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Vincent Lohse olapiv
Mobile apps, websites, web servers, distributed systems, automatic program repair, database development, machine learning

Netlight Stockholm

Libish Murugesan libishm1
researcher , hobbyist


pzdrk id-2

@yolorollo @ton-bot @pizdarikihq @hummingcraft @webmindapp @jetrover @christofari human in the loop

Maurizio Berta mauriziobrt
PhD Student - Sound and Music Computing

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden

Jerry Y. Chen Jyny
always starting new side projects, working at @jynychen


cheryl BEbillionaireUSD
I'm just a kitty named Dollar. I can only meow, meow.

@CUHK HongKong

godevox godevox
Learning 1's and 0's.

@ASSERT-KTH Stockholm, Sweden

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Diogo Gaspar randomicecube
MSc CS @ KTH, Research Assistant @ CHAINS

CHAINS Stockholm, Sweden

Yin Yuanyuan lemon1-ui
I am Yin Yuanyuan, a student in China University of Mining and Technology University. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions.

China University of Mining and Technology University China University of Mining and Technology University

Martin Monperrus monperrus
"Program code stored on disk is unlikely to cause damage until it runs" --Stephanie Forrest

Acme Corporation Stockholm, Sweden

ZixinLiu ZXLiu
Xi'an Jiaotong University/major in Software Engineering

Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province, China

Florian Wilhelm fwilhe2
I work for SAP. This is my personal account. Avatar made via chatgpt/dall-e.


Deepika Tiwari Deee92

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden

Zixuan Tan frezcirno
working on storage system / information security amateur / slow-witted CTFer / open source enthusiast

ZJU China

Merlijn Sevenhuijsen SevenhuijsenM
Currently working on combining Formal methods and AI at Scania and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Scania & KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden

Stefan Schirra sts153
DB_Admin, age 59

Berlin, Germany

Alec Akin rainmana
I am the Board Treasurer for @Police-Data-Accessibility-Project

Police Data Accessibility Project Washington State

Vivi Andersson vivi365

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm

Ted M. Young tedyoung
Mentor, coder, author, teacher, and learner. AKA jitterted.

Spiral Learning, LLC SF Bay Area, CA

longcpp longcpp
Blockchain, Cryptography, DeFi
Thiago Moura mourats
Bachelor in Computer Science at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Master's Degree student.

Work in @lsi-ufcg Campina Grande, PB - Brazil

Björn Thiberg bjornthiberg
CS and Engineering Physics student at KTH.


André Silva andre15silva
🧑‍🍳 ml on code

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden

Carl Thomé carlthome
Music ML, audio data, self-supervised learning, differentiable programming

Stockholm, Sweden

Mojtaba Eshghie mojtaba-eshghie
PhD Student @ KTH Royal Institute of Technology

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm

Martin Wittlinger MartinWitt
Interested in java ☕️ and code analysis. Stuck in a world full of Spring Boot
Sofia Bobadilla sofiabobadilla
PhD student at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

KTH Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden

Long Zhang gluckzhang
Infrastructure Lead, Ph.D. in Software Reliability

Firstset Stockholm, Sweden