Some deities of Mote might bestow great blessing and gifts upon their devoted followers. The following supernatural gifts are available to characters who perform great deeds of heroism on behalf of their gods or divine domains.
Supernatural Gift (Blessing)
Suggested Domains: Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future Events, Knowledge
You are blessed with the ability to tap into the weavings of fate and glimpse future events. This foreknowledge allows you to bend fate slightly, potentially changing the outcome of your personal destiny.
Once per week during a Long Rest, you receive a prophetic vision of future events affecting you and your party in the form of a dream. Roll on the Clarity and Portent tables to determine the nature and topic of the vision; the DM relays your vision based on these rolls.
This blessing can be transferred to another willing creature by performing a special ceremony using a wand of secrets during certain stellar confluences. Otherwise, this blessing lasts until you die, and as long as you possess it, no other creature can concurrently possess this blessing.
d100 | Clarity |
1-30 | vague or symbolic vision |
31-80 | concrete vision |
81-100 | specific vision granting the seer advantage on d20 tests directly related to events depicted in the vision |
d100 | Portent |
1-30 | mundane vision |
31-80 | vision is relevant to personal events occurring in the next week |
81-95 | vision is relevant to personal events occurring in the next month |
96-100 | vision depicts a major event of importance to the realm |