + face_with_head_bandage: 1f915.png + nauseated_face: 1f922.png + face_vomiting: 1f92e.png + sneezing_face: 1f927.png + hot_face: 1f975.png + cold_face: 1f976.png + woozy_face: 1f974.png + dizzy_face: 1f635.png + exploding_head: 1f92f.png + face_with_cowboy_hat: 1f920.png + partying_face: 1f973.png + sunglasses: 1f60e.png + nerd_face: 1f913.png + face_with_monocle: 1f9d0.png + confused: 1f615.png + worried: 1f61f.png + slightly_frowning_face: 1f641.png + white_frowning_face: 2639-fe0f.png + open_mouth: 1f62e.png + hushed: 1f62f.png + astonished: 1f632.png + flushed: 1f633.png + pleading_face: 1f97a.png + frowning: 1f626.png + anguished: 1f627.png + fearful: 1f628.png + cold_sweat: 1f630.png + disappointed_relieved: 1f625.png + cry: 1f622.png + sob: 1f62d.png + scream: 1f631.png + confounded: 1f616.png + persevere: 1f623.png + disappointed: 1f61e.png + sweat: 1f613.png + weary: 1f629.png + tired_face: 1f62b.png + yawning_face: 1f971.png + triumph: 1f624.png + rage: 1f621.png + angry: 1f620.png + face_with_symbols_on_mouth: 1f92c.png + smiling_imp: 1f608.png + imp: 1f47f.png + skull: 1f480.png + skull_and_crossbones: 2620-fe0f.png + hankey: 1f4a9.png + clown_face: 1f921.png + japanese_ogre: 1f479.png + japanese_goblin: 1f47a.png + ghost: 1f47b.png + alien: 1f47d.png + space_invader: 1f47e.png + robot_face: 1f916.png + smiley_cat: 1f63a.png + smile_cat: 1f638.png + joy_cat: 1f639.png + heart_eyes_cat: 1f63b.png + smirk_cat: 1f63c.png + kissing_cat: 1f63d.png + scream_cat: 1f640.png + crying_cat_face: 1f63f.png + pouting_cat: 1f63e.png + see_no_evil: 1f648.png + hear_no_evil: 1f649.png + speak_no_evil: 1f64a.png + kiss: 1f48b.png + love_letter: 1f48c.png + cupid: 1f498.png + gift_heart: 1f49d.png + sparkling_heart: 1f496.png + heartpulse: 1f497.png + heartbeat: 1f493.png + revolving_hearts: 1f49e.png + two_hearts: 1f495.png + heart_decoration: 1f49f.png + heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament: 2763-fe0f.png + broken_heart: 1f494.png + heart: 2764-fe0f.png + orange_heart: 1f9e1.png + yellow_heart: 1f49b.png + green_heart: 1f49a.png + blue_heart: 1f499.png + purple_heart: 1f49c.png + brown_heart: 1f90e.png + black_heart: 1f5a4.png + white_heart: 1f90d.png + anger: 1f4a2.png + boom: 1f4a5.png + dizzy: 1f4ab.png + sweat_drops: 1f4a6.png + dash: 1f4a8.png + hole: 1f573-fe0f.png + bomb: 1f4a3.png + speech_balloon: 1f4ac.png + left_speech_bubble: 1f5e8-fe0f.png + right_anger_bubble: 1f5ef-fe0f.png + thought_balloon: 1f4ad.png + zzz: 1f4a4.png diff --git a/assets/data/emoji/facebook.yml b/assets/data/emoji/facebook.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f987491c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/data/emoji/facebook.yml @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +emojiCDN: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/emoji-datasource-facebook@5.0.1/img/facebook/64/' +emojiMaps: + '100': 1f4af.png + grinning: 1f600.png + smiley: 1f603.png + smile: 1f604.png + grin: 1f601.png + laughing: 1f606.png + sweat_smile: 1f605.png + rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 1f923.png + joy: 1f602.png + slightly_smiling_face: 1f642.png + upside_down_face: 1f643.png + wink: 1f609.png + blush: 1f60a.png + innocent: 1f607.png + smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 1f970.png + heart_eyes: 1f60d.png + star-struck: 1f929.png + kissing_heart: 1f618.png + kissing: 1f617.png + relaxed: 263a-fe0f.png + kissing_closed_eyes: 1f61a.png + kissing_smiling_eyes: 1f619.png + yum: 1f60b.png + stuck_out_tongue: 1f61b.png + 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1f47e.png + robot_face: 1f916.png + smiley_cat: 1f63a.png + smile_cat: 1f638.png + joy_cat: 1f639.png + heart_eyes_cat: 1f63b.png + smirk_cat: 1f63c.png + kissing_cat: 1f63d.png + scream_cat: 1f640.png + crying_cat_face: 1f63f.png + pouting_cat: 1f63e.png + see_no_evil: 1f648.png + hear_no_evil: 1f649.png + speak_no_evil: 1f64a.png + kiss: 1f48b.png + love_letter: 1f48c.png + cupid: 1f498.png + gift_heart: 1f49d.png + sparkling_heart: 1f496.png + heartpulse: 1f497.png + heartbeat: 1f493.png + revolving_hearts: 1f49e.png + two_hearts: 1f495.png + heart_decoration: 1f49f.png + heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament: 2763-fe0f.png + broken_heart: 1f494.png + heart: 2764-fe0f.png + orange_heart: 1f9e1.png + yellow_heart: 1f49b.png + green_heart: 1f49a.png + blue_heart: 1f499.png + purple_heart: 1f49c.png + brown_heart: 1f90e.png + black_heart: 1f5a4.png + white_heart: 1f90d.png + anger: 1f4a2.png + boom: 1f4a5.png + dizzy: 1f4ab.png + sweat_drops: 1f4a6.png + dash: 1f4a8.png + hole: 1f573-fe0f.png + bomb: 1f4a3.png + speech_balloon: 1f4ac.png + left_speech_bubble: 1f5e8-fe0f.png + right_anger_bubble: 1f5ef-fe0f.png + thought_balloon: 1f4ad.png + zzz: 1f4a4.png diff --git a/assets/data/emoji/google.yml b/assets/data/emoji/google.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7137ccb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/data/emoji/google.yml @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +emojiCDN: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/emoji-datasource-google@5.0.1/img/google/64/' +emojiMaps: + '100': 1f4af.png + grinning: 1f600.png + smiley: 1f603.png + smile: 1f604.png + grin: 1f601.png + laughing: 1f606.png + sweat_smile: 1f605.png + rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 1f923.png + joy: 1f602.png + slightly_smiling_face: 1f642.png + upside_down_face: 1f643.png + wink: 1f609.png + blush: 1f60a.png + innocent: 1f607.png + smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 1f970.png + heart_eyes: 1f60d.png + star-struck: 1f929.png + kissing_heart: 1f618.png + kissing: 1f617.png + relaxed: 263a-fe0f.png + kissing_closed_eyes: 1f61a.png + kissing_smiling_eyes: 1f619.png + yum: 1f60b.png + stuck_out_tongue: 1f61b.png + stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 1f61c.png + zany_face: 1f92a.png + stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 1f61d.png + money_mouth_face: 1f911.png + hugging_face: 1f917.png + face_with_hand_over_mouth: 1f92d.png + shushing_face: 1f92b.png + thinking_face: 1f914.png + zipper_mouth_face: 1f910.png + face_with_raised_eyebrow: 1f928.png + neutral_face: 1f610.png + expressionless: 1f611.png + no_mouth: 1f636.png + smirk: 1f60f.png + unamused: 1f612.png + face_with_rolling_eyes: 1f644.png + grimacing: 1f62c.png + lying_face: 1f925.png + relieved: 1f60c.png + pensive: 1f614.png + sleepy: 1f62a.png + drooling_face: 1f924.png + sleeping: 1f634.png + mask: 1f637.png + face_with_thermometer: 1f912.png + face_with_head_bandage: 1f915.png + nauseated_face: 1f922.png + face_vomiting: 1f92e.png + sneezing_face: 1f927.png + hot_face: 1f975.png + cold_face: 1f976.png + woozy_face: 1f974.png + dizzy_face: 1f635.png + exploding_head: 1f92f.png + face_with_cowboy_hat: 1f920.png + partying_face: 1f973.png + sunglasses: 1f60e.png + nerd_face: 1f913.png + face_with_monocle: 1f9d0.png + confused: 1f615.png + worried: 1f61f.png + slightly_frowning_face: 1f641.png + white_frowning_face: 2639-fe0f.png + open_mouth: 1f62e.png + hushed: 1f62f.png + astonished: 1f632.png + flushed: 1f633.png + pleading_face: 1f97a.png + frowning: 1f626.png + anguished: 1f627.png + fearful: 1f628.png + cold_sweat: 1f630.png + disappointed_relieved: 1f625.png + cry: 1f622.png + sob: 1f62d.png + scream: 1f631.png + confounded: 1f616.png + persevere: 1f623.png + disappointed: 1f61e.png + sweat: 1f613.png + weary: 1f629.png + tired_face: 1f62b.png + yawning_face: 1f971.png + triumph: 1f624.png + rage: 1f621.png + angry: 1f620.png + face_with_symbols_on_mouth: 1f92c.png + smiling_imp: 1f608.png + imp: 1f47f.png + skull: 1f480.png + skull_and_crossbones: 2620-fe0f.png + hankey: 1f4a9.png + clown_face: 1f921.png + japanese_ogre: 1f479.png + japanese_goblin: 1f47a.png + ghost: 1f47b.png + alien: 1f47d.png + space_invader: 1f47e.png + robot_face: 1f916.png + smiley_cat: 1f63a.png + smile_cat: 