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Installation Guide

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Here after, you will be guided during the installation and setup of our toolchain.

The toolchain gathers all the pieces of software you need to successfully write, compile, debug, recompile and upload your code to our Arduino based Moti.

It took us quite some time to figure out what to do, how to do it, which Homebrew formula to install, how to use the Makefile and so on. When we say quite some time, you can count full working weeks of reading, trying, trying again, cursing because nothing is working, dead ends, new ideas, clearer vision and finally a working toolchain.

It's our present to the world!

You'll find two sets of instructions:

Have fun! :)

Quick Installation Guide

OS X - 10.9.2


Before starting, please make sure you have those installed:

  • Arduino IDE - Download the app from the website
  • Homebrew - Follow the instructions on their website
  • Git - use brew install git to install the latest version

1. Install avr-gcc, binutils, avr-libc and avrdude

We've made a Homebrew formula that you can tap like dat ass:

$ brew tap osx-cross/avr
$ brew install avr-libc

Check that everything has been installed properly by running avr-gcc -v and avrdude -v. If avrdude is missing, install it with:

$ brew install avrdude

2. Clone moti repository from Github

Simply clone the repo:

$ git clone path/to/moti

Initialize and update submodules:

$ cd path/to/moti
$ git checkout dev && git submodule update --init --recursive

3. Install pySerial

To upload the program, we need to reset the Arduino board. This is done using a python script stored in ./arduino-mk/bin

First, if you don't already have Python, you can install it using Homebrew:

$ brew install python

Then install pySerial:

$ pip install pyserial

4. Test if your code is compiled and uploaded correctly

To make sure you're up and running to hack autism, we are going to compile some code.

First cd to one of the src folders:

$ cd path/to/moti
$ cd src/driveSystem

Then copy the Makefile from arduino-mk:

$ cp ../../arduino-mk/examples/MakefileExample/ ./Makefile

You need to customize the Makefile to work on your pc. Open it and change the following line:

# change line 8 from
PROJECT_DIR = /Users/Ladislas/dev/leka/moti
# according to your path to
PROJECT_DIR = path/to/moti

Then compile and upload your code to an Arduino Mega2560:

$ make
$ make upload

If it's not working, make sure everything has been installed correctly and check your Makefile configuration. Also make sure you are using an Arduino Mega2560.


1. Install the toolbox

Before starting we need to install git and arduino:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install git arduino

1. Install avr-gcc, binutils, avr-libc and avrdude

$ sudo apt-get install gcc-avr binutils avr-libc avrdude

Make sure everything is up and running by running avr-gcc -v and avrdude -v.

2. Clone moti repository from Github

Simply clone the repo:

$ git clone path/to/moti

Initialize and update submodules:

$ cd path/to/moti
$ git checkout dev && git submodule update --init --recursive

3. Install pySerial

To upload the program, we need to reset the Arduino board. This is done using s python script stored in ./arduino-mk/bin

First, if you don't already have Python, you can install it:

$ sudo apt-get install python python-pip

Then install pySerial:

$ sudo pip install pyserial --upgrade

4. Test if your code is compiled and uploaded correctly

To make sure you're up and running to hack autism, we are going to compile some code.

First cd to one of the src folders, i.e.:

$ cd path/to/moti
$ cd src/driveSystem

Then copy the Makefile from arduino-mk:

$ cp ../../Arduino-MakeFile/examples/MakefileExample/ ./Makefile

You need to customize the Makefile to work on your pc. Open it and change the following line: (If on Sublime Text 2, set syntax to Makefile by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and then typing "ssmk".)

# change line 9 from
PROJECT_DIR = /Users/Ladislas/dev/leka/moti
# according to your path to
PROJECT_DIR = path/to/moti

# comment out line 18 (and all others that follow for OSX. Spare those for Linux)
ARDUINO_DIR = /Applications/

# comment out line 37
AVR_TOOLS_DIR	 = /usr/local

# comment out line 44
AVRDDUDE		  = /usr/local/bin/avrdude

Then compile and upload your code to an **Arduino Mega2560**:

$ make
$ make upload

If it's not working, make sure everything has been installed correctly and check your Makefile configuration. Also make sure you are using and Arduino Mega2560.

Full installation Guide for OS X 10.9.2

Workin in progress... stay tuned!


