Non Admin Controller (NAC) restricts the usage of OADP operator with NonAdminBackups and NonAdminRestores. Admin users may want to further restrict this by restricting NonAdminBackup/NonAdminRestore spec fields values.
Non Admin Controller (NAC) adds the ability to admin users restrict the use of OADP operator for non admin users, by only allowing them to create backup/restores from their namespaces with NonAdminBackups/NonAdminRestores. Admin users may want to further restrict non admin users operations, like forcing a specific time to live (TTL) for NonAdminBackups associated Velero Backups. This design enables admin users to set custom default values for NonAdminBackup/NonAdminRestore spec fields, which can not be overridden by non-admin users.
Enable admin users to
- set custom default values for NonAdminBackup spec.backupSpec fields, which can not be overridden
- set custom default values for NonAdminRestore spec.restoreSpec fields, which can not be overridden
- Show custom default values validation errors in NAC object statuses and in NAC logs
- Show NonAdminBackup spec.backupSpec fields/NonAdminRestore spec.restoreSpec fields custom default values to non admin users
- Prevent non admin users to create NonAdminBackup/NonAdminRestore with overridden defaults
- Allow admin users to set second level defaults (for example, NonAdminBackup
can have a custom default value, but not justspec.backupSpec.labelSelector.matchLabels
) - Check if there are on-going NAC operations prior to recreating NAC Pod
- Allow admin users to enforce falsy values (like empty maps or empty lists) for NonAdminBackup spec.backupSpec fields/NonAdminRestore spec.restoreSpec fields
A field will be added to OADP DPA object. With it, admin users will be able to select which NonAdminBackup spec.backupSpec
fields have custom default (and enforced) values. NAC will respect the set values. If a NonAdminBackup is created with fields overriding any enforced values, it will fail validation prior to creating an associated Velero Backup.
Another field will be added to OADP DPA object. With it, admin users will be able to select which NonAdminRestore spec.restoreSpec
fields have custom default (and enforced) values. NAC will respect the set values. If a NonAdminRestore is created with fields overriding any enforced values, it will fail validation prior to creating an associated Velero Restore.
If admin user changes any enforced field value, NAC Pod is recreated to always be up to date with admin user enforcements.
Note: if there are on-going NAC operations prior to recreating NAC Pod, reconcile progress might get lost for NAC objects.
Field spec.nonAdmin.enforceBackupSpec
, of the same type as the Velero Backup Spec, will be added to OADP DPA object.
With it, admin users will be able to select which NonAdminBackup spec.backupSpec
fields have custom default (and enforced) values.
To avoid mistakes, not all fields will be able to be enforced, like IncludedNamespaces
, that could break NAC usage.
NAC will respect the set values by reading DPA field during startup.If admin user changes any enforced field value, NAC Pod is recreated (and only NAC Pod) to always be up to date with admin user enforcements.
If a NonAdminBackup is created with fields overriding any enforced values, it will fail validation prior to creating an associated Velero Backup. Validation error is shown in NonAdminBackup status and NAC logs.
If NonAdminBackup respects enforcement, the created associated Velero Backup will have the enforced spec field values.
Enforcement is done dynamically. If new field is added to Velero Backup Spec, it will be presented to user without code changes. If a field changes type/or default value, tests will warn us.
In this example, admin user has configured NAC with the following OADP DPA options
enable: true
snapshotVolumes: false
tech-preview-ack: 'true'
That means, that the 2 following NonAdminBackup will be accepted by NAC validation
snapshotVolumes: false
ttl: 3h
Note: the related Velero Backup for this NonAdminBackup will have
set to false
But this NonAdminBackup will not be accepted by NAC validation
snapshotVolumes: true
NonAdminBackup status and NAC log will have the following message:
spec.backupSpec.snapshotVolumes field value is enforced by admin user, can not override it
Instead of using a DPA field, using a ConfigMap was considered. Since users would not have type assertion when creating those ConfigMap and parsing it would be harder in NAC side, it was discarded.
No security considerations.
No compatibility issues.
