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Dana Gehring drg799802

Oglala Lakota Colleg Kyle, SD

Zeynep Ersoy zeynepersoy
Postdoctoral researcher in freshwater ecology

University of King Juan Carlos Madrid

Joe Lane OxbowJoe
Research assistant/Ph.D student at the University of Memphis

University of Memphis Memphis

Alfred Martinez Alfred-Martinez
Software engineer with over 10 years of overall experience in Web, Desktop, Enterprise, Cloud application development.

The Tech Clan Los angeles , CA

Sudur Bhattarai sudurbhattarai
Geomatics Engineer

Paschimanchal Campus Lamachaur-16, Pokhara, Nepal

Mohammad Afzal Shadab mashadab
Princeton University Future Faculty Postdoctoral Fellow | UT Austin PhD '24 | NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Graduate Fellow '22 & '23

Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Ryan Avery rbavery

@wherobots Seattle, Washington

E ObiwanKenobee

@Guardian-IO Wakanda

Sarah Elizabeth Stockman SEStockman

University of Colorado, Boulder

Esubalew Teshager esubat
web developer | ML Enthusiast

Yeab Future Addis Ababa

Elshadai Tegegn ElshadaiK
A techie growing as a person everyday :)

Audible/Amazon United States

Matt Fisher mfisher87
Scientific Software Developer at UC Berkeley Schmidt Center for Data Science and Environment. Volunteer open source developer and maintainer. 🏳️‍🌈

@SchmidtDSE Colorado, USA

Alex Venegas Aqua-Grey
I am a Maker. I am working on a soil moisture sensor using Adafruit and Circuit Python.


Shannon Boldt ib1boldt

Point No Point Treaty Council Poulsbo, WA

Eva Weddell evaweddell
Conservation Biology at Oglala Lakota College
Bela Starinchak bstarinchak
Research Associate, Brando Lab

Yale School of the Environment New Haven, CT

Charles Jason Tinant cjtinant
Professor at Oglala Lakota College. Water resources focus in regional floods and drought, water chemistry and stream ecosystems.

Oglala Lakota College South Dakota

Brian S. Yandell byandell

University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI

Sparkle Malone SparkleMalone

Yale University New Haven, CT

Tesia Mancosky tes-ani
MSU Denver Applied Geology student


Kenneth Blake Vernon kbvernon
"[A hamburger] is an engineering and structural problem as much as it is a flavor experience." -Anthony Bourdain

Center for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology

Shike Zhang Shike1223
Ph.D. student at SEAS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI

Miguel Leon miguelcleon

University of New Hampshire Philadelphia

Tyler L. McIntosh TylerLMcIntosh
Forest Disturbance Project Manager PRA @earthlab.

CU Boulder CIRES Earth Lab Boulder, CO

Maxwell C. Cook maxwellCcook
Ph.D Candidate | Balch Fire Lab | Dept. of Geography, University of Colorado Boulder | @earthlab

@earth_lab Colorado

Erin Polka polkaen
Research Data Analyst at Boston University School of Public Health

Boston, MA

Nayani Ilangakoon Chathu84

CIRES/University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO

Hsun-Yi Hsieh hhsieh
Machine learning, SQL, Bayesian, Maximum likelihood & visualization.
Renée F. Brown rfbrown
Research Assistant Professor

University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, USA

Garrett Knowlton gjknowlton
Graduate Student in Ecology @ UW-Madison.
Nick J Lyon njlyon0
Ecologist turned data scientist with a particular focus on reproducible and efficient code in R

@lter @NCEAS Easton, MA

Nathan Korinek nkorinek
Geography Masters student at CU Boulder studying remote sensing and data analysis with EarthLab!

Boulder, CO

Katie Jones kjones13

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Boulder, CO

Cibele Amaral CibeleAmaral
Remote Sensing, Analytics, Open Science, CI Solutions

Earth Lab, CIRES - CU Boulder Boulder, CO