1f638.png + joy_cat: 1f639.png + heart_eyes_cat: 1f63b.png + smirk_cat: 1f63c.png + kissing_cat: 1f63d.png + scream_cat: 1f640.png + crying_cat_face: 1f63f.png + pouting_cat: 1f63e.png + see_no_evil: 1f648.png + hear_no_evil: 1f649.png + speak_no_evil: 1f64a.png + kiss: 1f48b.png + love_letter: 1f48c.png + cupid: 1f498.png + gift_heart: 1f49d.png + sparkling_heart: 1f496.png + heartpulse: 1f497.png + heartbeat: 1f493.png + revolving_hearts: 1f49e.png + two_hearts: 1f495.png + heart_decoration: 1f49f.png + heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament: 2763-fe0f.png + broken_heart: 1f494.png + heart: 2764-fe0f.png + orange_heart: 1f9e1.png + yellow_heart: 1f49b.png + green_heart: 1f49a.png + blue_heart: 1f499.png + purple_heart: 1f49c.png + brown_heart: 1f90e.png + black_heart: 1f5a4.png + white_heart: 1f90d.png + anger: 1f4a2.png + boom: 1f4a5.png + dizzy: 1f4ab.png + sweat_drops: 1f4a6.png + dash: 1f4a8.png + hole: 1f573-fe0f.png + bomb: 1f4a3.png + speech_balloon: 1f4ac.png + left_speech_bubble: 1f5e8-fe0f.png + right_anger_bubble: 1f5ef-fe0f.png + thought_balloon: 1f4ad.png + zzz: 1f4a4.png diff --git a/assets/data/emoji/twitter.yml b/assets/data/emoji/twitter.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..97365c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/data/emoji/twitter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +emojiCDN: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/emoji-datasource-twitter@5.0.1/img/twitter/64/' +emojiMaps: + '100': 1f4af.png + grinning: 1f600.png + smiley: 1f603.png + smile: 1f604.png + grin: 1f601.png + laughing: 1f606.png + sweat_smile: 1f605.png + rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 1f923.png + joy: 1f602.png + slightly_smiling_face: 1f642.png + upside_down_face: 1f643.png + wink: 1f609.png + blush: 1f60a.png + innocent: 1f607.png + smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 1f970.png + heart_eyes: 1f60d.png + star-struck: 1f929.png + kissing_heart: 1f618.png + 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1f976.png + woozy_face: 1f974.png + dizzy_face: 1f635.png + exploding_head: 1f92f.png + face_with_cowboy_hat: 1f920.png + partying_face: 1f973.png + sunglasses: 1f60e.png + nerd_face: 1f913.png + face_with_monocle: 1f9d0.png + confused: 1f615.png + worried: 1f61f.png + slightly_frowning_face: 1f641.png + white_frowning_face: 2639-fe0f.png + open_mouth: 1f62e.png + hushed: 1f62f.png + astonished: 1f632.png + flushed: 1f633.png + pleading_face: 1f97a.png + frowning: 1f626.png + anguished: 1f627.png + fearful: 1f628.png + cold_sweat: 1f630.png + disappointed_relieved: 1f625.png + cry: 1f622.png + sob: 1f62d.png + scream: 1f631.png + confounded: 1f616.png + persevere: 1f623.png + disappointed: 1f61e.png + sweat: 1f613.png + weary: 1f629.png + tired_face: 1f62b.png + yawning_face: 1f971.png + triumph: 1f624.png + rage: 1f621.png + angry: 1f620.png + face_with_symbols_on_mouth: 1f92c.png + smiling_imp: 1f608.png + imp: 1f47f.png + skull: 1f480.png + skull_and_crossbones: 2620-fe0f.png + hankey: 1f4a9.png + clown_face: 1f921.png + japanese_ogre: 1f479.png + japanese_goblin: 1f47a.png + ghost: 1f47b.png + alien: 1f47d.png + space_invader: 1f47e.png + robot_face: 1f916.png + smiley_cat: 1f63a.png + smile_cat: 1f638.png + joy_cat: 1f639.png + heart_eyes_cat: 1f63b.png + smirk_cat: 1f63c.png + kissing_cat: 1f63d.png + scream_cat: 1f640.png + crying_cat_face: 1f63f.png + pouting_cat: 1f63e.png + see_no_evil: 1f648.png + hear_no_evil: 1f649.png + speak_no_evil: 1f64a.png + kiss: 1f48b.png + love_letter: 1f48c.png + cupid: 1f498.png + gift_heart: 1f49d.png + sparkling_heart: 1f496.png + heartpulse: 1f497.png + heartbeat: 1f493.png + revolving_hearts: 1f49e.png + two_hearts: 1f495.png + heart_decoration: 1f49f.png + heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament: 2763-fe0f.png + broken_heart: 1f494.png + heart: 2764-fe0f.png + orange_heart: 1f9e1.png + yellow_heart: 1f49b.png + green_heart: 