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Terminology across platforms

Minh Nguyễn edited this page Sep 19, 2017 · 11 revisions

Each of the GL libraries uses different terminology in its public APIs. This is because each library attempts to feel natural to developers on that platform.

Style specification terms and their meanings on each platform

The following terms in the Mapbox Style Specification and Mapbox GL JS API have different meanings on the native platforms. Definitions in italics denote concepts that the Mapbox GL developers have no control over.

Term Web iOS/macOS Android
annotation Directions API metadata a point or shape overlay Java language feature; Directions API metadata
attribute part of an HTML element vector tile metadata; Directions API metadata
bindings Node something-something reactive programming built into Objective-C reactive programming in Java?
class a way to toggle paint properties language feature language feature
filter a way to hide features in a layer Apple compositing feature a way to hide features in a layer
function JavaScript language feature; a variable property value Objective-C language feature Java language feature; a variable property value
id unique identifier Objective-C language keyword unique identifier
layer similar to an overlay, but part of the map Apple animation feature similar to an overlay, but part of the map
map view an occasion a map is viewed a container for a map a container for a map
region akin to bounding box bundle of resources for offline usage
point 1D shape unit of distance; 1D shape 1D shape
property JavaScript language feature; an option for a style layer or vector feature Objective-C/Swift language feature Java language feature; an option for a style layer or vector feature

Public API terminology on each platform

These differences in terminology have led to a number of differences in the libraries’ public APIs, as illustrated in the following table. 🛣 denotes a term used in a client of the Mapbox Directions API that is used together with a GL library (Mapbox GL Directions, MapboxDirections.swift, Mapbox Java Services).

Web iOS/macOS Android Qt
pixel point pixel pixel
annotation marker, annotation annotation
marker annotation view marker view
sprite annotation image marker icon annotation icon
popup callout, callout view; popover (macOS) info window
geometry shape geometry annotation shape
source content source source data source
GeoJSON source shape source GeoJSON source GeoJSON data source
layer style layer layer layer, style layer
OpenGL style layer custom layer custom layer
property attribute property property
id identifier id id
class style class class
icon style image image image
SDF icon template image
function style function function
zoom function camera style function camera function
property function source style function source function
zoom-and-property function composite style function composite function
filter predicate filter
offline pack offline region
offline region offline region definition
offline storage offline manager offline cache database
attribution attribution attribution copyrights
bearing direction, heading bearing bearing
padding edge insets, edge padding content padding margins
LngLat coordinate LatLng coordinate
bounds, bbox coordinate bounds, region LatLng bounds bounds
project/unproject convert project/unproject
camera options map camera camera
user location annotation view, user dot my location view
event listener observer listener signal
handler gesture recognizer
swipe swipe, fling
click tap (iOS) / click (macOS) click, touch click
double-click double-tap (iOS) / double-click (macOS) double-touch double-click
long tap (iOS) / press (macOS) long click, long press
pan pan, scroll scroll pan
scroll, zoom pinch pinch scale
annotation 🛣 attribute annotation
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