*** Copy Right 2020 Kevin Yu. All rights reserved.
*** Author: Kevin Yu
*** Release date: 2020/07/29
*** Update Time: 2020/07/29
*** Website: www.hikariai.net
The l4t-tlt docker image integrates the Transfer Learning ToolKit developed by NVIDIA with CUDA support. It may help you quickly run inference based on the custom-trained SSD model on the Jetson Devices. This container is compatible with Jetson Nano, TX1/TX2, Xavier NX, and AGX Xavier with the latest JetPack 4.4(L4T R32.4.3) Release.
- CUDA 10.2
- TensorRT 7.1.3
- OpenCV 4.1.1
- TensorRT-OSS 7.1.3
- Tensorflow 1.15
- Pycuda 2019.1.2
- jupyterlab 2.2
- ipykernel 5.3.3
ARMv8 Nvidia Jetson Platform
NVIDIA Jetson Nano
- This image also works with Jetson Xavier but it will be only using 4 CPU cores.
Use the Pre-Built Image from DockerHub
$ docker pull hikariai/l4t-tlt-r44.7.1:nano
Use the Pre-Built Image from AliCloud (Users from China ONLY)
$ docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/hikariai/l4t-tlt-r44.7.1:latest
Run the container
$ sudo docker run --name tlt -it --runtime nvidia -p 3001:8888 hikariai/l4t-tlt-r44.7.1:nano bash
$ jupyter lab --ip --port 8888 --allow-root
For users from China ONLY
$ docker run --name tlt -it --runtime nvidia -p 3001:8888 registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/hikariai/l4t-tlt-r44.7.1:latest bash
$ jupyter lab --ip --port 8888 --allow-root
- Open up a new browser and visit http://localhost:3001, and you should be able to log into JupyterLab with the token displayed in your console.
- The detailed usage instruction of the tool, including all the setup steps, is available in the notebook
-d | run the container in detached mode (background mode) |
-it | run the container in interactive mode |
--rm | delete the container when it finishes its process |
--runtime | use a specify runtime (NVIDIA runtime) while running the container |
-v | add a mounting directory from the host to access and save files inside or outside the container |
--name | specify the name of the container |
--device | map a host device to the container |
-p | map the container port to the host port |
hikariai/l4t-tlt-r44.7.1 | latest (7.1) |