1f49a.png + blue_heart: 1f499.png + purple_heart: 1f49c.png + brown_heart: 1f90e.png + black_heart: 1f5a4.png + white_heart: 1f90d.png + anger: 1f4a2.png + boom: 1f4a5.png + dizzy: 1f4ab.png + sweat_drops: 1f4a6.png + dash: 1f4a8.png + hole: 1f573-fe0f.png + bomb: 1f4a3.png + speech_balloon: 1f4ac.png + left_speech_bubble: 1f5e8-fe0f.png + right_anger_bubble: 1f5ef-fe0f.png + thought_balloon: 1f4ad.png + zzz: 1f4a4.png diff --git a/assets/data/social.yaml b/assets/data/social.yml similarity index 100% rename from assets/data/social.yaml rename to assets/data/social.yml diff --git a/exampleSite/config.toml b/exampleSite/config.toml index 480d05f2..15d5e029 100644 --- a/exampleSite/config.toml +++ b/exampleSite/config.toml @@ -873,6 +873,13 @@ enableEmoji = true highlight = true enableQQ = false serverURLs = "" + # emoji config file name, default is "google.yml" + # ("apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml") + # located in "assets/data/emoji/" directory, where you can put your config file + # emoji 配置文件名称, 默认是 "facebook.yml" + # ("apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml") + # 位于 "assets/data/emoji/" 目录, 你可以在此存放你自己的配置文件 + emoji = "" # Facebook comment config (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments) # Facebook 评论系统设置 (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments) [params.page.comment.facebook] diff --git a/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.en.md b/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.en.md index eeaf8fc7..cb4d7708 100644 --- a/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.en.md +++ b/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.en.md @@ -513,6 +513,10 @@ Please open the code block below to view the complete sample configuration :(far highlight = true enableQQ = false serverURLs = "" + # {{< version 0.2.6 >}} emoji config file name, default is "facebook.yml" + # ("apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml") + # located in "assets/data/emoji/" directory, where you can put your config file + emoji = "" # {{< link "https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments" "Facebook comment" >}} config [params.page.comment.facebook] enable = false diff --git a/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.fr.md b/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.fr.md index 255b2e60..72f0157a 100644 --- a/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.fr.md +++ b/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.fr.md @@ -518,6 +518,10 @@ Please open the code block below to view the complete sample configuration :(far highlight = true enableQQ = false serverURLs = "" + # {{< version 0.2.6 >}} emoji config file name, default is "facebook.yml" + # ("apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml") + # located in "assets/data/emoji/" directory, where you can put your config file + emoji = "" # {{< link "https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments" "Facebook comment" >}} config [params.page.comment.facebook] enable = false diff --git a/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.zh-cn.md b/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.zh-cn.md index 41ad1f3e..e610bffc 100644 --- a/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.zh-cn.md +++ b/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics.zh-cn.md @@ -520,6 +520,10 @@ hugo highlight = true enableQQ = false serverURLs = "" + # {{< version 0.2.6 >}} emoji 配置文件名称, 默认是 "facebook.yml" + # ("apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml") + # 位于 "assets/data/emoji/" 目录, 你可以在此存放你自己的配置文件 + emoji = "" # {{< link "https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments" "Facebook 评论系统" >}}设置 [params.page.comment.facebook] enable = false diff --git a/layouts/_default/single.html b/layouts/_default/single.html index 9f23ce84..c14337b4 100644 --- a/layouts/_default/single.html +++ b/layouts/_default/single.html @@ -17,5 +17,8 @@