- cmds: revise yargs command (#422)
- use npm ci for tests (#367) (#368)
- add envinfo as
webpack-cli info
command (51ab19f) - --entry should override config.entry (#155) (#358)
- coverage: added reporters inside package.json (c7d80fb)
- upgrade: webpack 4.2 and other dependencies (#362)
- version: v.2.0.13 (2222f1d)
- refactor: improve folder structure (#371)
- loader,plugin: fix generators path bug (b4bfafb)
- pkg: explicitly include files for release (#349)
- init: add webpack-cli dep (#347)
- support --build-delimiter for opt-in output delimiter (#192) (#340)
- removes debug in migrate (#342)
- snapshot: update snapshot (bd8ccda)
- cz: fix type description (#339)
- init: fix global-modules require statement in package-manager (610aa02)
- init-generator: cleanup (b8c3145)
- bundlesize: change threshold (2aedfda)
- deps: upgrade deps (#319)
- docs: update docs (3307e3b)
- es6: changed 'var' into 'const' where convenient (#325)
- test: updated tests file names (#324)
- update README to remove inconsistent CLI messaging (#327) (#328)
- deps: clean up dependencies (7078282)
- generator: Allow local paths to generators (#265)
- grammar: revise spelling and incorrect syntax (#293)
- readme: add npm badge (#303)
- init: fix init command (d36cd4f)
- .gitignore: ignore .vscode (a322505)
- .gitignore: ignore .vscode (ab0eacc)
- add: temp remove add from cli (f663215)
- changelog: v.2.0.7 changelog (a165269)
- clean: remove unused dependency (4a395d7)
- deps: bump uglify dep and cli version (81a9f1e)
- packager: remove yarn (#302)
- pkg.json: remove commitmsg cmd (4dff074)
- refactor: update supports-color usage (4566fde)
- refactor: update supports-color usage (97b2df3)
- revert: revert yargs to 9.0.1 (7ef13ef)
- upgrade: update all dependencies, devDependencies (4bf64bf)
- version: v.2.0.9 (4cf5e17)
- generator: use yeoman clone (0b4269c)
- yeoman-generator fork issue (#294)
- Resolve webpack dependencies (#251)
- change help logic (d67f4b7)
- add an option to watch messaging. Add .idea to .gitignore (#200)
- convert-args: remove unused arguments (#253)
- run formatter (7be0da7)
- add test for showing help on no options (cf43939)
- mode: add mode tests (#285)
- update: migrate snapshot (3c4e6f7)
- update: migrate snapshot (c322067)
- refactor: reduce code duplication use process.exitCode instead of process.exit (#272)
- [feature] configuration validation (#240)
- Commitlint (#300)
- Change from git:// to https:// (#259)
- Add jsdoc comments for migrate (#255)
- strict Promise configuration validation (#298)
- Refactor bin directory (#263)
- Issue 249 fixed and other enums refactored (#264)
- remove yargs major update due security compromise (9bd7ed4)
- Revert "Show help on no command" (#276)
- 2.0.5 (94ac6db)
- v.2.0.6 (4333088)
- fix typo.. (0f1cee6)
- binTestCases: remove obsolete snapshot (42301d7)
- dep: add webpack 4 as peer dependency (#297)
- migrate: prettify output (#281)
- revert: revert supports-color usage (f8e819a)
- revert: revert supports-color usage (75f706b)
- syntax: prettify (5cb146f)
- yargs: add description for module-bind-* args (#286)
- init: fix init command (d36cd4f)
- .gitignore: ignore .vscode (ab0eacc)
- .gitignore: ignore .vscode (a322505)
- add: temp remove add from cli (f663215)
- changelog: v.2.0.7 changelog (a165269)
- deps: bump uglify dep and cli version (81a9f1e)
- pkg.json: remove commitmsg cmd (4dff074)
- Resolve webpack dependencies (#251)
- change help logic (d67f4b7)
- generator: use yeoman clone (0b4269c)
- add an option to watch messaging. Add .idea to .gitignore (#200)
- convert-args: remove unused arguments (#253)
- run formatter (7be0da7)
- add test for showing help on no options (cf43939)
- remove yargs major update due security compromise (9bd7ed4)
- Revert "Show help on no command" (#276)
- v.2.0.6 (4333088)
- fix typo.. (0f1cee6)
- 2.0.5 (94ac6db)
- Change from git:// to https:// (#259)
- Issue 249 fixed and other enums refactored (#264)
- Refactor bin directory (#263)
- Add jsdoc comments for migrate (#255)
- [feature] configuration validation (#240)
- refactor: reduce code duplication use process.exitCode instead of process.exit (#272)
- .gitignore: ignore .vscode (ab0eacc)
- .gitignore: ignore .vscode (a322505)
- add: temp remove add from cli (f663215)
