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C H cyborgshead
cyber~Congress. SuperIntelligence & consensus computers R&D. TG: @cyborgshead

@cybercongress Cyberspace

Tushar Jain tushar994
Just someone who loves to build things with code and wants to make change
Username: DJ-Z-S DJZSX
DJZSX features 10 zones that utilize Blockchain, and Data Ownership to journal decentralized information utilizing AI Agents.


Holberton School Student's

South of France

fromancient fromancient
Innovate, Automate, Secure
James Patrick Gibson jamespatrickgibson
Free agent designer and technologist. Ξnthusiast.
Stefano stefanopochet
Growth Engineer (Full Stack Engineer + Growth Marketer)

Consultant Rome, Italy

Pratik Barjatiya pratikbarjatya
ML Practitioner | Data Science | Data Engineering | 📊🎨📉 📜 📈🔍 🔁 👨‍🏫


Watchmaker rajkaramchedu
Developer docs writer at Opentensor Foundation. Also see for other stuff.

Sunnyvale, CA

Naomi Naominour
AI Enthusiast | Machine Learning Engineer | Deep Learning | natural language processing (NLP) developer

England, United Kingdom

Szymon Fonau Sarkosos
CTO @OctoShrew, decent ML Engineer and an experienced bug fixer


میلاد سهرابی کارشناسی ارشد دیجیتال STM32--lpc17xx

hushmandsazan hamedan

Stuart Bishop, Ph.D. stu-bishop
"the most dangerous of all sharks" -Jacques Cousteau on the oceanic whitetip shark.

Kill Devil Hills, NC

不知火 Shiranui supersonictw


Mike DuPont jmikedupont2
Senior Full stack developer focused on p2p ml ai devops

@meta-introspector New Jersey

Backend, Distributed Systems, Blockchain

IIIT-H internet

Rodrigo LPA RodrigoLPA

Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems Germany

Brian McCrindle mccrindlebrian
Just an Engineer trying to write code Vancouver, BC