diff --git a/cookiecutter/tap-template/{{cookiecutter.tap_id}}/{{cookiecutter.library_name}}/graphql-client.py b/cookiecutter/tap-template/{{cookiecutter.tap_id}}/{{cookiecutter.library_name}}/graphql-client.py
index d1289efa4b..289199b117 100644
--- a/cookiecutter/tap-template/{{cookiecutter.tap_id}}/{{cookiecutter.library_name}}/graphql-client.py
+++ b/cookiecutter/tap-template/{{cookiecutter.tap_id}}/{{cookiecutter.library_name}}/graphql-client.py
@@ -45,14 +45,11 @@ def http_headers(self) -> dict:
             A dictionary of HTTP headers.
-        headers = {}
-        if "user_agent" in self.config:
-            headers["User-Agent"] = self.config.get("user_agent")
 {%- if cookiecutter.auth_method not in ("OAuth2", "JWT") %}
         # If not using an authenticator, you may also provide inline auth headers:
         # headers["Private-Token"] = self.config.get("auth_token")
 {%- endif %}
-        return headers
+        return {}
     def parse_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> t.Iterable[dict]:
         """Parse the response and return an iterator of result records.
diff --git a/cookiecutter/tap-template/{{cookiecutter.tap_id}}/{{cookiecutter.library_name}}/rest-client.py b/cookiecutter/tap-template/{{cookiecutter.tap_id}}/{{cookiecutter.library_name}}/rest-client.py
index c1aa634a51..35a53303cc 100644
--- a/cookiecutter/tap-template/{{cookiecutter.tap_id}}/{{cookiecutter.library_name}}/rest-client.py
+++ b/cookiecutter/tap-template/{{cookiecutter.tap_id}}/{{cookiecutter.library_name}}/rest-client.py
@@ -132,14 +132,11 @@ def http_headers(self) -> dict:
             A dictionary of HTTP headers.
-        headers = {}
-        if "user_agent" in self.config:
-            headers["User-Agent"] = self.config.get("user_agent")
 {%- if cookiecutter.auth_method not in ("OAuth2", "JWT") %}
         # If not using an authenticator, you may also provide inline auth headers:
         # headers["Private-Token"] = self.config.get("auth_token")  # noqa: ERA001
 {%- endif %}
-        return headers
+        return {}
     def get_new_paginator(self) -> BaseAPIPaginator:
         """Create a new pagination helper instance.
diff --git a/docs/_templates/stream_class.rst b/docs/_templates/stream_class.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0f50324a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_templates/stream_class.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{{ fullname }}
+{{ "=" * fullname|length }}
+.. currentmodule:: {{ module }}
+.. autoclass:: {{ name }}
+    :members:
+    :show-inheritance:
+    :inherited-members:
+    :special-members: __init__
diff --git a/docs/classes/singer_sdk.GraphQLStream.rst b/docs/classes/singer_sdk.GraphQLStream.rst
index 41953196f6..beff2d9537 100644
--- a/docs/classes/singer_sdk.GraphQLStream.rst
+++ b/docs/classes/singer_sdk.GraphQLStream.rst
@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@
 .. autoclass:: GraphQLStream
-    :special-members: __init__, __call__
\ No newline at end of file
+    :show-inheritance:
+    :inherited-members:
+    :special-members: __init__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/classes/singer_sdk.RESTStream.rst b/docs/classes/singer_sdk.RESTStream.rst
index 9710c6303f..864a92e34f 100644
--- a/docs/classes/singer_sdk.RESTStream.rst
+++ b/docs/classes/singer_sdk.RESTStream.rst
@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@
 .. autoclass:: RESTStream
-    :special-members: __init__, __call__
\ No newline at end of file
+    :show-inheritance:
+    :inherited-members:
+    :special-members: __init__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/classes/singer_sdk.SQLStream.rst b/docs/classes/singer_sdk.SQLStream.rst
index f72894088b..aed38513e2 100644
--- a/docs/classes/singer_sdk.SQLStream.rst
+++ b/docs/classes/singer_sdk.SQLStream.rst
@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@
 .. autoclass:: SQLStream
-    :special-members: __init__, __call__
\ No newline at end of file
+    :show-inheritance:
+    :inherited-members:
+    :special-members: __init__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/classes/singer_sdk.Stream.rst b/docs/classes/singer_sdk.Stream.rst
index db028a9123..df738bb7b9 100644
--- a/docs/classes/singer_sdk.Stream.rst
+++ b/docs/classes/singer_sdk.Stream.rst
@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@
 .. autoclass:: Stream
-    :special-members: __init__, __call__
\ No newline at end of file
+    :show-inheritance:
+    :inherited-members:
+    :special-members: __init__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/reference.rst b/docs/reference.rst
index 71e0d6ddb5..6522c8a365 100644
--- a/docs/reference.rst
+++ b/docs/reference.rst
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Stream Classes
 .. autosummary::
     :toctree: classes
-    :template: class.rst
+    :template: stream_class.rst
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 55771a9600..589fb63364 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ filterwarnings = [
     # https://github.com/meltano/sdk/issues/1354
     "ignore:The function singer_sdk.testing.get_standard_tap_tests is deprecated:DeprecationWarning",
     # https://github.com/meltano/sdk/issues/2744
-    "ignore::singer_sdk.helpers._compat.SingerSDKDeprecationWarning",
+    "default::singer_sdk.helpers._compat.SingerSDKDeprecationWarning",
     # TODO: Address this SQLite warning in Python 3.13+
diff --git a/singer_sdk/authenticators.py b/singer_sdk/authenticators.py
index 3a7fd88331..916669ef70 100644
--- a/singer_sdk/authenticators.py
+++ b/singer_sdk/authenticators.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     import logging
-    from singer_sdk.streams.rest import RESTStream
+    from singer_sdk.streams.rest import _HTTPStream
 def _add_parameters(initial_url: str, extra_parameters: dict) -> str:
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class APIAuthenticatorBase:
         auth_params: URL query parameters for authentication.
