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File metadata and controls

156 lines (108 loc) · 6.2 KB


Simple Lossy Compression Image Format for Embedded Platforms


  • Simple.
  • Lossy compression.
  • A typical image compression ratio is somewhere between PNG and JPG.
  • Small memory footprint, only a few hundred bytes of stack memory required for decoding.
  • Designed for 16bpp color images and supports embedded-graphics; add features = ["embedded"] to Cargo.toml.
  • Support for no_std, No alloc is needed for decoding.

Example Apps

/cli: Command Line File Converter

  • Example of a command line application that converts files in MPIC format and other formats such as PNG to each other
$ cargo run -p cli INFILE OUTFILE

/viewer: Image Viewer

  • Example of a GUI application that displays MPIC format files with embedded-graphics
$ cargo run -p viewer FILE_NAME

Other Apps

How it works

  • Divide the image into blocks of 8 x 8 pixels.
  • Convert RGB with 8 bits per channel to YUV with 6 bits per channel.
  • Thin out the U and V channels to 1/4.
  • Because the color difference information is thinned out, even in the worst case, the compression is guaranteed to be more than half of the raw bitmap.
  • Finally, lossless compression is performed using the sliding dictionary method.
  • When decoding, these processes are performed in reverse order.

Comparison with sample images

Mandrill Original Size Converted PNG Size
Original 24bit Bitmap 197KB 155KB
Parrots Original Size Converted PNG Size
Original 24bit Bitmap 197KB 105KB
Pepper Original Size Converted PNG Size
Original 24bit Bitmap 197KB 117KB

File Format

File Header

  • All multi-byte data is encoded in little-endian.
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct FileHeader {
    magic: [u8; 4], // b"\x00mpi"
    width: u16,
    height: u16,
    version: u8,    // The current version is 1.

Differences between versions

  • In version 0, only multiples of 8 are allowed for width and height.
  • There is no limit to image size in version 1 or later.

Image Data

  • Image data follows the header.
  • Image data is divided into 8 x 8 blocks and stored in chunks.
  • If the image size is not a multiple of 8 x 8, the right and bottom edges are filled with a color interpolated from the surroundings to match a multiple of 8.
  • Number of Chunks = ceil(width / 8) * ceil(height / 8)


  • The first byte of each chunk of data indicates the data size, followed by the payload. The chunk size also indicates how the chunks are compressed.
  • For uncompressed chunks, the data size (96), followed by the 64-byte Y channel, 16-byte U channel, and 16-byte V channel. 96 also serves as an identifier for uncompressed data. In practice, normal encoders do not use this mode.
  • The Y channel stores all 8x8 data, while the U and V channels store only 4x4 pixels. The method of thinning the U and V channels is left to the encoder. The decoder should use nearest-neighbor interpolation to expand them by a factor of 2 in height and width.
  • For a 6-bit compacted chunk, the data size is 72. The order of the data is the same as for the uncompressed chunk, but the 6 bits of the uncompressed chunk are compacted into 8 bits, so the data size is 3/4 of the uncompressed chunk.
  • If the data size after compression exceeds 72 with other compression methods, the 6-bit compaction method shall be selected.

Color Conversion Methods

  • RGB888 to YUV666
    y = ((66 * r + 129 * g + 25 * b + 128) >> 10) + 4;

    u = (((-38 * r - 74 * g + 112 * b + 128) / 256) + 128) >> 2;

    v = (((112 * r - 94 * g - 18 * b + 128) / 256) + 128) >> 2;
  • YUV666 to RGB666 or RGB888
fn u6_to_u8(val) {
    (val << 2) | (val >> 4)

    y = u6_to_u8(y - 4);
    u = (u6_to_u8(u) - 128);
    v = (u6_to_u8(v) - 128);

    r6 = ((298 * y + 409 * v + 128) >> 10).clamp(0, 63);
    g6 = ((298 * y - 100 * u - 208 * v + 128) >> 10).clamp(0, 63);
    b6 = ((298 * y + 516 * u + 128) >> 10).clamp(0, 63);

    r8 = u6_to_u8(r6)
    g8 = u6_to_u8(g6)
    b8 = u6_to_u8(b6)

LZ Compression Data Encoding

Representation Meaning
00vv_vvvv Raw Value
01nn_nnnn 00mm_mmmm Together with the trailing byte value, it indicates the length (n+3) and offset -(m+1) of the slide dictionary.
01xx_xxxx NNxx_xxxx RESERVED (NN!=00)
1nnm_mmmm Short form of sliding dictionary, it indicates the length (n+2) and offset -(m+1).



(C) 2023 Nerry