Releases: macrocosm-os/folding
Releases · macrocosm-os/folding
TaoFold v1.4.4
Preventative measure for checkpoint file validation:
- Check miner energies based on position and velocity.
- If these diverge from submitted checkpoint file energies, reward is set to 0.
TaoFold v1.4.2
Major change:
- Any malicious keys should be set to 0 incentive.
- All submissions to a job should be unique. If they are not, all non-unique miners will receive 0 incentive.
TaoFold v1.4.1
This release includes:
- Additional tests for s3 functionality.
- Updates to
logic to ensure Global Job Pool updates are interpreted correctly. - Black formatting for the whole repository with an update to increase the line length parameter.
- validator blacklisting for maliciously acting coldkeys
TaoFold v1.4.0
The second major integration of components of the Global Job Pool (GJP), focusing mainly on adding files to S3 buckets.
TaoFold v1.3.4
- Removal of
implying random sampling of all miners. - Remove the use of
flag, i.e. miners cannot opt-out of jobs.
TaoFold v1.3.3
- Fix mass-setting exploit in miner returned proteins.
- New validators should weight copy on startup if they have no weights. This gives them a warm start
TaoFold v1.3.2
This includes:
- Upgrading the bittensor version of Folding to 8.5.1 to support CR3
Taofold V1.3.1
Released a small hotfix for an exploit
TaoFold v1.3.0
We provide a major upgrade to the folding repo that is a first stepping stone towards a Global Job Pool. The major features include:
- an rqlite distributed database ( for holding the job requests created by the validator
- We use a centralized API from the new macrocosmos repo called Golgi-apparatus ( which is a FastAPI-based service for managing and interacting with job creation and deletion processes, backed by RQLite for distributed storage.
- The API uses Epistula ( for secure communications that are signed by the hotkey credentials of the validator/miner
TaoFold v1.2.3
Increase PingSynapse
timeout because new Bittensor dendrite seems to be slower, and this was causing Timeout issues for all validators.