Using the software is a great way to contribute. Asking questions on the GitHub repository is a great way to improve the documentation, identify bugs, request enhancements (e.g., feature requests), and let others know about the software. For example, users could bringing a new model/estimator or algorithm to my attention which could potentially be implemented.
Contributors are those who either contribute or review pull requests. A pull request, is a proposed change to the code base.
The process usually follows:
- Start an issue (e.g., bug report, enhancement, question, proposal).
- Discussion occurs in the issue and a determination is reached (e.g., a call for a pull request).
- Someone forks the project from the dev branch, does the modification to the code, and submits a pull request.
- The pull request is reviewed and any potential issues addressed before being merged if accepted.
A good pull request will include test coverage and documentation as relevant.
Make sure that the pull request is based on the current dev.
Any change to the code base should successfully pass the test suite.
The code style should follow that currently being used at the base branch of the project.