-    def __init__(self, stream: RESTStream) -> None:
+    def __init__(self, stream: _HTTPStream) -> None:
         """Init authenticator.
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class SimpleAuthenticator(APIAuthenticatorBase):
     def __init__(
-        stream: RESTStream,
+        stream: _HTTPStream,
         auth_headers: dict | None = None,
     ) -> None:
         """Create a new authenticator.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class APIKeyAuthenticator(APIAuthenticatorBase):
     def __init__(
-        stream: RESTStream,
+        stream: _HTTPStream,
         key: str,
         value: str,
         location: str = "header",
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ def __init__(
     def create_for_stream(
         cls: type[APIKeyAuthenticator],
-        stream: RESTStream,
+        stream: _HTTPStream,
         key: str,
         value: str,
         location: str,
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class BearerTokenAuthenticator(APIAuthenticatorBase):
     'Bearer '. The token will be merged with HTTP headers on the stream.
-    def __init__(self, stream: RESTStream, token: str) -> None:
+    def __init__(self, stream: _HTTPStream, token: str) -> None:
         """Create a new authenticator.
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def __init__(self, stream: RESTStream, token: str) -> None:
     def create_for_stream(
         cls: type[BearerTokenAuthenticator],
-        stream: RESTStream,
+        stream: _HTTPStream,
         token: str,
     ) -> BearerTokenAuthenticator:
         """Create an Authenticator object specific to the Stream class.
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class BasicAuthenticator(APIAuthenticatorBase):
     def __init__(
-        stream: RESTStream,
+        stream: _HTTPStream,
         username: str,
         password: str,
     ) -> None:
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ def __init__(
     def create_for_stream(
         cls: type[BasicAuthenticator],
-        stream: RESTStream,
+        stream: _HTTPStream,
         username: str,
         password: str,
     ) -> BasicAuthenticator:
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class OAuthAuthenticator(APIAuthenticatorBase):
     def __init__(
-        stream: RESTStream,
+        stream: _HTTPStream,
         auth_endpoint: str | None = None,
         oauth_scopes: str | None = None,
         default_expiration: int | None = None,
diff --git a/singer_sdk/exceptions.py b/singer_sdk/exceptions.py
index a766952f95..14d760705f 100644
--- a/singer_sdk/exceptions.py
+++ b/singer_sdk/exceptions.py
@@ -146,6 +146,10 @@ class InvalidJSONSchema(Exception):
     """Raised when a JSON schema is invalid."""
+class InvalidPayloadError(Exception):
+    """Raised when a JSON payload is invalid."""
 class InvalidRecord(Exception):
     """Raised when a stream record is invalid according to its declared schema."""
diff --git a/singer_sdk/streams/rest.py b/singer_sdk/streams/rest.py
index 7f1f6fb89a..1037a284f9 100644
--- a/singer_sdk/streams/rest.py
+++ b/singer_sdk/streams/rest.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import abc
 import copy
 import logging
+import sys
 import typing as t
 from functools import cached_property
 from http import HTTPStatus
@@ -13,10 +14,16 @@
 import backoff
 import requests
+import simplejson as json
 from singer_sdk import metrics
 from singer_sdk.authenticators import SimpleAuthenticator
-from singer_sdk.exceptions import FatalAPIError, RetriableAPIError
+from singer_sdk.exceptions import (
+    FatalAPIError,
+    InvalidPayloadError,
+    RetriableAPIError,
+from singer_sdk.helpers._compat import SingerSDKDeprecationWarning
 from singer_sdk.helpers.jsonpath import extract_jsonpath
 from singer_sdk.pagination import (
@@ -26,7 +33,13 @@
 from singer_sdk.streams.core import Stream
+if sys.version_info < (3, 13):
+    from typing_extensions import deprecated
+    from warnings import deprecated  # pragma: no cover
+    from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
     from datetime import datetime
     from backoff.types import Details
@@ -41,25 +54,15 @@
 _TToken = t.TypeVar("_TToken")
-class RESTStream(Stream, t.Generic[_TToken], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):  # noqa: PLR0904
-    """Abstract base class for REST API streams."""
