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Jonathan Casarrubias edited this page Oct 27, 2016 · 26 revisions

##Presenting FireLoop

FireLoop is a NodeJS Real-Time Platform that allows you to build complex applications by integrating the amazing technologies from the MEAN Stack, like IBM's LoopBack, Google's Angular 2, Telerik's [NativeScript] and [Ionic].

Aside of the wonderful integration described above, FireLoop also provides you with exclusive modules that will allow you to automatically build your server APIs, client SDKs, Statistics and More.

##Installing FireLoop CLI

$ npm install -g

##Create FireLoop Project, Clients and SDK

$ mkdir myproject && cd myproject
$ fireloop

##Build FireLoop Models Another great addition is that now both; your Back and Front ends are built in [TypScript].

$ cd myproject
$ fireloop model MyModel

##Serve FireLoop Applications

$ cd myproject
$ fireloop serve
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