Before starting, we need to install different mandatory softwares:

  • Arduino IDE - this software is used to develop the source code and to upload it to your Arduino board. We recommend going for the 1.0.5 version. If you are a little more advanced user feel free to try the new beta version 1.5. Please note that you may encounter strange behaviors (we do sometimes), so please, take the time to report them in the Due Forum and/or here.
  • Homebrew - Homebrew is the best package manager for OS X (a Linux version is under development). Homebrew helps you download and install packages to do whatever your need to do, without compromising your computer and the weird stuff going on in /usr/local/
  • Git - Of course, you need to have git install but we assume that if you are reading this, you know what it is and how to use it. If you're not really comfortable with the Command Line, you can use a Git GUI. Try this list, test them and stick to the one you prefer! :)
  • Github account - Sign up for free, fork the project, improve the awesomeness and pull it back!

With these tools, you should be up and running and ready to hack autism with Moti!

Advanced & Recommended

Okay, so you started with the Arduino IDE, you're now familiar with the language, you've already read and write something like a thousand lines of code and you would really love some new tools to speed up your coding and improve your coding experience. Here are some solutions for you that we, at Leka, are using on a daily basis with great pleasure!

  • Sublime Text 2 - ST2 is our favorite prose/code editor. It takes some time to familiarize but once you get used to it, you'll have some hard time finding a replacement! The great thing with ST2 is that you can install or develop your own packages to improve your coding experience. Here after are some of theme :)
  • ST2 Package Controler - First start with this one! It will allow you to manage and install great packages. Follow the instruction provided by the link and you'll be good to go!
  • Sublime - Arduino - This package is really usefull because it provides syntax highlighting for Arduino code!
  • SublimeClang - This package is a must have to write serious code. It provides code completion and syntax checking in real time. We've set up and customized a moti.sublime-project to suit our needs. Please note that the package manager might not work, so you'll have to clone and build it yourself. You'll find detailed instructions on the Github page.

Installing, Updating & Removing

Hacker's guide - Mac OS X Edition

For you people working on Max OS X, it should be pretty easy.

Make sure you've installed the Arduino IDE.

3. Clone the Arduino-Makefile repo from Github - NOT REQUIRED ANYMORE

Important Note: the Arduino-Makefile is now part of the project as a submodule. So the good news is you don't need to clone it before use. The other good news is that the Makefile_example now reflects thoses changes and is already configured to look for the right files at the right place.

4. Install the perl dependencies needed to use the Makefile

You need Device::SerialPort to upload the .hex file on the board. Simply type:

$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install +Device::SerialPort'

5. Using the Makefile to compile your code

Everywhere your .ino files are, you want to put a Makefile to compile the code. That said, your .ino files should be in /path/to/moti/src/YOUR_DIRECTORY.

In you command line, do the following: (new-project should be the name of you behavior, like stabilization, happy, etc.)

$ cd /path/to/moti/src && mkdir new-project && cd $_ && touch new-project.ino && cp ../../arduino-mk/examples/MakefileExample/ Makefile

Don't forget to configure it to suit your needs, because it won't work right outside the box. On OS X, you need to change: BOARD_TAG, PROJECT_DIR and MONITOR_PORT.

Then, simply run make from /path/to/moti/src/YOUR_DIRECTORY and it should compile. To upload, use make upload. For further information, visit sudar's Arduino-Makefile repo.

Hacker's guide - Linux Edition

For you Linux users, the recipe is pretty much the same as for OS X, except that you can't use Homebrew so you need to use apt-get, yum or synaptic all the following:

  • avr-gcc 4.8.2 or higher and all the dependencies
  • binutils 2.23.1
  • avr-libc 1.8.0
  • gmp
  • libmpc
  • mpfr
  • avrdude

Then, you need to:

sudo apt-get install libdevice-serialport-perl

And finally follow from here

Inside the Makefile_example, you will find all you need to customize it.

Beginner's guide - Installing from scratch on OS X/Unix


When asked to enter Terminal/Shell command in the command line, do not type the $. It here to show we are using a command line prompt.

Downloading and installing Sublime Text 2

Go visit the Sublime Text 2 website, download the package and install it as you would do with any other application.

Downloading and installing the Arduino IDE

Go visit the Arduino website, download the package and install it as you would do with any other application.

Downloading and installing a Git GUI

For comfort, we like like to use a Git GUI. For beginners, we recommend the Github Git GUI. Go visit the Github for Mac website, download the package and install it as you would do with any other application.

For those on Linux or Windows, there are apps for you as well but we assume that if you are using Linux, you don't need one of them.

