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Erfan Riazati ErfanRzt

Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran

Alex Du alexanderdu15
robots @A2R-Lab

Columbia New York, NY

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Control Engineering Student / Team Leader at @ITU-GammaTeam

Istanbul Technical University Istanbul

Ketan Lin KetenBieber

Guangdong University of Technology 广州市东风东路729号

NhatTran NhatTran-97
Currently, I am a technician at EIU in Binh Duong Viet Nam. My research fields mainly focus on developing an autonomous mobile robot and computer vision system

Binh Duong, Vietnam

CG 菜鸟
jinyq jinyqjinyq
Embodied AI

D-Robotics Beijing

ROM Robotics ROM-robotics
Pyae Soan Aung co-founder, Lecturer,Researcher @ ROM Robotics System Administrator, System Integrator and QT developer

ROM ROBOTICS Yangon , Myanmar

Gautam Dobariya gauti1311


Chen hong da hodan323

National Formosa University taiwan yunlin huwei

Michael Pritchard mik-p
Mechatronics Systems Engineer - Robotics as a focus with all the code in between. Full-stack development - Embedded to Cloud.

University of Canberra Australia



Ahmed Eltawil ahmedel-tawil
Mechatronics Engineer| Robotics enthusiast


Soohan Yoon YSH-research
I'm studing ROS.

Chungbuk national university

Intelligent Robotics Lab-CBNU; Focus: State estimation, Visual-Inertial system, SLAM, and Control system

CBNU Korea

Muhammad Junaid Muhammadjunaidmalik1
Student of Masters of Robotics and Autonomous systems | Working Currently at Idealworks gmbh

Universität zü lubeck Germany