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File metadata and controls

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API Documentation

The api is a REST API that currently has support for the following HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE)

Client side API Docs

The can be found in the file client/src/services/api.ts. The API is a simple REST API that uses the following HTTP verbs:

All GET by ids will return an object with all of the nested entities populated. For example, a GET on /rocket/:id will return a rocket object with the missions and components objects populated. This is done to reduce the number of calls to the server.

:TODO: (query parameters): If you do not want the nested objects populated, you can use the ?populate=false query string parameter. For example, /api/mission/1?populate=false will return a mission object with the rocket and component objects not populated.

Type Security

The API uses TypeScript to ensure type safety. The API uses the following interfaces:

interface IError {
    error: boolean;
    status?: number;
    statusText?: string;
    message?: string;

interface IResponse {
        IRocket | 
        IRocket[] | 
        IRocketPopulated |
        IRocketPopulated[] |
        IMission | 
        IMission[] | 
        IMissionPopulated |
        IMissionPopulated[] |
        IComponent | 
        IComponent[] | 
        IComponentPopulated |
        IComponentPopulated[] | 
        IDataConfig | 
    error: IError;

interface IAxiosResponse {
    data: any;
    status: number;
    statusText: string;
    headers: any;
    config: any;
    request: any;

Each endpoint returns an IResponse object. The data property will contain the data returned from the server. The error property will contain an IError object if there was an error.

Error Handling and Logging

Each axios call is wrapped in a try catch block. That status is checked in the handleError function which returns a IError object. IError contains the following properties:

interface IError {
    error: boolean;
    status?: number;
    statusText?: string;
    message?: string;

handleError checks the status code and returns the appropriate error message dependent on the entity. For example, if a GET request is made to /mission/sad:( and the mission does not exist, the server will return a 404 status code. The handleError function will return the following object:

    error: true,
    status: 404,
    statusText: 'Not Found',
    message: 'Error getting Mission with id: \'sad:(\'. Full error: Request failed with status code 404'


Each of the following endpoints have the four basic CRUD operations. The following endpoints are available:

  • GET - get all entities or get an entity by id
  • POST - create a new entity
  • PATCH - update an entity (will replace content with new content)
  • DELETE - delete an entity by id

following endpoints are available:

  • /mission
  • /rocket
  • /component
  • /dataConfig