From 32f6d5dfb31207f9db1849398a8b1092fba3f0d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: semantic-release-bot <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 14:33:10 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci]

# 1.0.0 (2024-11-26)

### Bug Fixes

* add marker opacity deps to effect ([ec00528](
* add missing translation ([897b666](
* add missing translation and slider label ([1e7bc6f](
* add missing translation and slider label ([#6]( ([06b5db8](
* disable eslint rule for unused var line ([4d4cdf4](
* increase chunk threshold ([635567c](
* last cache clear feature ([9e00fda](
* match filename to component ([3840135](
* realt community URL domain ([3d81b16](
* remove unused filter ([7042181](
* remove wallet requirement for property loading ([4897723](
* rpm logo import ([562350c](
* run npm audit fix ([eb28ebb](
* ttl is calculated in seconds ([1342ea0](
* ttl is calculated in seconds ([#14]( ([be59bef](
* use case-sensitive address for realt dashboard URL ([7ec9862](
* use case-sensitive address for realt dashboard URL ([#12]( ([e1a89be](, closes [#8](

### Features

* add carousel for property panel images ([86e6e2f](
* add ga events to app ([c2d6b02](
* add google maps link ([dbc1e14](
* add marker clustering setting ([3388ccc](
* add marker clustering setting ([#13]( ([740fd67](, closes [#10](
* add property panel informations ([efae3de](
* add realt provider ([88f9bf6](
* add rpm help button ([a9074bc](
* add search field ([3bacc2f](
* add sharing buttons ([9ba5e5e](
* add splash screen ([73e912e](
* add start tooltip display option ([9855296](
* add start tooltip display option ([#7]( ([ea9160a](
* add URL copy feature ([9947a26](
* change markers icon and add opacity option ([596ac7f](
* default mapOption to display all ([e7f7c33](
* extend local storage items getter ([aa6a6f9](
* handle resort bungalow property type ([a0930b2](
* handle wrong response from realt community ([e038d3d](
* hide existing addresses by default ([642b08a](
* improve map performance ([d0c3a43](
* improve SEO ([c9f78d0](
* mark rmm tokens option as in progress work ([7dee7d5](
* owned marker differentiate option ([22c6cb2](
* reduce ttl for cache to 1h ([757036b](
* reduce ttl for cache to 1h ([#15]( ([284bdeb](
* replace GQL api using the graph ([b7f92e3](
* store data in URL ([a35c36c](
* update build files ([692a362](
* update URL env variables ([eb7e07c](
* upgrade cache layer ([e5a3fcf](
* use mantine ([316e204](
--- | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 package.json |  5 +++--
 2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13a4be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# 1.0.0 (2024-11-26)
+### Bug Fixes
+* add marker opacity deps to effect ([ec00528](
+* add missing translation ([897b666](
+* add missing translation and slider label ([1e7bc6f](
+* add missing translation and slider label ([#6]( ([06b5db8](
+* disable eslint rule for unused var line ([4d4cdf4](
+* increase chunk threshold ([635567c](
+* last cache clear feature ([9e00fda](
+* match filename to component ([3840135](
+* realt community URL domain ([3d81b16](
+* remove unused filter ([7042181](
+* remove wallet requirement for property loading ([4897723](
+* rpm logo import ([562350c](
+* run npm audit fix ([eb28ebb](
+* ttl is calculated in seconds ([1342ea0](
+* ttl is calculated in seconds ([#14]( ([be59bef](
+* use case-sensitive address for realt dashboard URL ([7ec9862](
+* use case-sensitive address for realt dashboard URL ([#12]( ([e1a89be](, closes [#8](
+### Features
+* add carousel for property panel images ([86e6e2f](
+* add ga events to app ([c2d6b02](
+* add google maps link ([dbc1e14](
+* add marker clustering setting ([3388ccc](
+* add marker clustering setting ([#13]( ([740fd67](, closes [#10](
+* add property panel informations ([efae3de](
+* add realt provider ([88f9bf6](
+* add rpm help button ([a9074bc](
+* add search field ([3bacc2f](
+* add sharing buttons ([9ba5e5e](
+* add splash screen ([73e912e](
+* add start tooltip display option ([9855296](
+* add start tooltip display option ([#7]( ([ea9160a](
+* add URL copy feature ([9947a26](
+* change markers icon and add opacity option ([596ac7f](
+* default mapOption to display all ([e7f7c33](
+* extend local storage items getter ([aa6a6f9](
+* handle resort bungalow property type ([a0930b2](
+* handle wrong response from realt community ([e038d3d](
+* hide existing addresses by default ([642b08a](
+* improve map performance ([d0c3a43](
+* improve SEO ([c9f78d0](
+* mark rmm tokens option as in progress work ([7dee7d5](
+* owned marker differentiate option ([22c6cb2](
+* reduce ttl for cache to 1h ([757036b](
+* reduce ttl for cache to 1h ([#15]( ([284bdeb](
+* replace GQL api using the graph ([b7f92e3](
+* store data in URL ([a35c36c](
+* update build files ([692a362](
+* update URL env variables ([eb7e07c](
+* upgrade cache layer ([e5a3fcf](
+* use mantine ([316e204](
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 1bb9d49..5e7e58b 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
     "@semantic-release/npm": "^12.0.1",
     "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator": "^14.0.1",
     "semantic-release": "^24.2.0"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+  },
+  "version": "1.0.0"