- Added: AI translations (please contribute!)
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Settings that depend on other settings are properly displayed as such
- Fixed: QuickQuest overriding InteractiveWormholes addon
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update zhTW translations (thanks @yizhiyang2011)
- Changed: Update zhCN translations (thanks @yizhiyang2011)
- Fixed: Quest popups errors when quest is not cached
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Prevent accidental teleportation to/from Siren Isle
- Fixed: Prevent accidental teleportation to Hillsbrad Foothills
- Removed: Untranslated strings
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: "New" settings being stuck as new
- Added: Skips for the pre-splash gossip for TWW weekly
- Changed: Quest automation option is now multiple-choice because people don't read changelogs
- Changed: Ignore account-completed quests unless they're being tracked (minimap/map)
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Popup quests becoming stuck sometimes
- Added: zhCN translations (thanks @EK)
- Added: zhTW translations (thanks @EK)
- Changed: Don't skip quest gossip when there are multiple options
- Changed: Simplify some help strings
- Added: Auto-start Theater Troupe gossip
- Added: Auto-continue Awakening the Machine gossip
- Fixed: Error when choosing quest rewards
- Fixed: Settings colliding or not loading/saving properly
- Changed: Automatically skip dialogue options when available
- Fixed: Some strings not being translated correctly
- Fixed: Quests not being ignored correctly at the completion stage
- Fixed: Settings not working on beta
- Fixed: Settings not respecting being turned off
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Updated settings to fit with the new templates
- Fixed: Accidentally picking up trivial quests while not tracking them
- Fixed: API deprecations and changes
- Removed: A lot of old/broken blocked items/npcs/quests defaults (a blocklist reset is recommended)
- Added: Skip for Soridormi gossip
- Changed: No longer accept gossip to teleport out of remix dungeons
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Don't skip gossip with taxi (as this broke other addons)
- Fixed: Blocklist models duplicating
- Removed: Deprecated hooks
- Added: Option to auto-select quest gossip (enabled by default)
- Added: Auto-selecting event gossip (just Big Dig event for now)
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Added: Manapoof to blocklist
- Changed: Use new scroll templates for options panel
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Errors in Court of Stars
- Fixed: Settings not loading properly
- Changed: zhTW translations
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Gossip skip in LFR
- Added: Option to not auto-deliver repeatable quests
- Changed: Some option strings
- Fixed: NPC blocklist not having an effect
- Fixed: NPC names in blocklist
- Added: Primal Foci delivery quests to blocklist
- Added: Option for selecting best quest reward
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Removing entries from blocklist should now persist
- Changed: Block Dragon Shard of Knowledge being turned in
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Added: Darkmoon Faire auto-teleportation is back!
- Fixed: Quests not auto-completing
- Fixed: Gossip quests not being picked up
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Dragonflight compat
- Removed: Darkmoon Faire teleport, will return once we have gossip data
- Removed: Rogue class hall auto gossip
- Added: Options for turning off auto-accepting/completing quests
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Added: Ve'nari repeatable to default blocklist
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Completed quest popups not being automatically completed
- Fixed: World map being "disabled" when a popup quest was active
- Fixed: Popup quests staying behind after quest was accepted/completed from it
- Fixed: Excessive chat spam when opening interface options
- Fixed: Blocking quests not showing title when added by ID
- Fixed: Blocked quests by ID not being blocked
- Fixed: Error when adding new quests to blocklist
- Fixed: Blocklists duplicate entries
- Fixed: Quest blocklist showing empty names
- Fixed: Indexing error
- Added: Quest blocklist (thanks @zgavin)
- Changed: Many blocked NPCs are now blocked quests instead by default
- Removed: Compatibility code for older game clients
- Fixed: Gossip skipped even though turned off
- Fixed: Incorrect Interface version
- Added: NPC blocklist config
- Changed: Replaced custom config with Ace3
- Changed: Item blocklist is now sorted
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Shadowlands compatibility
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Picking up quests in combat
- Changed: Added Dark Iron Mole Machine to the blacklist
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Added: Tezran to the ignore list
- Added: Zurvan to the ignore list
- Added: zhCN translations (thanks @EKE00372)
- Added: zhTW translations (thanks @EKE00372)
- Changed: Using mapID for withered training detection (thanks @siweia)
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Added: Nabiru and High Exarch Turalyon to the NPC blacklist
- Added: Chieftain Hatuun to the NPC blacklist
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update embeds for regression fix
- Changed: Proving Grounds is being ignored globally now
- Fixed: LibStub not being packaged recusively
- Changes: No auto-gossip for class challenges
- Fixed: Items not showing up in the blacklist on first load
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Removed: Support for ignoring quests, removed by Blizzard
- Fixed: Libraries path
- Changed: Profession world quests ignoring now work on any locale
- Changed: No longer attempts to automate delivery of "Supplies Needed" world quests
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: No longer attempts to automate delivery of work order world quests
- Added: Option to disable during Withered Scenario (need localization help!)