+class _HTTPStream(Stream, t.Generic[_TToken], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):  # noqa: PLR0904
+    """Abstract base class for HTTP streams."""
     _page_size: int = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
     _requests_session: requests.Session | None
-    #: HTTP method to use for requests. Defaults to "GET".
-    rest_method = "GET"
-    #: JSONPath expression to extract records from the API response.
-    records_jsonpath: str = "$[*]"
     #: Response code reference for rate limit retries
     extra_retry_statuses: t.Sequence[int] = [HTTPStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS]
-    #: Optional JSONPath expression to extract a pagination token from the API response.
-    #: Example: `"$.next_page"`
-    next_page_token_jsonpath: str | None = None
     #: Optional flag to disable HTTP redirects. Defaults to False.
     allow_redirects: bool = True
@@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ def __init__(
         schema: dict[str, t.Any] | Schema | None = None,
         path: str | None = None,
     ) -> None:
-        """Initialize the REST stream.
+        """Initialize the HTTP stream.
             tap: Singer Tap this stream belongs to.
@@ -103,8 +106,6 @@ def __init__(
             self.path = path
         self._http_headers: dict = {"User-Agent": self.user_agent}
         self._requests_session = requests.Session()
-        self._compiled_jsonpath = None
-        self._next_page_token_compiled_jsonpath = None
     def _url_encode(val: str | datetime | bool | int | list[str]) -> str:  # noqa: FBT001
@@ -140,6 +141,24 @@ def get_url(self, context: Context | None) -> str:
     # HTTP Request functions
+    @property
+    @deprecated(
+        "Use `http_method` instead.",
+        category=SingerSDKDeprecationWarning,
+    )
+    def rest_method(self) -> str:
+        """HTTP method to use for requests. Defaults to "GET".
+        .. deprecated:: 0.43.0
+           Override :meth:`~singer_sdk.RESTStream.http_method` instead.
+        """
+        return "GET"
+    @property
+    def http_method(self) -> str:
+        """HTTP method to use for requests. Defaults to "GET"."""
+        return self.rest_method
     def requests_session(self) -> requests.Session:
         """Get requests session.
@@ -368,19 +387,27 @@ def prepare_request(
             Build a request with the stream's URL, path, query parameters,
             HTTP headers and authenticator.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidPayloadError: If the JSON payload is invalid.
-        http_method = self.rest_method
+        http_method = self.http_method
         url: str = self.get_url(context)
         params: dict | str = self.get_url_params(context, next_page_token)
-        request_data = self.prepare_request_payload(context, next_page_token)
         headers = self.http_headers
+        try:
+            request_data = self.prepare_request_data(context, next_page_token)
+        except InvalidPayloadError:
+            self.logger.exception("Error preparing request data for '%s'", self.name)
+            raise
         return self.build_prepared_request(
-            json=request_data,
+            data=request_data,
     def request_records(self, context: Context | None) -> t.Iterable[dict]:
@@ -518,12 +545,20 @@ def calculate_sync_cost(  # noqa: PLR6301
         return {}
-    def prepare_request_payload(
+    def prepare_request_data(
         context: Context | None,
         next_page_token: _TToken | None,
-    ) -> dict | None:
-        """Prepare the data payload for the REST API request.
+    ) -> (
+        Iterable[bytes]
+        | str
+        | bytes
+        | list[tuple[t.Any, t.Any]]
+        | tuple[tuple[t.Any, t.Any]]
+        | Mapping[str, t.Any]
+        | None
+    ):
+        """Prepare the data payload for the HTTP request.
         By default, no payload will be sent (return None).
@@ -537,27 +572,6 @@ def prepare_request_payload(
                 next page of data.
-    def get_new_paginator(self) -> BaseAPIPaginator:
-        """Get a fresh paginator for this API endpoint.
-        Returns:
-            A paginator instance.
-        """
-        if hasattr(self, "get_next_page_token"):
-            warn(
-                "`RESTStream.get_next_page_token` is deprecated and will not be used "
-                "in a future version of the Meltano Singer SDK. "
-                "Override `RESTStream.get_new_paginator` instead.",
-                DeprecationWarning,
-                stacklevel=2,
-            )
-            return LegacyStreamPaginator(self)
-        if self.next_page_token_jsonpath:
-            return JSONPathPaginator(self.next_page_token_jsonpath)
-        return SimpleHeaderPaginator("X-Next-Page")
     def http_headers(self) -> dict:
         """Return headers dict to be used for HTTP requests.
