Jim Helwig, Aaron Goodfellow, Nick Woodle, Jim Helwig, Jonathan Tran, Toben Archer, Julien Gribonvald
Open Apereo 21 will take place from 7th to the 11th of June, 2021. The schedule can be found at https://eventyay.com/e/da27740b/schedule. Register at https://www.concentra-cms.com/oa21registration.html.
Date: Thursday, 10th June
Join others in the uPortal community for a discussion around the project roadmap. Attendees will be able to share what they are working on locally and what they would like to see on the roadmap. We will then identify immediate priorities and next steps. We are especially interested in identifying where community members can help us make progress. Following the meeting, we will post an updated roadmap.
Date: Friday, 11th June
This workshop is for people that would like to make their first contribution to uPortal! The uPortal ecosystem relies on contributions of all sizes from the community in order to continue to be useful and relevant to all deployers. Making contributions to open source projects like uPortal can build your professional profile. This workshop aims guide you in your first steps in contributing to uPortal and/or its complementing projects to improve functionality and documentation. The goal us for you to leave this workshop having successfully made a contribution to the project.