Import the component into your project as is.
import { SendTransaction } from '@/components/send-transaction';
// ...
<SendTransaction />
Follow the code comments in the component to edit it. Check out Wagmi docs for more information.
Fundamentally, the component leverages the following Wagmi hooks:
import {
type BaseError, // for error handling
useSendTransaction, // for sending transactions
useWaitForTransactionReceipt, // for waiting for transaction receipts
useConfig // for configuring the component
} from "wagmi";
There is a zod schema for the form validation on the client side.
// form schema for sending transaction
const formSchema = z.object({
// address is a required field
address: z
.refine((val) => val === "" || isAddress(val), {
message: "Invalid Ethereum address format",
}) as z.ZodType<Address | "">,
// amount is a required field
amount: z
.refine((val) => !isNaN(parseFloat(val)) && parseFloat(val) > 0, {
message: "Amount must be a positive number",
.refine((val) => /^\d*\.?\d{0,18}$/.test(val), {
message: "Amount cannot have more than 18 decimal places",
2 main form functions:
// 1. Define your form.
const form = useForm<z.infer<typeof formSchema>>({
// resolver is zodResolver
resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),
// default values for address and amount
defaultValues: {
address: "", // empty string is the default value
amount: "", // empty string is the default value
// 2. Define a submit handler.
async function onSubmit(values: z.infer<typeof formSchema>) {
// if address is provided, use sigpass wallet (passkey) to send the transaction
if (address) {
account: await getSigpassWallet(),
to: values.address as Address,
value: parseEther(values.amount),
} else {
// if no address is provided, use the connected wallet (browser extension or via WalletConnect)
to: values.address as Address,
value: parseEther(values.amount),
Then we wait for the transaction receipt.
// useWaitForTransactionReceipt hook to wait for transaction receipt
const { isLoading: isConfirming, isSuccess: isConfirmed } =
config: address ? localConfig : config,
When the transaction is confirmed, we refetch the balance of the address.
// when isConfirmed, refetch the balance of the address
useEffect(() => {
if (isConfirmed) {
}, [isConfirmed, refetch]);