@@ -601,6 +615,9 @@ def get_records(self, context: Context | None) -> t.Iterable[dict[str, t.Any]]:
             yield transformed_record
+    # Abstract methods:
+    @abc.abstractmethod
     def parse_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> t.Iterable[dict]:
         """Parse the response and return an iterator of result records.
@@ -610,9 +627,16 @@ def parse_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> t.Iterable[dict]:
             One item for every item found in the response.
-        yield from extract_jsonpath(self.records_jsonpath, input=response.json())
+        ...
-    # Abstract methods:
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def get_new_paginator(self) -> BaseAPIPaginator:
+        """Get a fresh paginator for this endpoint.
+        Returns:
+            A paginator instance.
+        """
+        ...
     def authenticator(self) -> Auth:
@@ -712,3 +736,125 @@ def backoff_runtime(  # noqa: PLR6301
         exception = yield  # type: ignore[misc]
         while True:
             exception = yield value(exception)
+class RESTStream(_HTTPStream, t.Generic[_TToken], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+    """Abstract base class for REST API streams."""
+    #: JSONPath expression to extract records from the API response.
+    records_jsonpath: str = "$[*]"
+    #: Optional JSONPath expression to extract a pagination token from the API response.
+    #: Example: `"$.next_page"`
+    next_page_token_jsonpath: str | None = None
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        tap: Tap,
+        name: str | None = None,
+        schema: dict[str, t.Any] | Schema | None = None,
+        path: str | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Initialize the REST stream.
+        Args:
+            tap: Singer Tap this stream belongs to.
+            schema: JSON schema for records in this stream.
+            name: Name of this stream.
+            path: URL path for this entity stream.
+        """
+        super().__init__(tap, name, schema, path)
+        self._http_headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
+        self._compiled_jsonpath = None
+        self._next_page_token_compiled_jsonpath = None
+    def prepare_request_data(
+        self,
+        context: Context | None,
+        next_page_token: _TToken | None,
+    ) -> (
+        Iterable[bytes]
+        | str
+        | bytes
+        | list[tuple[t.Any, t.Any]]
+        | tuple[tuple[t.Any, t.Any]]
+        | Mapping[str, t.Any]
+        | None
+    ):
+        """Prepare the data payload for the REST API request.
+        By default, no payload will be sent (return None).
+        Developers may override this method if the API requires a custom payload along
+        with the request. (This is generally not required for APIs which use the
+        HTTP 'GET' method.)
+        Args:
+            context: Stream partition or context dictionary.
+            next_page_token: Token, page number or any request argument to request the
+                next page of data.
+        Returns:
+            A JSON string with the payload for the request.
+        Raises:
+            InvalidPayloadError: If the JSON payload is invalid.
+        """
+        if payload := self.prepare_request_payload(context, next_page_token):
+            try:
+                return json.dumps(payload, allow_nan=False)
+            except ValueError as exc:
+                raise InvalidPayloadError from exc
+        return None
+    def prepare_request_payload(
+        self,
+        context: Context | None,
+        next_page_token: _TToken | None,
+    ) -> dict | None:
+        """Prepare the data payload for the REST API request.
+        By default, no payload will be sent (return None).
+        Developers may override this method if the API requires a custom payload along
+        with the request. (This is generally not required for APIs which use the
+        HTTP 'GET' method.)
+        Args:
+            context: Stream partition or context dictionary.
+            next_page_token: Token, page number or any request argument to request the
+                next page of data.
+        """
+    def parse_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> t.Iterable[dict]:
+        """Parse the response and return an iterator of result records.
+        Args:
+            response: A raw :class:`requests.Response`
+        Yields:
+            One item for every item found in the response.
+        """
+        yield from extract_jsonpath(self.records_jsonpath, input=response.json())
+    def get_new_paginator(self) -> BaseAPIPaginator:
+        """Get a fresh paginator for this API endpoint.
+        Returns:
+            A paginator instance.
+        """
+        if hasattr(self, "get_next_page_token"):
+            warn(
+                "`RESTStream.get_next_page_token` is deprecated and will not be used "
+                "in a future version of the Meltano Singer SDK. "
+                "Override `RESTStream.get_new_paginator` instead.",
+                DeprecationWarning,
+                stacklevel=2,
+            )
+            return LegacyStreamPaginator(self)
+        if self.next_page_token_jsonpath:
+            return JSONPathPaginator(self.next_page_token_jsonpath)
+        return SimpleHeaderPaginator("X-Next-Page")