Add EnforceBackupSpec
struct to OADP DPA NonAdmin
type NonAdmin struct {
// which bakup spec field values to enforce
// +optional
EnforceBackupSpec *velero.BackupSpec `json:"enforceBackupSpec,omitempty"`
Add EnforceRestoreSpec
struct to OADP DPA NonAdmin
type NonAdmin struct {
// which restore spec field values to enforce
// +optional
EnforceBackupSpec *velero.BackupSpec `json:"enforceBackupSpec,omitempty"`
Store previous EnforceBackupSpec
and EnforceRestoreSpec
value, so when admin user changes it, Deployment is also changed to trigger a Pod recreation
const (
enforcedBackupSpecKey = "enforced-backup-spec"
enforcedRestoreSpecKey = "enforced-restore-spec"
var (
previousEnforcedBackupSpec *velero.BackupSpec = nil
dpaBackupSpecResourceVersion = ""
previousEnforcedRestoreSpec *velero.RestoreSpec = nil
dpaRestoreSpecResourceVersion = ""
func ensureRequiredSpecs(deploymentObject *appsv1.Deployment, dpa *oadpv1alpha1.DataProtectionApplication, image string, imagePullPolicy corev1.PullPolicy) error {
if len(dpaBackupSpecResourceVersion) == 0 || !reflect.DeepEqual(dpa.Spec.NonAdmin.EnforceBackupSpec, previousEnforcedBackupSpec) {
dpaBackupSpecResourceVersion = dpa.GetResourceVersion()
previousEnforcedBackupSpec = dpa.Spec.NonAdmin.EnforceBackupSpec
if len(dpaRestoreSpecResourceVersion) == 0 || !reflect.DeepEqual(dpa.Spec.NonAdmin.EnforceRestoreSpec, previousEnforcedRestoreSpec) {
dpaRestoreSpecResourceVersion = dpa.GetResourceVersion()
previousEnforcedRestoreSpec = dpa.Spec.NonAdmin.EnforceRestoreSpec
enforcedSpecAnnotation := map[string]string{
enforcedBackupSpecKey: dpaBackupSpecResourceVersion,
enforcedRestoreSpecKey: dpaRestoreSpecResourceVersion,
templateObjectAnnotations := deploymentObject.Spec.Template.GetAnnotations()
if templateObjectAnnotations == nil {
} else {
templateObjectAnnotations[enforcedBackupSpecKey] = enforcedSpecAnnotation[enforcedBackupSpecKey]
templateObjectAnnotations[enforcedRestoreSpecKey] = enforcedSpecAnnotation[enforcedRestoreSpecKey]
During NAC startup, read OADP DPA, to be able to apply admin user enforcement
restConfig := ctrl.GetConfigOrDie()
dpaClientScheme := runtime.NewScheme()
dpaClient, err := client.New(restConfig, client.Options{
Scheme: dpaClientScheme,
if err != nil {
setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create Kubernetes client")
dpaList := &v1alpha1.DataProtectionApplicationList{}
err = dpaClient.List(context.Background(), dpaList)
if err != nil {
setupLog.Error(err, "unable to list DPAs")
Modify ValidateBackupSpec function to use EnforceBackupSpec
and apply that to non admin users' NonAdminBackup request
func ValidateBackupSpec(nonAdminBackup *nacv1alpha1.NonAdminBackup, enforcedBackupSpec *velerov1.BackupSpec) error {
enforcedSpec := reflect.ValueOf(enforcedBackupSpec).Elem()
for index := range enforcedSpec.NumField() {
enforcedField := enforcedSpec.Field(index)
enforcedFieldName := enforcedSpec.Type().Field(index).Name
currentField := reflect.ValueOf(nonAdminBackup.Spec.BackupSpec).Elem().FieldByName(enforcedFieldName)
if !enforcedField.IsZero() && !currentField.IsZero() && !reflect.DeepEqual(enforcedField.Interface(), currentField.Interface()) {
field, _ := reflect.TypeOf(nonAdminBackup.Spec.BackupSpec).Elem().FieldByName(enforcedFieldName)
tagName, _, _ := strings.Cut(field.Tag.Get("json"), ",")
return fmt.Errorf(
"NonAdminBackup spec.backupSpec.%v field value is enforced by admin user, can not override it",
Before creating NonAdminBackup's related Velero Backup, apply any missing fields to it that admin user has enforced
enforcedSpec := reflect.ValueOf(r.EnforcedBackupSpec).Elem()
for index := range enforcedSpec.NumField() {
enforcedField := enforcedSpec.Field(index)
enforcedFieldName := enforcedSpec.Type().Field(index).Name
currentField := reflect.ValueOf(backupSpec).Elem().FieldByName(enforcedFieldName)
if !enforcedField.IsZero() && currentField.IsZero() {
Modify ValidateRestoreSpec function to use EnforceRestoreSpec
and apply that to non admin users' NonAdminBackup request
enforcedSpec := reflect.ValueOf(enforcedRestoreSpec).Elem()
for index := range enforcedSpec.NumField() {
enforcedField := enforcedSpec.Field(index)
enforcedFieldName := enforcedSpec.Type().Field(index).Name
currentField := reflect.ValueOf(nonAdminRestore.Spec.RestoreSpec).Elem().FieldByName(enforcedFieldName)
if !enforcedField.IsZero() && !currentField.IsZero() && !reflect.DeepEqual(enforcedField.Interface(), currentField.Interface()) {
field, _ := reflect.TypeOf(nonAdminRestore.Spec.RestoreSpec).Elem().FieldByName(enforcedFieldName)
tagName, _, _ := strings.Cut(field.Tag.Get("json"), ",")
return fmt.Errorf(
"NonAdminRestore spec.restoreSpec.%v field value is enforced by admin user, can not override it",
Before creating NonAdminRestore's related Velero Restore, apply any missing fields to it that admin user has enforced
enforcedSpec := reflect.ValueOf(r.EnforcedRestoreSpec).Elem()
for index := range enforcedSpec.NumField() {
enforcedField := enforcedSpec.Field(index)
enforcedFieldName := enforcedSpec.Type().Field(index).Name
currentField := reflect.ValueOf(restoreSpec).Elem().FieldByName(enforcedFieldName)
if !enforcedField.IsZero() && currentField.IsZero() {
For more details, check openshift/oadp-operator#1584, #110, openshift/oadp-operator#1600 and #122.
- Show NonAdminBackup spec.backupSpec fields/NonAdminRestore spec.restoreSpec fields custom default values to non admin users #111