- Added: Automated rogue class hall door opener
- Added: Exception for Nomi's (MoP version) daily cooking quests
- Changed: Added values to items from the Sixtrigger Brothers' quest chain
- Removed: Old beta client compatibility
- Fixed: Incorrect path in the pagacker metadata file (internal fluff)
- Added: Sassy Imps to the blacklist
- Added: Option to automatically share quests (warning: prone to be annoying)
- Added: Support for ignored quests
- Added: (Hopefully) proper support for auto-completing quests
- Added: Legion's new bonus roll currency NPC to the blacklist
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Using a library to create the options
- Changed: Using a library to handle API inconsistencies
- Fixed: Garrison scouting missions not being ignored
- Fixed: Auto-accept quests' window getting stuck
- Fixed: String error in the options
- Fixed: Garrison "Mission Specialist" NPC for Alliance not being ignored
- Removed: Auto-accepting quests that start from items (handled by the default UI now)
- Added: Garrison scouting missives to the default item blacklist
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Sealing Fate automation still running (quest was changed)
- Added: Royal Reward as cash reward from quests in Uldum
- Added: Blacklist for auto-accepting weekly seal quests
- Changed: Improved behavior for auto-accepting quests
- Changed: Blacklist more commonly misclicked NPCs
- Added: More options for handling gossip in raids
- Changed: Blacklisted bodyguards from auto-gossip
- Changed: Disabled localizations until they are more mature
- Fixed: Modifier not working when inverted
- Fixed: Quest rewards sometimes not highlighting properly
- Removed: Delay option
- Added: Changelog
- Added: Localization
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: "Auto quests" should now complete properly
- Fixed: Further issues brought on by the beta client
- Removed: Compatibility code for "Mists of Pandaria"
- Added: Support for "Warlords of Draenor" expansion
- Fixed: Darkmoon Faire teleporting option
- Added: License
- Added: Metadata file for the curseforge packager
- Added: Custom dropdown to avoid tainting default UI
- Changed: Renamed the addon to "QuickQuest"
- Added: Automatically accept area-triggered quests
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Starting-area quests
- Fixed: Options not being selected/shown when using chat command
- Fixed: Item caching
- Removed: Forced quest tracking logic
- Added: Information on tooltip for items in the filter options
- Added: Support for filtering items that is part of a quest
- Fixed: Items in the filter options not having textures
- Added: Delay option
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Added: Item filter options
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Make sure we're able to start the quest from an item before we try to start it
- Fixed: Errors during login due to early BAG_UPDATE event firing
- Fixed: Logic behind reverse modifier behavior
- Added: Options
- Fixed: Make sure the quest is tracked on accepting it
- Fixed: Issue with area-triggered quests
- Fixed: Remove even more spam from the chat
- Added: Item filter for specific repeatable quests
- Changed: Disable auto-accepting quest items while at a merchant
- Fixed: Remove more spam from the chat
- Removed: Quest log modifications
- Added: Support for "Mists of Pandaria" expansion
- Added: Champion's Purse real value (10 gold)
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Select the first quest reward automatically if there's only one
- Fixed: Get the correct index for gossip quests
- Fixed: Taints caused by Blizzard leaking a global variable
- Removed: Quest querying system
- Added: Automatically pay the Darkmoon Faire teleporters
- Added: Spam filter for auto-accepting quest items
- Changed: Disable auto-accepting quest items while at a mail box, bank or guild bank
- Changed: Disable auto-gossip feature while in a raid
- Changed: Disable while at the guild bank
- Changed: Let quest querying be forced if needed
- Changed: Manually add quests to the completed list
- Fixed: Quest querying
- First public release