Installing Homebrew (For Linux, we'll have to use Linuxbrew)

As we said earlier, Homebrew is a package manager. It's not a standard application with a graphical user interface (GUI). You have to open the to use Homebrew and type some command lines. If you're afraid, fear not my friend! We will guide you all along the way and you will eventually feel all the power of your computer! If command line is really not your cup of tea, maybe you should just give up because we are going to use plenty of those later on! Come back when you're ready.

For those who want to fight, go visit the Homebrew website and follow all the instructions. And because we are so generous, we also put them here: open, copy/paste the following line and let the magic begin (don't copy the $ sign, it is used to say we are using the command line...):

$ sudo apt-get install ruby 
$ ruby -e "$(wget -O-"

For troubleshooting, Google is your best friend. You can also try typing brew doctor in your to see what is wrong. Please don't fill issues on Github regarding the installation of Homebrew, we won't read them.

Installing Git with Homebrew

Now we are going to install/update Git with Homebrew.

Open the and then type:

$ brew install git

And that's it! It will download the source and compile it. Everything should be OK. Now you have the last Git version on your system which is pretty awesome you must say!

Check Git version and amend $PATH if necessary

Now we're going to do a quick test to check that everything is up and running. In your terminal, type:

$ git --version

And it should output something like that:

$ git --version
$ git version

If you have the 1.8.X version, it means that your are using the most recent version. If not, say you have 1.7.X, it "means" you are using the system version of Git because of a "path issue". But don't worry, we're going to fix this.

In your Terminal type:

$ open /etc

The finder should open a new window to /private/etc, look for a file called paths. Right click on the file, choose Open With and choose Sublime Text 2 (if ST2 is not in the list, click Other... and look for it).

Sublime Text should open and display the content of paths. It should look like this but it may vary:


Make sure that /usr/local/bin is before /usr/bin. In doubt you can copy and paste mine to replace yours and it will work fine.

Type cmd+s to save the file, you should be prompted to enter your password, so enter it, and voilà! You have just amended your $PATH, congratulations!

Quit (cmd+q) the, reopen the and type:

$ git --version

To check your version. If it's not working, do the $PATH part again.

Getting ready for the next part

IMPORTANT: From here, things get a little more complex. If you follow up and take your time, everything should work fine. Please, before starting, read the whole procedure so you'll know where we are going.

Remember that you installed the Arduino IDE, maybe you even started coding with it. We hope you didn't like it because, guess what! We're not going to use it! Yes, you've heard me, we think the Arduino IDE is not as good as it should be (for now, it may become awesome one day, but we're waiting...) so we want to compile and upload everything on our own. Don't leave! It's not as complicated as it looks, plus some great minds have done most of the work for us! Ready? Let's get going! :)

Installing avr-gcc and co

In this part, we are going to install avr-gcc, binutils, avr-libc and avrdude. To be brief, the three firt are used to compile your code for you Arduino microcontroller and the last one is used to upload the code on the Arduino.

To do this, we are going to use Homebrew, one more time! Type each of the following lines one by one:

$ brew tap WeAreLeka/avr
$ brew install avr-libc

This should install all you need. It may take some time to compile (up to one hour), so grab a coffee and a book and be patient. It is also normal, if you are using a laptop, to hear the fan. Compiling needs a lot of power.

Once it's done, you can check everything is fine by typing:

$ avr-gcc -v
$ avrdude -v

You should get something like that:

$ avr-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
... //	lots of stuff...
	Thread model: single
gcc version 4.8.1 (GCC)


$ avrdude -v
avrdude: Version 5.11.1, compiled on Jun 20 2013 at 11:55:07
...	// lots of stuff

If avrdude was not installed, you can do so by typing:

$ brew install avrdude

And that's it! If something went wrong, fill an issue on Github using this page.

Cloning the moti repository from Github

If you just want to download the repo and use the code, get updates but don't contribute, you can clone the repo from Github. To do so, there are two ways :

  • first, you can use your favorite Git GUI and follow their instructions.
  • second, you can use the command line to feel like a boss.

For the second way, first, create a directory where you will clone all of our repos. We highly recommend to use something like that: ~/dev/leka but anything should do, just write this path somewhere, we are going to use it. Then, open the Terminal and type:

$ cd path/to/wherever/you/want/to/clone/the/repo # e.g. cd ~/dev/leka
$ git clone
$ cd moti
$ git checkout dev

You can also git checkout master but this branch may be a lot behind dev. However, changes in this branch are frequent and things might work one day but not the next day. If you can't fix, fill an issue.