- deps: bump uglify dep and cli version (81a9f1e)
- add an option to watch messaging. Add .idea to .gitignore (#200)
- convert-args: remove unused arguments (#253)
- run formatter (7be0da7)
- add test for showing help on no options (cf43939)
- remove yargs major update due security compromise (9bd7ed4)
- Revert "Show help on no command" (#276)
- v.2.0.6 (4333088)
- fix typo.. (0f1cee6)
- 2.0.5 (94ac6db)
- Change from git:// to https:// (#259)
- Issue 249 fixed and other enums refactored (#264)
- Refactor bin directory (#263)
- Add jsdoc comments for migrate (#255)
- [feature] configuration validation (#240)
- refactor: reduce code duplication use process.exitCode instead of process.exit (#272)
- .gitignore: ignore .vscode (ab0eacc)
- .gitignore: ignore .vscode (a322505)
- add new items to chore: adds chore command (db243b6)
- linting: lint added files (6dc12af)
- remove cmd: removes f command (7adfdcf)
- show help when no options given (a7ee15a)
- add an option to watch messaging. Add .idea to .gitignore (#200)
- convert-args: remove unused arguments (#253)
- run formatter (7be0da7)
- add test for showing help on no options (cf43939)
- remove yargs major update due security compromise (9bd7ed4)
- [feature] configuration validation (#240)
- v.2.0.6 (4333088)
- fix typo.. (0f1cee6)
- 2.0.5 (94ac6db)
- Change from git:// to https:// (#259)
- Issue 249 fixed and other enums refactored (#264)
- Refactor bin directory (#263)
- Add jsdoc comments for migrate (#255)
- add commitlinting: adds commit linting to the cli (7e4dd3d)
- add eslint ignore items: adds build folder and commit linter to ignore (a400809)
- Adds add
- Remove some mocks
- Remove validationschema and ajv dependencies
- Update Jest & Jest-cli
- Remove unused dependencies
- Creator is now init
- Using env preset (#197)
- Using Yarn (#203)
- Using peer dep of webpack
- Transformations is now migrate
- Init has its own generator
- Commands are refactored into a HOC and sent to a folder for each command with an helper for scaffolding aliases
- Using RawList instead of List for better usability (82c64db)
- lib/transformations/util is now in lib/utils/ast-utils
- Each AST module now has an extra argument that specifies action to be done
- FindPluginsByRoot is now FindRootByName and more generalistic
- Added ast util function createEmptyCallableFunctionWithArguments
- Refactor for readability (#214)
- Remove dist from repo (#215)
- Remove entry and output validation (#217)
- topScope now checks if the import already is present
- Updated test errors/issue-5576, remember to sync with webpack/next
- User friendly startup message (#218)
- Migrate now uses prettier (88aaaa2
- Added transform for mode (972d4cd
- Remove recast fork (fba04da)
- New transforms (b416d9c)
- JSdocs are added (47de46a)
- Added serve alias (#204)
- Migrate has new validate logic (c4c68e8)
- webpack serve logic (5d4430a)
- webpack --config-register and webpack -r is added (1f24d19)
- work on makefile generation (d86e1ce)
- Appveyor is added (9b2f6f5)
- Remove commit-validate from docs (#222)
- Added transform ResolveLoader (7c713ce)
- Using v8-compile-cache (7e57314)
- Adds webpack-cli bot (#224)
- add css-loader appropriately (#141) (a71600e)
- Deps 'webpack' and 'uglifyjs-webpack-plugin' not installed when user answers yes to 'using ES2015' (#135). (#136) (524f035)
- Install correct (
) babel preset to match generated config (#138) (b0af53f) - use correct test function (#129) (3464d9e)
- add safe traverse to loaderoptionsplugin (#77) (4020043)
- Do not create LoaderOptionsPlugin if loaderOptions is empty (#72) (b9d22c9) (68a2dfd)
- Upgrade to Jest 19 (#71) (fe62523)
- Use
where appropriate (#94) (dcde2b6) (3464d9e) - Use real paths from argvs instead of dummy hard-coded file (#65) (a46edbb)
- Add beautifier config for JS code (64c88ea)
- Add commit validation and commits template (d0cbfc0)
- Add editorconfig settings from core webpack (89809de)
- Add yarn settings to handle dependencies (34579c7)
- Adds a resolved path for output (#80) (37a594d)
- Introduce reserve and timestamps (#24) (ed267b4)
- Webpack-CLI version 1(#105)
- Feature: Use listr to display progress and errors for transformations(#92)
- Feature: Jscodeshift Transformations for --migrate (#40)