All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Allows partial elements to be undocumented
- Allows literal strings to be hardcoded instead of in resx files
- Adds new editorConfig settings
- Changes default language version to preview in order to use C# 8.0 features
- Ignores requirement for static messages in serilog analyzer (using custom solution)
- Ignores missing documentation (enabled by generating doc xml)
- Enables Nullable Context by default on all projects
- Ruleset now ignores CA2007
- Libman libraries should not be commited to source control
- Removes compiled sass & js assets from source control
- Adds gulpfile.js for common sass/js tasks
- Adds a task to restore node modules
- Adds Microsoft Code Analysis as an analyzer
- Recreates analyzer ruleset
- Adds some minor tweaks for submodules
- Orders gitconfig by configuration group name (apart from [user])
- Ignores VS cache globally
- Sets default file encoding as UTF-8
- Enables submodule recursion by default for git
- Adds new option for default import placement
- Adds Serilog roslyn analysers for common logging errors in .Net projects
- Sanitizes gitconfig as much as possible for Windows/Linux interop
- Removes sourcelink from build props, can not compile with multiple sources. You should now install the sourcelink package of your repo provider
- Prevents packaging files that don't have PackageId explictly set leveraging Directory.Build.targets
- Disables SourceLink for non packagable projects
- Moves VS Code workspace settings to proper file
- Supresses warning when using preview releases of Net Core
- Removes framework and runtime identifiers from build path
- Adds dummy target to be updated by GitInfo
- Forced generation of DebugSymbols
- Set Resharper to put attributes in their own line
- Added common gitignore for .net stack
- Added Directory.Build.Props for common nugets and csproj settings
- Added SourceLink only on library projects
- Added default Visual Studio Code settings