So now, you have all the files needed for programming your own moti.

Cloning the Arduino-makefile - NOT REQUIRED ANYMORE, just for information

Important Note: the Arduino-Makefile is now part of the project as a submodule. So the good news is you don't need to clone it before use. The other good news is that the Makefile_example now reflects thoses changes and is already configured to look for the right files at the right place.

As we said, we won't use the Arduino IDE, instead we are going to compile everything on our own. This is where things get interesting. To compile, you need a compiler. We do have one, remember, we installed avr-gcc earlier today. avr-gcc is derived from gcc a world famous compiler for C/C++ (our code will be written mostly in C/C++) and we will even use C++11, the latest version of C++ which simplify a lot of things (we won't get into the details, but you can read all the documentation you need here and here). We could use pure command line to tell the computer how to compile the code using avr-gcc but as your code gets bigger, it becomes nearly impossible.

That's why some people invented the Makefiles. Makefiles are like a recipe for the compiler which explains what to do with what and in which order. Writing a makefile on your own is like climbing Mont Everest: with no training, it's impossible and you'll die alone and exhausted.

But here comes the open source community! Some great guys have written a working makefile for Arduino doing exactly what we intend to. You can thank Sudar and Martin Oldfield and all the people who have contributed.

This makefile will be used as our reference, the one makefile to rule them all. We will also have smaller Makefiles later, we'll get to it.

We forked Sudar's repo to customize the makefile to our needs.

To clone the makefile, the process is quite the same: use your Git GUI or command line.

For the command line:

$ cd path/to/wherever/you/want/to/clone/the/repo # e.g. cd ~/dev/leka
$ git clone
$ cd Arduino-Makefile

By now, in your local project directory, you should have two directories: moti and Arduino-Makefile. If not, make sure you're looking at the right place...

Let's use some Perl to get things up and running

The makefile we use is great, but on its own, it's not sufficient to upload the sketch and configure everything (say like knowing what kind of board you are using and finding its specs for the compiler). To do that, the same Sudar as before has written some perl scripts for us.

But we need to install some perl modules to get them working. Once again, it's quite easy! Open the Terminal and type line by line (you will be asked for you password because of sudo) :

$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install +YAML'
$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install +Device::SerialPort'

It may take some time and you may be asked questions, always answer y for "yes".

Let's take a break, you earned it!

By now, things are pretty close to being up and running. We've done a lot of crazy things. It might look a little mysterious now, but as you get used to it, you'll finally understand why we did all that. Feel free to take looks into the different files, repos, folders and stuff we've done, ask Google about everything. You'll need to be a little aware of everything if you really want to enjoy our work.

Let's take a look the moti directory tree

The moti directory tree looks like that:

| |____FreeSixIMU
| |____Moti
| |____RGBLED
| |____etc...
| |____Behaviors
| |____blink
| |____driveSystem
| | |____Makefile
| | |____driveSystem.ino
| |____etc...

Some explanations:

  • lib - all the libraries we use
  • sketch - the Fritzing sketches for moti, not up-to-date
  • src - the different behaviors we are working on
  • test - unit tests

The Makefile is used to set some parameters for the compiler:

  • BOARD_TAG - the board you want to compile your code for (we will use uno or mega2560)
  • MONITOR_BAUDRATE - the Serial speed to make monitor the robot
  • PROJECT_DIR - the actual directory of moti
  • ARDMK_DIR - the path to the Arduino-Makefile directory
  • ARDUINO_DIR - the path to the important Arduino components used by the compiler (you can use /Applications/
  • AVR_TOOLS_DIR - path to avr-gcc and co, use /usr/local
  • MONITOR_PORT - usb port where your arduino is connected. Connect your board to the computer, open the Arduino IDE, go to Tools -> Serial Port and look for the port starting with /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXX and replace XXX by your value.
  • CURRRENT_DIR - the current directory of the makefile, do not touch
  • include /path/to/Arduino-Makefile/arduino-mk/ - use yours as above, it will include the master Makefile

Use the makefile to make sure everything is up and running!

Now big time! We are actually going to compile our code, get ready!

Open Terminal and type:

$ cd path/to/moti/src/moti_3
$ make

The code should compile!

Upload the code

Now type:

$ make upload

And your code should upload! :)